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Someone asked me about baptism.


One could say that throughout our life there is a sequence of seven

natural 'baptisms'. None of them to be ritualized, as all arise

naturally from life... when living the human-divine in the 'milieu



In our human 'turning of age' transitions (there may be a better English term for this),

the transitions:

from embryo to baby

from baby to child (as in the German 'Kind')

from child to teen

from teen to adolescent

from adolescent to adult

from adult to sage

form sage to prophet,



play a role.


The combined understanding of the five elements / five senses fall

under the Sanskrit term 'skandas' and are an early attempt at

nature-psychology-philosophy. These skandas are still the focus in

the centre part of the Tibetan Mandala with its five directions,

East, South, West, North, Upwards. (Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote a

tiny little pamphlet on that which was never widely distributed.)


Back to baptism...

The following is quite schematic.

None of these baptisms should have been ritualized, but they are still

very 'celebratable'.


Other than just baptism by water or fire, a more complete lists contains baptism by:

.. Earth, solid, touch, (root chakra), at birth through our mother.

.. Water, liquid, taste, (sacral chakra), through our father (too

bad we turned him into a priest). Our father would teach us about

procreation of life. (The traditional initiation rites.)

.. Fire, plasma, smell, (solar plexus) through the community of our

peers who would help us retain, regain and maintain

'freedom-of-will-and-clarity-of-mind, (body-will / body-mind). (Too

bad our peers do such a poor job nowadays.) (The traditional

sororities and fraternities.)

.. Air, vapour, sight, (heart chakra) (breath, ruach) through our

lover and companion in life. (The traditional marriage.)

.. Ether, space or akasha, sound, (throat chakra) through the

universe. (Learning, science, original meaning of 'university'.)

.. Light, mind, (brow chakra) through divine inspiration (The

traditional sages as priests and priestesses)

.. Pure energy, nirvanic, (crown chakra) through the realization of

unconditionality in principle. (The traditional Avatar, the one who

easily turns from energy to matter and vice versa).


Each of the above is an expansion from the already complete sphere of

love at conception, from smaller to larger spheres of completeness,

so to speak.


Each of us humans have the innate potential of all the above

stages..., age wise every human can transit through each of the above

functionalities. (They formed the basis of the Catholic sacraments.)


When this natural growth process in the human is traumatized or

disturbed the Human/Divine SELF restoration process kicks in.

(Traditionally called Kundalini.)


Love, Wim

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