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the best way of dealing with desires

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Question 4: What is the best way of dealing withdesires, with a view

to getting rid of them -satisfying them or suppressing them?

Bhagavan: If a desire can be got rid of by satisfyingit, there will

be no harm in satisfying such a desire.But desires generally are not

eradicated bysatisfaction. Trying to root them out that way is

likepouring spirits to quench fire. At the same time, theproper

remedy is not forcible suppression, since suchrepression is bound to

react sooner or later intoforceful surging up with undesirable

consequences. Theproper way to get rid of a desire is to find out

"Whogets the desire? What is its source?'' When this isfound, the

desire is rooted out and it will neveragain emerge or grow. Small

desires such as the desireto eat, drink and sleep and attend to calls

of nature,though these may also be classed among desires, youcan

safely satisfy. They will not implant vasanas inyour mind,

necessitating further birth. Thoseactivities are just necessary to

carry on life and arenot likely to develop or leave behind vasanas

ortendencies. As a general rule, therefore, there is noharm in

satisfying a desire where the satisfactionwill not lead to further

desires by creating vasanasin the mind.

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it is more than curious that so many 'teachers'....almost always old

men with grey beards....buy into the unhappy philosophy that denial

is good.....i.e., that the material world and all its joys are

evil.....pain is here....sure....suffering is a projduct of false

mental conceptualizations.....denial of sexual desire is a not a form

of liberation but just one more false mask that must be removed.....if

we all start buying into this nonsense we condemn ourselves, as did

the shakers, to extinction....Teilhard de Chardin had it right....he

had no use for a God who was not involved in the material universe at

the ground level.....that is the gift of Christianity.....Jesus the

Christ.....is the god-man....stradleling the realms of pure

nothingness and pure somethingness.....non-duality embraces

both....embrace the beloved......the Divine is Everywhere....there is

not spirit without the flesh....there is no flesh without spirit....if

you seek to escape pain.....physical death is an option.....if you

seek to escape suffering.....embrace the world as a child.....whoever

heard of an adolescent who did not rejoice in his or her

sexuality......i embrace the beloved....my face is stained by her

juice....i will dance with joy until it time for this self to stop

dancing.....when i grow old i will sit in the sun and laugh as i

watch in joy my children and grand-children dance the dance that i

have danced before them....neither attached nor non-attached.....all

things appropriate to the time and space in which they are

appropriate.....freedom is recognition of what is and is not proper

in a given context.......old men should not try to make young lovers

be like themselves......but nevertheless they atttempt to do it all

the time.....it is called patriarchy.....sometime paternalism......i

embrace the feminine aspect of my masculine soul......may a new age

of matriarchy return and deliver us from too much



i embrace my beloved mirror,



white wolfe


further up and further in,


white wolfe


Question 4: What is the best way of dealing withdesires, with a view

to getting rid of them -satisfying them or suppressing them?

Bhagavan: If a desire can be got rid of by satisfyingit, there will

be no harm in satisfying such a desire.But desires generally are not

eradicated bysatisfaction. Trying to root them out that way is

likepouring spirits to quench fire. At the same time, theproper

remedy is not forcible suppression, since suchrepression is bound to

react sooner or later intoforceful surging up with undesirable

consequences. Theproper way to get rid of a desire is to find out

"Whogets the desire? What is its source?'' When this isfound, the

desire is rooted out and it will neveragain emerge or grow. Small

desires such as the desireto eat, drink and sleep and attend to calls

of nature,though these may also be classed among desires, youcan

safely satisfy. They will not implant vasanas inyour mind,

necessitating further birth. Thoseactivities are just necessary to

carry on life and arenot likely to develop or leave behind vasanas

ortendencies. As a general rule, therefore, there is noharm in

satisfying a desire where the satisfactionwill not lead to further

desires by creating vasanasin the mind.

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Hi Vicki,

>A time might come in one's life when the desire for Truth

>and for knowing one's true nature is stronger than any other desire.


When it wells up from the roots of your being, when it becomes your single

purpose, it is more than any desire, and it is unstoppable.


I love one of Kierkegaard's book titles: _Purity of Heart Is to Will One

Thing_. When you WILL one thing, then nothing can stand in your way.




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, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:

> Hi Vicki,


> >A time might come in one's life when the desire for Truth

> >and for knowing one's true nature is stronger than any other



> When it wells up from the roots of your being, when it becomes your


> purpose, it is more than any desire, and it is unstoppable.


> I love one of Kierkegaard's book titles: _Purity of Heart Is to Will


> Thing_. When you WILL one thing, then nothing can stand in your



> Blessings,

> Dharma


Namaste Dharma,


It is better not to will at all. For who wills but the ego, it is a

strong ego function. It may achieve but then so do leaders. It is

better to find out who wills. Unless by will one means concentration

prior to meditation or spirituality and not just a mundane desire.ONS


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Dear Tony..

If you would re-read Dharma's words here, that purity of willing one

thing was already specifically stated to refer to "the desire for

Truth and for knowing one's true nature" as one's single purpose in

life. So wouldn't doing so be a dedicated inquiry into one's true

nature... quite a bit more than just meditation. Her whole post isn't

about just "any mundane desire".

Having actually read that book of Kierkegard's, he isn't talking about

ego desires either, more like the verse where Jesus says, "Blessed are

the pure in heart, for they shall see God". This is about

understanding context, it's not like the very words will and desire

can only refer to ego. What is bhakti but the desire for God?

