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Vidar revisited

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I've just returned home, after spending two days in a Fjord up here. I've

been planting some flowers on my broters grave (he died in 1982), and

helping my uncle with some heavy physical work he couldn't perform himself

due to asthma.


However, I promised to give a more precise explanation of what I meant in my

Vidar-posting. In the Fjord were I was - surrounded with these amazing

silence from our *tic-tac culture*, I wrote down a few thoughts which I

wanted to share.


In my posting about Vidar, I began with the following:


Veit ek, at ek hekk I remember that I hang (up-side down)

vindgameiði á in the wind-whizzled three

nætr allar níu, in nine nights whole,

geiri undaðr wounded (nailed) by spears,

ok gefinn Óðni, sacrified to Odin,

sjalfur sjalfum mér, my self sacrified to My Self,

á þeim meiði above me in the Three,

er manngi veit from where no man knows

hvers af rótum renn. where it roots sprang


Við hleifi mik sældu No one gave me bread,

né við hornigi, neither something to drink,

nýsta ek niðr, I gazed down in the abyss,

nam ek upp rúnar, I picked up runes,

æpandi nam, singing I picked them,

fell ek aftr þaðan. down again I fell


Fimbulljóð níu Nine magical songs I received,

nam ek af inum frægja syni from the wise son of

Bölþorns, Bestlu föður, Bolthorn, the father of Bestlan,

ok ek drykk of gat and I drank as a gift,

ins dýra mjaðar, from the dear drink

ausin Óðreri. baled up by the Odrers


Þá nam ek frævask Then I got an refreshment,

ok fróðr vera and wisdome came,

ok vaxa ok vel hafask, and I grew and felt well,

orð mér af orði words were from words born,

orðs leitaði, from words procreated,

verk mér af verki deeds were from deeds born,

verks leitaði. from deeds procreated



Such does the ancient, but unnamed norse clairvoyant female called "Volven",

the Sibyla, explain in ancient norse the origination of the germanic rune





First of all, I accept the premise that not only the physical society and

culture has changed during the centuries. The consciousness has gone through

a transformation. The ancient ones experienced our world in another state of

consciousness. They were actually BORN clairvoyant in a sense. Their

assemblage point of consciousness was another place than now; therefore, we

should be very carefull when interpreting their view of the world with our

present standards, because this can easily lead to spiritual pride.


Then came a time when more and more people lost these natural ability. In

southern Europe, these darkening reached it's climax about 300 AD, but up

here in Norway, Sweden and Iceland, the natural clairvoyance was still very

alive as a part of the culture. "Volven" (the Sibyl) was higly respected.


How was the ancient norse clairvoyance? It was different than in India, in

Persia, in Palestina, in Greece etc. It was different from any other

culture. I accept as a premise that even the clairvoyance was different in

different cultures and time periods; no direct comparition is neither truly

correct nor possible.


In ancient Greece, they made the myth about Janus - the god with two faces,

each pointing in each direction. A similar figure is found here in the

North, and I've attached a picture of it. The ancient Norse population lived

in two worlds. They experienced the spiritual secrets of nature, of the

nature spirits, in another dimension, separated from the awake state we

experience today. And the awake state - which observes only the outer,

material expressions of things, was considered "blind".


The God who symbolized these clairvoyance was called "Balder". Many

researchers have found similarities bewteen "Balder" and "Jesus", and

suggested that the myth about "Balder" came from Christianity. But it

didn't. Balder was the ancient clairvoyance - an imperfect word because it

means much more than just to "see" in another dimenson. "Balder" had a

brother (the awake state) who was BLIND - "Hod" was his name. And the

ancient ones up here pendulated between these two states of consciousness.


The God who killed Balder was called "Loke". Loke is the same entity as

Christians knows as Lucifer. He manipulated the blind brother "Hod" to kill

"Balder" with a misteltoe - a parasite like Loke himself.


And the God Odin could not prevent Lucifers destruction of the ancient

clairvyance, these incident which is very similar in mythical form with the

Christian myth about the death of Christ.


And why was Odin helpless? Loke - Lucifer, gives the answer in one of the

songs of "Volven":


Do you remember, Odin,

that we, in the beginning of time,

once mixed blood with each others?

To drink from the cup (The Grale) you rejected,

before we both were invited!


