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Compassion - double standards?

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We are supposed to be compassionate to the degree that we should not even

kill insect pests. How about Gods natural disasters? How come He is not



If it is all a play, a game, an illusion then why should it matter if we

are compassionate or murderers?



Love makes the heart laugh.

I wish you Love.



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For many years I went through all kinds of hell not being able to do

the vegetarian diet after taking vows from 5 different masters.

Then I read "I AM THAT" and got new hope that I could be realized

even though, because of my thin body, I could not be a vegetarian.

It did not seem to matter that Nisaragadatta eat flesh.




, CyberDervish <swork@a...> wrote:

> We are supposed to be compassionate to the degree that we should

not even

> kill insect pests. How about Gods natural disasters? How come He is


> compassionate?


> If it is all a play, a game, an illusion then why should it matter

if we

> are compassionate or murderers?


> ________________________________

> Love makes the heart laugh.

> I wish you Love.

> CyberDervish

> ``````````````````````````````````````````````

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On 6/4/01 at 8:20 AM CyberDervish wrote:


ºWe are supposed to be compassionate to the degree that we should not even

ºkill insect pests.


And who says so? Wouldn't it be compassionate not to cause

insect pests?


How about Gods natural disasters? How come He is not



What if compassion is but a treat of certain mammals?

Zebras don't know compassion...


ºIf it is all a play, a game, an illusion then why should it matter if we

ºare compassionate or murderers?


Wouldn't it be wise to discover first, whether or not it is all a play?

And wouldn't that be a "guarantee" one can live 'in peace' with the outcome?

Or despite the outcome?


Joy and Light,




ºLove makes the heart laugh.

ºI wish you Love.



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We are supposed to be

compassionate to the degree that we should not even

kill insect pests.

D: Human "supposed to's" are only as real as human


and even these are only as real as a given culture and


Which "supposed to's" does a mosquito follow (perhaps,

"I am supposed to say a prayer to the great warm

and compassionate God named 'Blood'

before inserting my probiscus") ?

How about Gods natural

disasters? How come He is not


By whose rules and "supposed to's" ? Yours, mine, or the


Who gets to define "God"?

If it is all a play, a game, an

illusion then why should it matter if we

are compassionate or murderers?

Why should you be asking about "shoulds"?


Love makes the heart laugh.

I wish you Love.


Laughter makes the heart light.

I wish you Laughter.


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For many years I went through

all kinds of hell not being able to do

the vegetarian diet after taking vows from 5 different masters.

Then I read "I AM THAT" and got new hope that I could be


even though, because of my thin body, I could not be a vegetarian.

It did not seem to matter that Nisaragadatta eat flesh.

What good is hope for the future *right now*?

The idea of realiation occurring in the future

is only a division made by thought *right now*.

The idea of realization occurring to "someone else"

whom I hope to be like someday, is only further

division being made *right now*.

What is the undivided now?

If you know this, questions about

whether a lion eating meat

or a lamb eating grass can become

realized, or whether a stone that

eats nothing is enlightened or unenlightened,

will no longer matter ...



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- CyberDervish

Monday, June 04, 2001 1:20 AM

Compassion - double standards?

We are supposed to be compassionate to the degree that we should not

even kill insect pests. How about Gods natural disasters? How come He

is not compassionate?

If you consider natural disasters to be events like volcanos, bad

weather events such as hurricanes etc, or even diseases.. there is a

presumption on your part that this is all a design flaw which might

have been avoided somehow.

But how? Do you presume to know a better way?

Do you actually think this is true and just how would you get around

them? Nature shows us predominately nothing so much as eating, sex,

and death, the main themes of biological existence. There is a

presumption that with humans, something "more than" mere biological

survival enters the picture. Just what that is, is the the subject of

all the spiritual discussion.

If it is all a play, a game, an illusion then why should it matter if

we are compassionate or murderers?

Regardless of the reason, to whom does it matter? Is "what you really

are" of concern only to you?