Love, Gloria

- Tony O'Clery

Sunday, May 20, 2001 12:59 PM

Re: the best way of dealing with desires

, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:> Hi Vicki,> > >A

time might come in one's life when the desire for Truth> >and for

knowing one's true nature is stronger than any other desire.> > When

it wells up from the roots of your being, when it becomes your

single> purpose, it is more than any desire, and it is unstoppable.>

> I love one of Kierkegaard's book titles: _Purity of Heart Is to

Will One> Thing_. When you WILL one thing, then nothing can stand in

your way.> > Blessings,> DharmaNamaste Dharma,It is better not to will

at all. For who wills but the ego, it is a strong ego function. It may

achieve but then so do leaders. It is better to find out who wills.

Unless by will one means concentration prior to meditation or

spirituality and not just a mundane desire.ONS


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

to the

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It is better not to will at all. For who wills but the ego, it is a

strong ego function. It may achieve but then so do leaders. It is

better to find out who wills. Unless by will one means concentration

prior to meditation or spirituality and not just a mundane desire.ONS Tony.



You seem so convinced of yourself Tony. So convinced that there is an ego

that wills, separate from who you are. Truly there is no separation

anywhere. No separate self, no separate fake ego to do things and will

things in order to lure the real self into some kind of dreamy unreality.

There is only reality, and it includes everything. It includes every tiny

little function of what you call ego. It includes all your body fluids. It

includes everything you say is illusion. It includes all your concepts and

ideas about what it is. You cannot separate yourself from reality to

evaluate and determine what is real and what is not. Reality only is. It is

not divided up into ego and some other stuff that more real than ego.



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, "Gloria Lee" <glee@i...> wrote:

> Dear Tony..


> If you would re-read Dharma's words here, that purity of willing one

thing was already specifically stated to refer to "the desire for

Truth and for knowing one's true nature" as one's single purpose in

life. So wouldn't doing so be a dedicated inquiry into one's true

nature... quite a bit more than just meditation. Her whole post isn't

about just "any mundane desire".


> Having actually read that book of Kierkegard's, he isn't talking

about ego desires either, more like the verse where Jesus says,

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". This is about

understanding context, it's not like the very words will and desire

can only refer to ego. What is bhakti but the desire for God?


> Love, Gloria


Namaste Gloria,


I was talking about 'will', for that was mentioned. However to quote a



'Among those sheaths he intelligent sheath vijnanamayakosa which is

endowed with the power of vidya is the agent; the mental sheath or

manomayakosa which is endowed with will-power is the instrument; and

the vital sheath or pranamayakosa which is endowed with activity is

the product. This division has been made according to their respective

functions, these three together constitute the subtle body. # 89.

Vedantasara of Sadananda Yogindra by Swami Nikhilananda. Advaita

Ashram, Calcutta.


My feeling is that surrender of the ego is much more effective than

using the will of the lower mind. This way the higher mind does the



Om Namah Sivaya...Tony.

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Hi Tony,


Wim has great patience. It seems that you really don't read, you just

react... you see a word you can focus on for a reply, and you take off.


Glo wrote to you, explaining more about my post... and then said:



>This is about

>understanding context, it's not like the very words will and desire

>can only refer to ego.




And you began your answer with:

>I was talking about 'will', for that was mentioned.


You really didn't take time to understand what she said. Just grabbed a

familiar word and started off.

>However to quote a



I don't know if this block of writing constitutes a general framework that

you use in your thinking... or if it was just something handy to use

because it linked the word "will" with the mental body or sheath.

>'Among those sheaths he intelligent sheath vijnanamayakosa which is

>endowed with the power of vidya is the agent; the mental sheath or

>manomayakosa which is endowed with will-power is the instrument; and

>the vital sheath or pranamayakosa which is endowed with activity is

>the product. This division has been made according to their respective

>functions, these three together constitute the subtle body. # 89.

>Vedantasara of Sadananda Yogindra by Swami Nikhilananda. Advaita

>Ashram, Calcutta.


>My feeling is that surrender of the ego is much more effective than

>using the will of the lower mind. This way the higher mind does the



I don't think you grasped what the swami was saying. Did you read this one

all through and try to understand?


I'm not sure there's any point to answering you, since you really don't try

to understand the answer. But since many others have read your post...


This paragraph is obviously taken out of context. He is referring to

something he has just been explaining, and he says that in regard to that,

whatever it was, the vijnanamayakosa is the agent, the manomayakosa is the

instrument, and the pranamayakosa is the product.


In the course of saying that, he does refer to the "will-power" of the

mental body. And that is a very different thing from the WILL, which is of

spirit. You know when people say you should have more will power to do

something? And then maybe you say okay, and then you're saying to

yourself, "I must, I must, I must..." Really working at it. Not the same

thing as WILL.


I'm sending as an attachment DK's diagram of the seven planes of our solar

system. This IS a model that I often use in my thinking and writing,

though it is not the only model we can use. The word "will" appears at

least twice on it, so look carefully. If anyone can't read the words in

the graphic, I can send them in text form.


Next I'll send one that is rather different (but doesn't constitute any

contradiction to the first one). It's Lama Govinda's model of the bodies.

Since the TIbetan system uses a model of five major chakras, in which the

lowest two are considered as one, and the Forehead Chakra (ajna) is

considered as part of Crown Chakra (sahasrara), this model shows five

bodies or sheaths.


I'll send his text with it. Sorry if it's a bit out of context, but it's

good stuff. :)




Attachment: (image/gif) Planes.GIF [not stored]

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