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Dear Len / Kalipadma,I'm glad you correlated the stages of growth or

as you said 'rites ofpassage' with the 7 'baptisms' and I appreciate

your other insertions aswell. To correlate the traditional senses or

faculties of perception tothe traditional elements is a difficult

one.I see the traditional elements in accordance with phase states

ofmatter, from solid (earth) to less and less and eventually closer

to thepure energy part (the E in E=MC squared). Another word used in

thiscontext is 'aggregates' but the oriental meaning (skandhas) is

quitediverse, can even be quite mixed up depending on who you read or

whotranslated.Even the series of elements can be diverse; Although the

series thatincludes wood and metal is not referred to here I think it

is helpful tounderstand the elements as very utilitarian, as having

to do with a'smithy. Was the blacksmith in early history not as

technologicallyadvanced as a nuclear physicist now? Such a person's

deliberations werenot taken for granted I'm sure?elements

phase states1 earth solid2 water

liquid3 fire plasmic4 air

gaseous5 space/ether vacuousLet's see how we can order

the senses and link them up with theelements. I don't know how I came

to my senses in my original baptismemail :-) So let me try it again

and then compare... I'm in favour ofalways finding out for myself and

then see if books or my earlierwritings (ahum) corroborate it. Then,

after due consideration and somehonest soul searching, I still very

often give myself the benefit of thedoubt, I am that naughty.So let

me try again, the traditional senses in random order with numbersto

go from more solid (1) to more spacious (5) connotations

are:olfactory smell 3gustatory taste 2visual

sight 5tactile touch 1auditory hearing

4"Above" Baptism post Elements Phase

StatesChakras1 touch 1 touch 1 earth

1solid 1 root2 taste 2 taste

2 water 2liquid 2 sacral3

smell 3 smell 3 fire3 plasmic 3

solar plexus4 hearing 5 sight 4 air4

gaseous 4 heart5 sight 4 hearing 5

space/ether 5vacuous 5 throatWell the "Above" column is

correct, so I can correct my original Baptismpost. Thanks Len, for

having me go through this again.Why the word baptism? Well, one of my

good friends asked a questionabout baptism so I thought I will keep

the word and expand themeaning... It is our language isn't it?Baptism

is like dipping or dunking, a transition experience to do withgoing

from one element into another...e.g. earth to water, Jesus

talkedabout baptism with fire. So that is dunking from water into

fire (noticenot the other way around that would dowse the fire.)I

just expanded the idea into a series of baptism like transitions

andended up with something close to the humans stages of growth,

initiationrites, rites of passages or a series of sacraments.Love,

Wim-<kalipadma (AT) juno (DOT) com>To:

<>May 28, 2001 3:50 PMSubject:

Re: Baptism> On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:22:59 -0700

"Wim Borsboom"<aurasphere (AT) home (DOT) com>> writes:> >> > Back to

baptism...> > The following is quite schematic.> > None of these

baptisms should have been ritualized, but they are> > still very

'celebratable'.>>> Interesting. I note that your correspondences of

senses to elementsare> different from the versions I've been taught

in Kundalini theory.I've> added the correspondences *I'm* familiar

with, in brackets. Also the> <indriyas> or processes, and linked

your rites of passage.>>> >> > Other than just baptism by water or

fire, a more complete lists> > contains baptism by:>> > . Earth,

solid, touch, [more traditionally, Smell, and theprocess> of

elimination] (root chakra), at birth through our mother. [Embryoto>

baby]>> > . Water, liquid, taste, [and the process of

reproduction](sacral> chakra), through our father (too bad we turned

him into a priest). Our> father would teach us about procreation of

life. (The traditional> initiation rites.) [baby to child]>> > .

Fire, plasma, smell, [more traditionally, Sight, and theprocess> of

locomotion] (solar plexus) through the community of our peers who>

would help us retain, regain and maintain>

'freedom-of-will-and-clarity-of-mind, (body-will / body-mind). (The>

traditional sororities and fraternities.) [Child to teen]>> > .

Air, vapour, sight, [more traditionally, Touch, and theprocess> of

manipulation] (heart chakra) (breath, ruach) through our lover and>

companion in life. (The traditional marriage.) [Teen to adolescent]>>

> . Ether, space or akasha, sound, [and the process

ofcommunication]> (throat chakra) through the universe. (Learning,

science, original> meaning of 'university'.) [Adolescent to adult]>>

> . Light, mind, [and the process of cogitation] (brow chakra)>

through divine inspiration (The traditional sages as priests and>

priestesses) [Adult to sage]>> > . Pure energy, nirvanic, [and

identification with the Divine]> (crown chakra) through the

realization of unconditionality inprinciple.> (The traditional

Avatar, the one who easily turns from energy tomatter> and vice

versa). [sage to prophet]> >> > Each of the above is an expansion

from the already complete sphere> > of love at conception, from

smaller to larger spheres of> > completeness, so to speak.> >>> --

Len/ Kalipadma

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