When this is known, will this same question arise?

Love, Gloria

________________________________Love makes the heart laugh.I wish you


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

to the

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, "COMO KASHA" <lostnfoundation> wrote:

> For many years I went through all kinds of hell not being able to do

> the vegetarian diet after taking vows from 5 different masters.

> Then I read "I AM THAT" and got new hope that I could be realized

> even though, because of my thin body, I could not be a vegetarian.

> It did not seem to matter that Nisaragadatta eat flesh.


Namaste Como,


Maharaj was a realised master presumably, so what he ate didn't

matter, God can do any dream. As for us we need to purify, and learn

ahimsa. I am not thin, so even if you have a skinny body, you still

don't need to eat meat, that is the flesh off the corpses of dead and


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, Daniel Berkow <berkowd@u...> wrote:


> >For many years I went through all kinds of hell not being able to


> >the vegetarian diet after taking vows from 5 different masters.

> >Then I read "I AM THAT" and got new hope that I could be realized

> >even though, because of my thin body, I could not be a vegetarian.

> >It did not seem to matter that Nisaragadatta eat flesh.


> What good is hope for the future *right now*?


> The idea of realiation occurring in the future

> is only a division made by thought *right now*.


> The idea of realization occurring to "someone else"

> whom I hope to be like someday, is only further

> division being made *right now*.


> What is the undivided now?


> If you know this, questions about

> whether a lion eating meat

> or a lamb eating grass can become

> realized, or whether a stone that

> eats nothing is enlightened or unenlightened,

> will no longer matter ...


> Namaste,

> Dan


Namaste Dan,


To cut through all the intellectual dualism and non dualisma and even

pollyana veges.


We do not know who we are for our samskaras hinder us. Saying a wall

isn't there and then running into it is somewhat of a hindrance.

So the reasons for vegetarianism are that it is a help in cleaning or

purifying ones's illusory body/mind so we may realise 'Who am I?'. It

has the effect of compassion for animals instead of greed and

satisfying an ego desire at the expense of animal suffering.

Compassion is a necessary virture for most of us. Again it has to do

with our level of awareness, if the vijnanamayakosa isn't developed no

amount of talk of vegetarianism will help. For the lower mind and ego

will find reasons to rationalise and eat flesh. The result will be a

brilliant intellectual non dual mind taking incarnation after

incarnation. For the animal vibrations are also ingested into the body

and mind of the flesh eater.


As Ramana said it is necesary, especially for beginners, which we all

are, brilliance is only in the mind, what is that?


Saying something is cultural is like saying 'I can never think for



Om Namah Sivaya...Tony.

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Hi Tony!

Namaste Dan,

To cut through all the intellectual dualism and non dualisma and even

pollyana veges.

Ah, the omniverous sword of discrimination is raised!

We do not know who we are for

our samskaras hinder us.

We do not know who we are when we take ourselves to be a something,

some kind of tangible or knowable object.

If we do not attempt to know and have ourselves as an object,

samskaras become evident as tendencies to believe


others, and the world to have objective existence as


and things.

Saying a wall

isn't there and then running into it is somewhat of a hindrance.

Believing there is a wall when there isn't a wall is very much a


So the reasons for

vegetarianism are that it is a help in cleaning or

purifying ones's illusory body/mind so we may realise 'Who am I?'. It

has the effect of compassion for animals instead of greed and

satisfying an ego desire at the expense of animal suffering.

If I take away the illusory being objectifying itself

in converstation as "Tony",

and the illusory effects of the samskara

"trying to be right" --

and all of "Tony's" definitions of "greed" and


(which a hen might agree with, but a tiger

might not) what is left?

Just "what is" -- only "this"

If the sword of discrimination removes

"Tony" trying to "correct what he views

as wrong (animals suffering)" --

what is left?

"Nature" -- "being as is" -- in which sufferings of

animals as

a result of attacks by driver ants, forest

fires, or starvation are commonplace.

