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Who is Poor Wee Tim?

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Dear List,

Well, it was never my intention to glorify 'anyone' - this'Tim" (and

there but for the Grace of God go I)... nor would any Zen master

approve of anyone glorifying him. Of course, in conventional terms,

this person's actions were despicable and so forth. And how thrilling

and temporarily satisfying righteous anger at other is. If we look

around us, we see things like this occuring daily really. I have

lived a good part of my life in Third World countries, (as we like to

label them and tuck those folks conveniently into the back of our

mind), including eight years in Kenya. What is happening there, what

is continuing to happen in all of Africa and in all of Asia, without

any particular expression of outrage, is beyond description. And as

well, in my happy country of Canada, there is plenty of suffering and

oppression, perhaps not so apparent as in Africa. It is a matter of

degree. All conventional politics is dual, even when we are good

people thinking and doing the right thing. And conveniently overlooks

the idea of karma.

When the realization that all my efforts at political action were

really quite hopeless, were not eleviating any suffering and usually

making things worse, I decided that the only possible political

action left was to be a student of non-dualty, to explore the greed,

hatred and delusion, the cause of all suffering, in this egoistic

life as I live it, in this mind writing. What other response is

there? Then, at the very least, one is not adding to the grief.

Whoever this 'Tim' was, who knows? But whoever anyone on this list has

to arise in this mind as it contacts their expression through the

posts. This affords the opportunity to see into the moment this 'I'

and any greed, hatred and delusion. Most of my experience is with

Buddhism, but I don't identify this self here as a 'Buddhist'. This

is really only a model of reality, one of many, offering a view that

may or not offer insight into full reality. Since it seems to me

that Buddhism, and Advaita meet at the point of exploring this

'illness' of 'self', this delusion of 'I' and 'other' then I assumed

that encountering students of non-duality on this list would offer

insight into my own ponderings and exploration into this duality and

what non-dualty might be. This is happening. Rather fine practice.

I don't post anything from Buddhist thought with the agenda that Im

going to sort people out. This would be pretty dual and delusional.

I post whatever seems to be passing through mind. It happens to be

what I have on my desk currently. Sometimes a person will respond

from where they locate themselves in the moment. Sometimes their

response sorts out some tangle in mind here and even better,

sometimes I laugh. But, always the opportunity to look at duality

through projection is present. Do 'I' like something, or some

imagined other, dislike something? feel neutral...whatever, one sees

the antics of 'I' present at these times. Mostly there is equanimity

to all of it and appreciation.

Of course it goes without saying that one's concern is for any and all

'victims'. But when I watched a few of the interviews with Tim's

victims, I saw those who continued to suffer in hell, looking for

some sort of relief through angry vengence, and finding none, and

those who, with great courage and spirit, determined to make their

suffering count for something, to help and support others. These

people I find most inspiring. If they can do this, why not I? They at

least move into better karma and use their terrible suffering as their

path. All beings will suffer what is for them the limit of suffering

at some point in their lives. People around them may not even notice,

their suffering may not be a public spectacle, an 'orderly event' as

CNN put it. We can kill another, but let us do it in orderly


So, all students of non-duality, who are the victims, who is 'Tim'?

Who are the enlightened ones, who are the suffering masses? Who are

the prisoners filling the prisons, who are the millions at this

moment dying? Who are the tortured, who are those doing the deed. The

list is endless. Who is walking the walk beyond the talk? Yes, I am

angry beyond words, at all of 'it'!

Who is nasty Tim and who is good little me? Who do I hate today?


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beloved joyce....essentially this is wht the poem i wrote for tim was

about....many failed to see the irony in some of the

words.....another irony in that it inspired a verbal violence is some

reponses which is what i was objecting to anyway....senseless violence

propagating itself.....the ironig 'you' and 'your' id deliberate....is

you the godhead....is you you the reade....is you white wolfe/the

witness talking to mark/the poet....or is all of us?......dualities

within dualites arising into a i hoped a fairly non-dual

commentary.....over on another list Father Patrick Collins

immediately picked up this so the poem has served its

purpose.....keep writing....i love your posts.....^^~~~~~

further up and further in,

white wolfe


Joyce Short

Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:40 AM

Who is Poor Wee Tim?

