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Hi everyone,


Someone asked me:

> Do you mean that while your human body sleeps, you take care

> of those who need to still work out some things?

after I wrote:


At one point, when you have understood where rape comes from, what the

deepest initial dynamics are, you will have exonerated him...

That is a lot of work, but eventually easy.

He may have to pass on first though (him being 80 now).

It will be easier for you then. He, in his after-life, will meet

some neat beings that will help him to set himself straight (With so many

other bodhisattvas, I do that kind of work at night.) He will be on the

sidelines praying that you will solve and understand all that pain and

suffering for yourself and your children... Then he will be exonerated.)


You know that I was molested various times early in my life... Eventually

after an intense desire to understand the dynamics behind paedophilia...

(myself having been so dangerously close to being a paedophile myself, I had

some angels on my shoulders though) and being able to understand that even

the worst deviation originally starts of with love (that can go so badly

astray) I was able to clear myself ... and... all the instigators of my

initial pain and suffering...

That whole deviated tendency in me has absolutely disappeared, it is indeed



My own father was included in that exoneration, although not for molestation

reasons, his problem was even greater. Last year he asked me over to Holland

to help him die (he had to learn how to) and he died in great peace...

Everything was now good...

> Do you mean that while your human body sleeps, you take care

> of those who need to still work out some things


Yes, I do. Some times more than other times. I'm after all human...

> ... Wim... We only live once as a human??


Yes, that is enough... There is a period of after-life though that can be of

the same nature as what used to be called purgatory and hell, but not

totally in the judeo / catholic / christian sense. There IS NO eternal

damnation...there is only hope and everyone will get to nirvana. I'll use

that word although I should explain it better. Heaven is not the same as

nirvana. Nirvana is when one is totally pure divine energy... absolutely the

zero point... or to say it better the point of origin. Alpha (matter) et

Omega (Energy).

E instead of MC squared. Non materialized, pure divine energy.


Some people may experience purgatory or hellish episodes even during life on

earth. Those episodes are not of their own making.That is an absolute must

to discover, it is not so that humans get judged or punished by some

divine... (heaven forbid :-). Us humans do that, we do not have to project

that onto some personal extrapolated god, but then many of us still do.

> All past lives and future lives, are not mine?

> But other's experiences, that I can call upon?


Yes actually, that is the way it is.

> Do some come back?


No, it does not go that way...

> A man who trains submissives said to me,

> "Even the most deviated and twisted things

> become acceptable when done out of obedience"


That is in principle by itself twisted and manipulative, but it can work at

some stage up to a point and then something different is needed. You were

very sensitive of that point.

It is so that any twistedness originally starts off untwisted as pure

love...But then something goes awry... That is caused by what was done to

'deviant' persons when they were young... BUT... the last in a line of

deviants who is able to work it out can release all the ancestors who are

waiting on the sidelines...


That is what happened with me.

When I worked out my molestation material with the catholic pastor who

abused me, he got released... As I was telling Emmy and Emanuel of my

experiences with him and my new found ability to compassionately understand

the dynamics of his actions... he was there as an unbodied being, an

'after-lifer', (he died about 45 years ago) waiting and hoping that I would

understand in compassion, so he could exonerate himself... That actually

happened, as I was telling Emmy, that pastor was hovering in

anticipation above her shoulder and went poof :-) off into Nirvana...


I had done the same thing with a German overseer of the hospital in which I

was when I was about 3/4 of a year old and when he had to decide to discard

me as a child who would die... I did not, luckily... So later on when I

recalled all the details, as memories, remnants in nightmares and dreams and

through auto-hypnosis... he helped me, helping myself to help him release

himself as well...

It is so wonderful the way this works... compassion and understanding...

seeing everything and being fully from unconditional love.

> I know there have been

> moments when very twisted thoughts

> would cross my mind, but I have never

> acted upon anything...


You just like me, have an angel on your shoulder. I should say that

differently, angels are often our own ancestors who do not want you to do

what they themselves might have done to their children.


I, although I still live, do the same when I help prevent others from

getting into heinous situations.

> well heck, Wim, to be quite honest with you,

> if I had not been raped, I would not have gotten

> to the point I was at last year, and I never would

> have begun searching for myself... I do believe that the

> rape was my thorn, yet my catalyst..


A process like Kundalini, being our inborn SELF healing mechanism, always

occurs to people who have been very badly treated... When support and

understanding are available the process goes along positively... luckily

that is happening now more and more, so that people to whom these Kundalini

episodes happen are not drugged into oblivion or harnessed into 'catatonia'.

Mental illness is so much better dealt with now, overall...

Still a lot of work to be done...

Some medication (SSRIs and SSRNIs) is actually very helpful to help a person

with a gentler resolution when in addition good counselling is available.

> I just needed to acknowledge that I am angry with him...

> I will look into his past, and see what made him the man he is...

> For everyone that dominates and controls, most generally

> were usually dominated as a child.. It has been my

> observation anyways that this is so...


There you see, I knew you would figure this out.


Love, Wim

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