Nature -- which is who human beings are when not

trying to escape through ideas and ideals

of "being superior" ... which tendencies

seem to weigh heavy on vegetarian and

meat-eating humans alike ;-)

Compassion is a necessary

virture for most of us.

If it's necessary, why only for most of us?

If it's cultural and situational, how can you prescribe it

for others?

Again it has to do

with our level of awareness, if the vijnanamayakosa isn't developed no

amount of talk of vegetarianism will help. For the lower mind and ego

will find reasons to rationalise and eat flesh.

You've repeated this opinionated absolutistic stuff often, Tony.

Who are you trying to convince of the absolute truth of this


stated position?

Is the repetition for the sake of deluded meat-eaters who just don't

"get it"?

What samskara is it in the (unreal) "mind of Tony" that

repeatedly arises as attacks against meat-eaters?

Aren't these meat-eating beings illusory, according to many of your

previous posts?

Aside from "Tony's" prejudices, where is there a

higher and lower in nature?

Is a hen higher than a tiger?

Is a calm quiet day higher than a raging forest fire?

Is the "death" of a star low, because

it subsequently deprives its

planets of any warmth or light (which will happen

to our sun eventually, ending all so-called "life"

of protoplasm in our solar system)?

If "Tony" dropped all thoughts about "highs" and


of "minds" which do things, of "suffering"

which is

wrong or right -- what would be left?

Just nature, just reality undivided, just this ...

Unsplit undivided truth -- not intellectualism,

not trying to be right -- just what is, as is ...

The result will be a

brilliant intellectual non dual mind taking incarnation after

incarnation. For the animal vibrations are also ingested into the body

and mind of the flesh eater.

Tony, this again comes across to me as

Tony's belief expressed as absolute truth.

Where does "a mind" begin or end?

Do tigers have minds? How about hens?

How about atoms?

How about space?

What makes you so sure of these opinions?

Have you seen a mind incarnate? How big was it?

Of what was it made?

Where did it originate from?

How did it maintain its being?

How was it inserted into an incarnation?

Your statement indicates that animal vibrations are

somehow bad, and I must assume that you think

that vegetable vibrations are better. Again --

"Tony's" beliefs about higher and lower.

Please note: An animal is a vegetable in another

form of appearance. An animal is a way that vegetables

are consumed and changed into another appearance.

Vegetables are ways that light, water and minerals are


to another form of appearance.

The vibration is the same, infinite -- the appearances


As Ramana said it is necesary,

especially for beginners, which we all

are, brilliance is only in the mind, what is that?

And where is that?

And what incarnates?

Saying something is cultural is

like saying 'I can never think for


No, it's like noticing the effects of culture, language, and


into belief-systems.

And Tony -- who is the self which independently generates original


Where does it exist and do this generation of new


You said your philosophy is inquiry into "Who am I?"

Well -- is there an independently existing thinker of thoughts??

Om Namah


Om alone!


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Dear CyberDervish, (I don't know your first name yet.)


You wrote:

> We are supposed to be compassionate to the degree that we should not


> kill insect pests. How about Gods natural disasters? How come He is


> compassionate?


Just a general short remark on compassion....


Compassion has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with death in any form or

meaning. Period. Over and out...


Any discussion on that is a waste of time and deviates from the real

issue which is:

Compassion has everything to do with human suffering, the human plight.

Compassion has everything to do with the de-natured human.

Compassion has everything to do with the remembering..., the memory,

re-cognition, re-discovery and restoration of the divine in us human



Compassion resets us humans to our original human / divinity.

> If it is all a play, a game, an illusion then why should it matter if


> are compassionate or murderers?


Life divine is human divine play (leela) not illusion, life divine is


If you forgot what that was... a child playing in peace and harmony is

the closest example to help you remember... take it from there...

All suffering starts with the initial disturbance of this play in the



Love, Wim


Compassion is the instrument which recovers our divine humanity.