Dear List,Well, it was never my intention to glorify 'anyone' -

this'Tim" (and there but for the Grace of God go I)... nor would any

Zen master approve of anyone glorifying him. Of course, in

conventional terms, this person's actions were despicable and so

forth. And how thrilling and temporarily satisfying righteous anger

at other is. If we look around us, we see things like this occuring

daily really. I have lived a good part of my life in Third World

countries, (as we like to label them and tuck those folks

conveniently into the back of our mind), including eight years in

Kenya. What is happening there, what is continuing to happen in all

of Africa and in all of Asia, without any particular expression of

outrage, is beyond description. And as well, in my happy country of

Canada, there is plenty of suffering and oppression, perhaps not so

apparent as in Africa. It is a matter of degree. All conventional

politics is dual, even when we are good people thinking and doing the

right thing. And conveniently overlooks the idea of karma.When the

realization that all my efforts at political action were really quite

hopeless, were not eleviating any suffering and usually making things

worse, I decided that the only possible political action left was to

be a student of non-dualty, to explore the greed, hatred and

delusion, the cause of all suffering, in this egoistic life as I live

it, in this mind writing. What other response is there? Then, at the

very least, one is not adding to the grief.Whoever this 'Tim' was,

who knows? But whoever anyone on this list has to arise in this mind

as it contacts their expression through the posts. This affords the

opportunity to see into the moment this 'I' and any greed, hatred and

delusion. Most of my experience is with Buddhism, but I don't

identify this self here as a 'Buddhist'. This is really only a model

of reality, one of many, offering a view that may or not offer

insight into full reality. Since it seems to me that Buddhism, and

Advaita meet at the point of exploring this 'illness' of 'self', this

delusion of 'I' and 'other' then I assumed that encountering students

of non-duality on this list would offer insight into my own

ponderings and exploration into this duality and what non-dualty

might be. This is happening. Rather fine practice. I don't post

anything from Buddhist thought with the agenda that Im going to sort

people out. This would be pretty dual and delusional. I post

whatever seems to be passing through mind. It happens to be what I

have on my desk currently. Sometimes a person will respond from where

they locate themselves in the moment. Sometimes their response sorts

out some tangle in mind here and even better, sometimes I laugh. But,

always the opportunity to look at duality through projection is

present. Do 'I' like something, or some imagined other, dislike

something? feel neutral...whatever, one sees the antics of 'I'

present at these times. Mostly there is equanimity to all of it and

appreciation.Of course it goes without saying that one's concern is

for any and all 'victims'. But when I watched a few of the

interviews with Tim's victims, I saw those who continued to suffer in

hell, looking for some sort of relief through angry vengence, and

finding none, and those who, with great courage and spirit,

determined to make their suffering count for something, to help and

support others. These people I find most inspiring. If they can do

this, why not I? They at least move into better karma and use their

terrible suffering as their path. All beings will suffer what is for

them the limit of suffering at some point in their lives. People

around them may not even notice, their suffering may not be a public

spectacle, an 'orderly event' as CNN put it. We can kill another,

but let us do it in orderly fashion.So, all students of non-duality,

who are the victims, who is 'Tim'? Who are the enlightened ones, who

are the suffering masses? Who are the prisoners filling the prisons,

who are the millions at this moment dying? Who are the tortured, who

are those doing the deed. The list is endless. Who is walking the

walk beyond the talk? Yes, I am angry beyond words, at all of

'it'!Who is nasty Tim and who is good little me? Who do I hate


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

to the

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Hi Joyce and Wolf,


>Well, it was never my intention to glorify 'anyone' - this'Tim"


I don't know what you had in mind with your lovely "Dragon Pome for all

'Tims'"... the heroic language and symbolism seem to me to be glorifying

the image of the sacred warrior...


He has been called "a martyr to higher love,a zen catholic,this

monumental sacrifice,sacred warrior,unflinchingly courageous,"


noble warrior," etc., etc.


>many failed to see the irony in some of the words


If I read your poem wrong, I do apologize for that, but not for my concern

about anyone making a noble martyr of this man.


My reaction to this did not come from anger, righteous or otherwise, or

from hate. Nor does it require any justification in terms of non-dual



It's a simple matter. This man blew up a building and killed hundreds of

people, including children - to make a statement about the U.S. government,

as I understand him. I would hate to give anyone else the idea that all

you have to do to become a great cultural hero, a sacred warrior, become

gloriously famous and go down in the history books as a martyr to higher

love, is to go out and blow up a lot of people.


This was a sad, disillusioned, and disempowered man... to my thinking, he

had to be crazy to commit such a horrendous act as a political statement

and express no remorse at seeing what he had done. I felt as I watched him

that he felt some gratification at having expressed his power and

established his place in history because of it.


This is a big list with many people on it... let's not tell everyone that

this is one way to become famous and loved and respected.




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Hi Dharma:


Do you really think anyone on this list or any other list would do

such a heinous act, if it were not their destiny to do it? A gifted

psychic or astrologer may have been able to know that a similar act

would ensue before the fact.


Love in advance,






, Dharma <deva@L...> wrote:

> Hi Joyce and Wolf,


> >Joyce:

> >Well, it was never my intention to glorify 'anyone' - this'Tim"


> I don't know what you had in mind with your lovely "Dragon Pome for


> 'Tims'"... the heroic language and symbolism seem to me to be


> the image of the sacred warrior...


> He has been called "a martyr to higher love,a zen


> monumental sacrifice,sacred warrior,unflinchingly


> noble warrior," etc., etc.


> >Wolf:

> >many failed to see the irony in some of the words


> If I read your poem wrong, I do apologize for that, but not for my


> about anyone making a noble martyr of this man.


> My reaction to this did not come from anger, righteous or

otherwise, or

> from hate. Nor does it require any justification in terms of non-


> philosophy.


> It's a simple matter. This man blew up a building and killed

hundreds of

> people, including children - to make a statement about the U.S.


> as I understand him. I would hate to give anyone else the idea

that all

> you have to do to become a great cultural hero, a sacred warrior,


> gloriously famous and go down in the history books as a martyr to


> love, is to go out and blow up a lot of people.


> This was a sad, disillusioned, and disempowered man... to my

thinking, he

> had to be crazy to commit such a horrendous act as a political


> and express no remorse at seeing what he had done. I felt as I

watched him

> that he felt some gratification at having expressed his power and

> established his place in history because of it.


> This is a big list with many people on it... let's not tell

everyone that

> this is one way to become famous and loved and respected.


> Love,

> Dharma

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