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If we are not "God/dess" .. then who are we ..

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Anyone who wants to do a search of the etymology of the word "God"

will find that, even through the process of conceptual mutation to

suit religion's purpose, the present-day meaning originated from a

Sanskrit word which literally translates as "to sacrifice" or "to be

a sacrifice to".


In the early days, in fact even now in many areas of the world, "God"

is a word used to explain that which is unexplainable, or unknowable,

supernatural .. something over which we have no control .. something

to which we must offer deference and homage.


Various religions and spiritualities have redefined "God" as a

"selling benefit" or "sweetener" to attract a greater clientele. Any

corporate executive will tell you that the bigger the client base,

the more potential power that you have.


So if you define yourself as "God",

what are you really saying about yourself ..


If you worship "God",

what are you really saying about yourself ..


If you seek "God",

what are you really saying about yourself ..



In our head we have a brain. This brain is divided into two

hemispheres .. a left or logical processing segment and a right or

totally lateral processor. For most of us, the left logical

hemisphere governs our everyday reality and our "world view".


It is this left brain which tells us that there is a "God" .. that

same brain (or source of mind) which science tells us is

approximately 10% of our total mental resource.


So what does the other 90% of our mental resource have to say about

10% of us

thinking we are "God" ...

praying to "God" ..

seeking some external "God" ..

totally subjugating that part of ourselves which intimately


the origins of the species and the process of its own evolution ..


Is it any wonder that at some stage in life, we face an inner craving

for something more than what we have been taught to believe? 10% can

only repress 90% for just so long ..



What do you think the physical body (that part of you which is the

life support system for the mind - and remember that's the other 90%

of the brain we're not conscious of) thinks about being called "a

sacrifice" or "unknowable".


Is it any wonder that some stage in our life we are confronted by an

inner emptiness .. as the 10% which aligns with "God" finally is

forced to face its own creation .. ?



If you really want to find out what society has to think about the

tenuously grasped illusion that you are a "God" or "Goddess", try

standing up in a public place and loudly proclaim for all to hear "I

am God". You'll soon find out what you are telling everybody else is

that "I want confirmation of my unconscious victim mentality".


Of course the inner (90% of the mind) level knows this; it remembers

the generations of our ancestors who were persecuted for heresy and

blasphemy .. the punishment for which is good enough for creating a

perpetual habit pattern to seek "God" outside of self as an act of

avoidance .. a genetic memory programmed into the cells of the brain

provides a euphoric mesmerism (or state of endorphin anaesthesia) as

this "God" is worshipped .. as a panacea of our inner fear. Is this

a manifestation of Spirituality .. or a conscious act of

self-renunciation ..?


In reality what we attract to us each day is for our highest

evolution and growth.

Yet we continually deny the integrity of our Onecell-f.



Have you ever tasted the sweetness of pure water .. not spring water

or Holy water (which is ordinary water with the hell boiled out of

it) .. but pure water generated from hydrogen and oxygen in a clean

atmosphere and resonant with Earth magnetic field. It is sweet.


Each cell on our physical body is 85% water. Yet, we continue to look

outside of ourselves for artificial sweeteners, generating an inner

fetid swamp, a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses which attract

all sorts of associated "cling-ons".



Ask any Innocent, child or adult who remembers how to "daydream",

what "Enlightenment" means .. and they will attempt to show you, by

any means at their disposal, that the world around them that the eye

can perceive .. is their mirror.


This is their sense of inner and outer oneness .. and the expression

of the consciousness that the left and right hemispheres of the brain

are operating in unison with 100% awareness.



A child cries when it looks at the adult because it knows that,

unless there is a major shift in consciousness, it's going to be

dead, just like that. So begins the forgetting.


As adults, 10% still thinks it knows better. We continue what we have

learned from our peers .. the repression and suppression of the

all-knowing innocent within our selves. Eventually, the 90% life

support system for the 10% dies .. sacrificed to an illusory



Is it any wonder Alzheimer is the symptom of "I don't want to



Is it any wonder ADD(h)D occurs in the children as their 90% rebels

against the repression and projections of the functioning 10% of the

peer adult brain that seeks to control them..?



God was the creator .. of separation, of Duality. As the first verse

in the Bible says "in the beginning God created heaven and earth" ..

something John confirms with "Through Him, all things came into



And as the Tao says "First there was the eternal Tao. From one came

two, from two came three .. From three came 10,000 other things..."




-- Christopher Wynter


lifestreams is an open archive

and containing this article along with previously published material


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