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Dear Friends,


Many of you know me as the house poet/health freedom activist. Well I'm

calling on your help to actually make a difference in the US regarding our own



It only takes a minute or so to print a letter and mail it.


In the name of beaming radiance and vitality I encourage all of you

to matter!







The Next FDA Commissioner Could Determine How Long You Live!



May 17, 2001


The greatest obstacle to your health and longevity is the FDA.


Bureaucratic barriers at the FDA stifle the development of novel

medicines, causing the suffering and death of Americans who desperately

need these therapies to stay alive.


While Congress and the Federal Courts have helped curtail FDA

over-regulation, today's flawed system continues to deny Americans access

to the best that science has to offer.


We now have a unique opportunity to change the course of medical history.

President Bush is considering whom to nominate as the next FDA



There is one candidate for the Commissioner’s job who has a plan to reform

the FDA in order to speed the delivery of the fruits of medical research

to every one of us.


The name of this candidate is Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. The information that

follows shows that Dr. Ruwart is uniquely qualified to reform an agency

that has lost touch with scientific objectivity.


It is imperative that you notify President Bush that Dr. Ruwart is the

best person to remedy the severe problems that exist at the FDA. Please

copy and mail the letter that follows to the President at the address we

have provided.


If you want to do more, and we hope that you will, we encourage you to

write a personalized letter to mail or fax to The White House.


We have also provided a phone number for those who want to call The White

House to emphasize the importance of appointing Dr. Ruwart as the next FDA



Even if you have not participated in these types of FDA-reform campaigns

in the past, we urge you to do so on this critical issue.


Our fear is that lifesaving therapies will continue to remain bogged down

in FDA red tape if a change within the agency is not made. It has become

so burdensome to gain FDA approval that innovative therapies in the U.S.

are being abandoned because of extraordinarily high costs and uncertain

bureaucratic delays.


If Dr. Ruwart were to become the new Commissioner, this barrier against

medical innovation would be diminished. More Americans would gain rapid

access to novel medical treatments that could significantly extend the

healthy human life span.


What makes the FDA problem unique is the possibility that each of us will

die from a disease that could have been effectively treated if the FDA

didn’t stand in the way.


Inefficient government thrives on citizen apathy, so please take the time

to mail the enclosed letter to President Bush. The life you save may be

your own!


For longer life,

William Faloon


P.S. Those who understand the urgent need for FDA reform and want to do

more should send The White House a personalized letter and/or make a phone

call. The information that follows reveals how you can get your message

through to The White House.



Dr. Mary J. Ruwart’s Letter to President Bush:



Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D.

408 County Road 138-C

Burnet, TX 78611

May 8, 2001





President G.W. Bush

Presidential Personnel Office

The White House

Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Bush,


I am enclosing my Presidential Personnel Application Form and resume in

order that you might consider my appointment as FDA Commissioner. Because

you have already invited a number of market-minded individuals to your

team, I hope that you will look favorably on my pro-market orientation.


My nomination for FDA Commissioner is likely to enjoy widespread support,

especially from the groups listed below.


1. Pharmaceutical industry. For almost twenty years, I was a research

scientist at a major pharmaceutical company and understand the impact of

regulatory delays. Former FDA Commissioner, Alexander Schmidt, once

remarked, “The failure to approve an important new drug can be as

detrimental to the public health as the approval of a potentially bad

drug.” As your appointee, I would pursue a more cooperative approach with

pharmaceutical firms in order to speed the delivery of new, life-saving

medications to the American public.


2. Physicians. Doctors often prescribe approved medications for

off-label uses in order to give their patients the best health care

options. However, the FDA discourages drug companies from sharing

information that would educate physicians about these choices for their

patients. As your appointee, I would make this valuable knowledge on

off-label use available to our dedicated health care practitioners.


3. Alternative practitioners. Health care professionals who utilize

non-traditional methods of treatment are often subjected to prejudicial

treatment by the FDA, even in the absence of patient complaints. As your

appointee, I would intervene only when patients were at risk, thereby

broadening our health care choices.


4. American public. Whenever Congress considered giving the FDA more

control over nutritional supplements, voters inundated their

representatives with protests. The American public clearly wants the

freedom to choose what vitamins and minerals to take. As your appointee,

I would honor the choice of my fellow Americans.


5. Dedicated FDA employees. FDA examiners are in a no-win situation. If

they delay approving a drug with life-saving potential, many Americans,

especially those with terminal diseases, die needlessly. If the FDA

approves a drug and unpredictable side effects occur, the FDA is blamed.