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, Daniel Berkow <berkowd@u...> wrote:



> >As Ramana said it is necesary, especially for beginners, which we


> >are, brilliance is only in the mind, what is that?


> And where is that?


> And what incarnates?



> >Saying something is cultural is like saying 'I can never think for

> >myself'.


> No, it's like noticing the effects of culture, language, and


> into belief-systems.


> And Tony -- who is the self which independently generates original


> Where does it exist and do this generation of new thoughts?


> You said your philosophy is inquiry into "Who am I?"


> Well -- is there an independently existing thinker of thoughts??


> >Om Namah Sivaya...Tony.


> Om alone!


> Dan


Namaste Dan,


All I can really say is to repeat this:


--->Again it has to do

> >with our level of awareness, if the vijnanamayakosa isn't developed


> >amount of talk of vegetarianism will help. For the lower mind and


> >will find reasons to rationalise and eat flesh.<


Intellectualising is really ducking the point. Absolutely there is

only nirguna yes but as sankara said it is real while we are in it!


If you eat poison you will die, no intellectualising will avoid that.


I'm not on a crusade, I never mention this stuff to people who are not

on the path so to speak. I'm repeating really the words and advice of

Ramana and the Buddha......ONS......Tony.

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Hi Tony!

All I can really say is to

repeat this:

Why rehash what was just said, Tony? I'd rather allow

what isn't old and isn't memory to reveal itself --

"the eternal now-moment" ...

Intellectualising is really

ducking the point.

Yes, and questioning the process of identifying with beliefs

isn't intellectualization, but rather

is self-confrontation, self-inquiry.

Absolutely there is

only nirguna yes but as sankara said it is real while we are in


Are you in it?

If so, what can you do about it?

Are you out of it?

If so, how are you going to share it?

If you eat poison you will die,

no intellectualising will avoid that.

Death is inevitable for "you"

as long as "you" is identified

as a sack of protoplasm that depends

on food-intake for survival.

If vegetables alone ensured that the sack of protoplasm

never ceased, there would be very few eating

meat - and vice versa (unfortunate, but true --

people are more addicted to the idea

of continuing personal survival than they

are to either meat or vegetables).

But, regardless, the protoplasmic entity is born to expire.


What is deathless, your true being, never was born.

Intellectual poison is circulated when rote beliefs are repeated


If one continues to eat a diet of self-repeating beliefs,

open exploration of/as "what is" will die,

and no dietary restrictions will avoid that.

I'm not on a crusade, I never

mention this stuff to people who are not

on the path so to speak. I'm repeating really the words and advice of

Ramana and the Buddha......ONS......Tony.

Yes, certainly, you're free to repeat your advice.

Perhaps repeating that advice is of value

in some way that I haven't as yet understood.

What I do value are the questions you raise, far more

than the advice you dispense.

But, to each, his or her own ... ;-)



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, Daniel Berkow <ber> Dan


Namaste Dan,


Dan wrote:>Perhaps repeating that advice is of value

> in some way that I haven't as yet understood.<


Hahahahaha that's it clean your awareness sheath. Glo has a surreal

laundry I believe. Then you will appreciate what I am saying, by



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At 09:10 PM 6/4/01 +0000, you wrote:


Daniel Berkow <ber> Dan

Namaste Dan,

Dan wrote:>Perhaps repeating that advice is of value

> in some way that I haven't as yet


Hahahahaha that's it clean your awareness sheath. Glo has a surreal

laundry I believe. Then you will appreciate what I am saying, by


Oh, but I do, I do, ahhhh ... dooo....

Appreciate youuuuuu ....

;-) -- D.

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At 04.06.01-11:57 PM, you wrote:

>Mon, 4 Jun 2001 10:53:13 -0700

> "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

>Re: Compassion - double standards?


>Dear CyberDervish, (I don't know your first name yet.)





Sorry about that, my first name is Jan.


Love makes the heart laugh.

I wish you Love.



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