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theological aching

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Being sober is much more fun, joyful, and peaceful. Of course, now that

I don't have my "medicine" I have no effective way of dealing with the

ache in my chest (that I have come to believe is my longing for reunion

with God). Drinking and drugs initially made this ache go away, so I

thought I had found 'the answer.' I now realize that making the ache

go away isn't quite the same as decreasing the ache by beginning to

fulfill the desire (of losing myself so as to better feel my connection

with all that is).

I have noticed that the aching in chest 'can't be dealt with' other

then completely and patiently honoring it, going deeply into all the

sensations there, be willing to 'not-know' what is happening there.

And then eventually, wisdom will arise out of this, an understanding

on a deep level. For me, usually an insight into some clinging or

pattern that is keeping 'self' separate. Perhaps, 'God' is

manifesting as 'aching heart' and needs to be found there,

intimately, beyond words. In that aching be reunited as 'not-two'.

God just won't go away. She wishes to be recognized everywhere

without exception in all Her distressing disguises. In all things



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Dear Joyce,


You say that so well:

I have noticed that the aching in chest 'can't be dealt with' other

then completely and patiently honoring it, going deeply into all the

sensations there, be willing to 'not-know' what is happening there.

And then eventually, wisdom will arise out of this, an understanding

on a deep level.

You will then recognize that all comes forth from all encompassing bliss.

The aching that so many feel in the chest is the aching that causes

the always present bliss to be 'unfelt' as though is hidden that

terrible empty feeling.

The ache is the memory of the first moment that it was denied, trampled upon, ignored.

Your suggestion of "going deeply into all the sensations there' will

eventually lead one to recognize all encompassing bliss again.

It is very daring to go about it the way you suggest, but it is the

only way that is successful and irreversible...

Everyone with such pain will eventually and specifically make contact

with that moment of attempted robbery and vilification and reclaim

the re-cognition and real-ization of innate unconditional love.


Love, Joyce, Wim.

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is very daring to go about it the way you suggest, but it is the only

way that is successful and irreversible...

Everyone with such pain will eventually and specifically make contact

with that moment of attempted robbery and vilification and reclaim

the re-cognition and real-ization of innate unconditional love.

Yes, what you say is probably true re the origins of such things.

But, for 'me' if attention rests on that aching, eventually I

discover the thoughts and attitudes toward some 'other' that are

causing the contraction. I invaribly discover less than unconditional

love (vilification) towards something or someone. The first

recognition is of owning this act of separating. I can usually tell

when a little wisdom is then present because remorse may arise and

insight into the deeper level of thought patterns and thus release

from it. I can guess at the origins, the sins of the fathers arising

in the children, but the remedy of empowerment is applied here and




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Dear Joyce,


You wrote:

Yes, what you say is probably true re the origins of such things. But,

for 'me' if attention rests on that aching, eventually I discover the

thoughts and attitudes toward some 'other' that are causing the



My dear Joyce, it is imperative though to realize that those

contractions, thoughts and attitudes come from the recoil that was

caused to us and in us by the very first INNOCUOUS occurrence of an

attempt at endangerment to our unconditional state of being and

unconditional love, the innate and original state of every being, in

our case (as we are humans) the human being. No need to seek for the

cause of that endangerment within oneself, as it can NOT be found

there. The 'innocuous' attempt to damage the pure original being is

done while we are still very young, still in a state of uncondional

love, trust and... the rightful expectation of that unconditional

love and trust. The damage to us is NOT initiated to purposely harm

us. The infringement of freedom of the human being is done through

ignorant (positive meaning) and forgivable transmission of harm by a

'person' who also innocuously received that harm and therefore also

lost conscious knowledge of that innate freedom of the divine human.

How all that started originally with humankind is not useful at this

point to get into. It is actually very, very simple, but the 'hornets

nest' or 'can of worms' so to say, that such a discussion would open

up would only lead to deviate us from the path of individual and

mutual healing towards the recovery of our original purity in love,

life and wisdom. Self incrimination, self recrimination will not

work... That is very important to accept in principle. To not employ

'self-crimination in whatever form' does not mean that one is blaming

others and shirking responsibility for one's own (?) faults... There

are no faults to find... not anywhere..., with no one... we are

divine humans in the process of remembering our temporary oversight

of divinity.This wonderful earth in this wonderful universum is the

place for us to do that...

THIS IS IT, the place and the moment for the miracle of SELF to be recovered.


I invariably discover less than unconditional love (vilification) towards something or someone.


Remember though, Joyce, no blame to self and others is needed. In fact

blame in any form backfires and recreates the memory of our first

recoil and acquisition of suffering.


The first recognition is of owning this act of separating.


No no no, do not get tempted Joyce, to "own" or 'own up'... Such

would be the reactivation of the 'sentence of incrimination' done to

you, transmitted to you under duress. That very act of "owning the

act of separating" is what separates even more, it prolongs the

suffering and makes the pain or ache that hides original bliss even


We are, each one of us, conceived blameless, guiltless, sinless...

Blame, guilt, judgement, deficiency, sin, shortcomings...none of that

takes place in that miraculous natural, physical and biological

sacrificial act (sacred action) of creative conception...


I can usually tell when a little wisdom is then present because

remorse may arise and insight into the deeper level of thought

patterns and thus release from it.


Remorse eventually will not do, remorse is from and leads to self

incrimination... Compassion only... there is no blame... There is

judgement in divinity.


I can guess at the origins, the sins of the fathers arising in the children,


Ouch, "the sins of the fathers...", etc. No need, for that... no need for any sin...


but the remedy of empowerment is applied here and now.

And that is so



Love, Joyce, Wim

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