As your appointee, I will alleviate this situation, by allowing terminally

ill patients to “opt-out” of the approval process. They will then have

access to potentially life-saving medications which are not yet through

FDA review.


In 1999, a Federal Appellate Court ruled 11-0 that the FDA must abide by

the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and permit truthful health

claims for antioxidants, fiber, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids

(Pearson vs. Shalala). The FDA ignored this decision and in February of

this year was censured by the court for its failure to comply. As your

appointee, I would make sure that the FDA abides by our Constitution, the

law of the land.


As your appointee, my goal will be to facilitate the conversion of the FDA

from a bureaucratic regulatory regime into a market-oriented support

system that maximizes our access to life-savings medications. Of course,

only a team effort will achieve this dramatic shift. Win-win strategies,

such as the ones described above, can help create alignment among groups

who may sometimes be at odds with each other. I believe that I have the

experience and the skills to create such an environment.


I hope that you will seriously consider moving the FDA in a direction that

will stimulate innovative drug development. After all, before we are

politicians or special interest groups, we are human beings. Whether we

enjoy a long life or a short one will largely depend on the availability

of life-saving medications. I would be honored, as your appointee, to

help the American people–and yourself–achieve the longest, most productive

life possible.




Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D.




Letter to send to the President:






President George W. Bush

The White House

Washington DC 20500


Dear President Bush:


I request that you appoint Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D., as the next Commissioner

of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The reason for the urgency of

this appointment is that serious institutional problems exist within the

FDA that cause Americans to suffer and die needlessly. Dr. Ruwart has

identified what's wrong with the FDA and has proposed practical solutions.

I am concerned that anyone else you appoint will continue a "business as

usual" approach that will not result in the kind of reform that is needed

to prevent disease, injury and death by over-regulation. In her

application to you, Dr. Ruwart stated, "My goal will be to facilitate the

conversion of the FDA from a bureaucratic regulatory regime into a

market-oriented support system that maximizes our access to life-saving

medications." The public is becoming increasingly aware that the FDA is

largely responsible for the high cost of prescription drugs in the U.S.

When Americans are diagnosed with serious diseases, many are now seeking

therapies that have not yet been approved by the FDA. I find it

deplorable that the agency that is supposed to "protect the health of the

American public" has become a major impediment to their access of new

life-saving therapies.


The most important issue to me is my health and the cost of prescription

drugs. I therefore urge you to make a historic and humane decision by

appointing Dr. Ruwart as the next Commissioner of the Food and Drug



Please let me know your position on this issue.


















It’s Easier Than You Think!


We live in a democratic society, yet few Americans take the time to let

their elected officials know what is really important.


In the case of the FDA, severe problems have been repeatedly identified,

but a politically palatable solution has never been conveyed to the

President of the United States. Since the President will be appointing a

new FDA commissioner soon, it’s time to speak out. If we fail to point

out an obvious way of reforming the FDA, it’s hard to complain later about

the agency’s continuing inadequacies.


For the first time in history, a qualified individual has emerged with a

specific plan to turn the FDA into an organization that will facilitate,

rather than impede, the development of new therapies to eradicate disease.


It is now up to those of us who understand the FDA problem to convey the

solution to the President. Our message to President Bush is simple. Dr.

Mary J. Ruwart is the best qualified individual to lead the FDA out of the

medical dark ages.


History has shown us that FDA Commissioners are primarily concerned with

maintaining the status quo, rather than resolving serious problems within

the agency. This lack of vision is why Americans continue to suffer and

die in the FDA’s “waiting room”.


Dr. Ruwart has proposed meaningful reforms within the FDA. For those

depending on scientific breakthroughs to stay alive, it is critical for

the next Commissioner to have the vision to tear down the FDA’s barriers

against medical innovation. Dr. Ruwart has emerged as the most viable

candidate to implement these life-saving changes.


The White House is set up to receive suggestions and comments from the

public. The following are several ways to let your voice be heard:


Mail your letters to:


President George W. Bush

The White House

Washington, DC 20500


Fax your letters to The White House Comments Line Fax: 1-202-456-2461


To discuss these issues with The White House staff, call 1-202-456-1111


To read more about Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. check out her Website at



To keep up with the breaking news, check out the Life Extension website

daily at www.LifeExtension.com


“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,

it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”

Thomas Jefferson

Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776






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