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The Manure of Experience-with a little help from my friends

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Further thoughts on 'transcendence'...words from Trungpa Rinpoche via a

'Buddhist' list - Joyce



"For my dharma brothers and sisters, I write this vajra song.


.... a world populated by existentialists, psychologists and spiritual


Endlessly analyzing their discursive thoughts,

Cranking up hope and fear.


Because I pretend that appearance and emptiness are apart,

I continue to cause harm to myself and others;

Still, the supreme siddha blessed us with many oral instructions.


The first time we met, he said:

"The pain never stops; you'll never be happy."

Sticking with this is uncomfortable,

But I think there is something to understand.

It is the gateway to mahasukha.


When you practice,

Don't try to change anything.

Don't let your mind wander,

Don't let your body move.

Take occurrence to be the dakini.

Take panic to be the heruka.

Bind all movement in the still space of simplicity,

And you will realize the coemergent nature of your mind.

Even a mere glimpse of such wisdom can dissolve a lifetime of



In the post-meditation experience,

Mingle with phenomena in this way:

Whatever you see is the vivid reflection of space.

Whatever you hear is the ringing echo of space.

Whatever you taste is the spice of space.

Whatever you touch is the texture of space,

Whatever you smell is the fragrance of space.

Thoughts and emotions are the playful dance of space.

Whatever arises is the guru's display.


In short:

Having found no link between the present moment and the past,

It becomes more difficult to complain about your life.

Kindness to others is the lazy man's path to enlightenment;


Dear friends:

Our mutual commitment is a continuous source of inspiration.

In this very lifetime,

May you each become a golden dot

For the benefit of all sentient beings."

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Guest guest

Further thoughts on

'transcendence'...words from Trungpa Rinpoche via a

'Buddhist' list - Joyce

"For my dharma brothers and sisters, I write this vajra song.

.... a world populated by existentialists, psychologists and



Endlessly analyzing their discursive thoughts,

Cranking up hope and fear.

Yup. With stupid thoughts, ah reckon, like,

"too much alcohol ain't good for you."


Phooey! Dang troublemakers is

what dey is, making

'dis world such a dang hopeful

and fearful place wit' dem

dang discursive thoughts

and all.

Shoot! Act more like monkeys

with dey heads too big for

dem britches.

A good ol' fashioned schoolin'

behind da barn is what dey


Pass me some wine, dang it!

Got some more manure to shovel

here ... outta my way, son ...



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