After "Ragnarok" - The Latter Days, Balder and Hod will be reborn as one

person, that is, a new state of consciousness will unite the two altering

assemblage points of consciousness.


Third, I accept Odin and Thor as real spiritual beeings, not symbols or

personifications. Odin was at the stage which Christian mystics denotes as

"Archangels". But because he has sacrificed his potensial evolution in order

to give humans the language, he became an "abnormal archangel". He became

what Christians in their angel hierarchies calls a "dynamis". This sacrifice

must not be confuced with the concept of the *fallen* angels. If I am a

teacher in a school, I sacrifice my further possible development for the

sake of the pupils. So, Odin sacrificed himself in the sake *of the least of



The ancient seers actually SAW Odin as a spiritual entity in "the wind of

the world", in the mighty storms and winds; they SAW Thor in the Thunder and

the fire-element. Therefore, they were able to live with the seasons, as I

pointed out in the 4 images following the 4 seasons - Autumn beeing the

Archangel Michael and the Dragon. They had a closer touch with Nature - and

its spiritual beeings, than present humans.


Odin gave the language through a 9 nights long initiation where he hanged

upside-down wounded by spears. Through a death experience, he went through

the 9 stages which Christians denoted as the 9 angel hierarcies.


Why the "wind-whizzled three"? In the dawn of time, Odin gave the breath

(Prana) to the first humans, Ask and Embla, made them into breathing beeings

with a soul. In order to be able to speak, to have these talent, the stream

of air must be formed so it can carry words. These "three" are found in our

breast - the lungs and the bronchus, and have roots everywhere we breaths,

roots in the boundless "world-wind".


Sacrificed to him self? For Odin, a wide-spanning beeing, these entrance

into limited human beeings, feels painfull - as wounds by spears. The mighty

speech of the gods in the whizzle of the storms and the winds, in the

thunder and rain, is beeing changed to human words.


Gazing into the abyss, he search for runes. Another place it's said that

"the runes exist as a silenced language in every beeing, in everything

glittering and flaming, in everything waving and surging in the sea, in

everything which breaks and groans, lives and tempts." In my translation, I

wrote "singing I picked them (the runes)". It should be crying! Crying, like

in lamentation!


But in order to make the runes understandable to humans, making them a human

experience, he must drink from the drink of wisdom. These drink, "baled up

by the Odrers", from the "well of Mime", is the drink of wisdom. It is said

that the "well of Mime" mirrored everything which have happened through all

eternity. These corresponds to the socalled "Akashic chronicle", which

modern occultists calls it. The common recollection of a people, its

complete past is implanted in the mother tongue.


The shamanistic power of Odin lies in his power of the Runes, of SOUND.

Today, words have to a large degree lost their power. They are not any more

true mirrors of what they describe, except some exceptions: "slaps" in

Norwegian is the mixture of snow and water; "blixt" in swedish gives a more

direct vision of the lighting. We have lost the living factor in the

language, in our throath chakra. Among the south germanic tribes, "Odin" was

known ad "Wodan", among the ancient frankish germanic tribes as "Uuodan".

And in these world, doesn't we sense the sound of the wind?


Odin gives 2 rune songs each night; each rune song containing 8 sounds. As

the attached picture shows, the "elder futhark" contains only 24 (3x8)

because the rest is lost. However, 9x8 = 72, as in the 72,000 Nadis in the

body, and given in pairs - Yin and Yang, it becomes 144 runes.


All these knowledge is compressed in 27 verses only in a manuscript

discovered on Iceland in 1643, called "Codex Regius".


The Norse mythology divided the world into three: "Aasgard" (where the gods

lived), "Midgard" (human world) and "Utgard". The last word means "in the

middle of nowhere", far away from our word. There lives a "brother" of Loke

(Lucifer), called "Utgards-Loke". With a sense of humor, we could call him

"the in the middle of nowhere Lucifer".


While Lucifer is Love fallen, his "brother" lives "out there" - in the word

of the 5 senses! He represents materialism - the dark entity Ahriman, who

made attempts to entrap us in materialism.


So, we have these two poles to avoid by balancing them: Lucifer escaping

into experiences in other dimensions without responsibility for the *least

of these* - the antithese of the bodhisattva-concept, as one of those dark

brothers who excults "I am I", and the "Out-there Loke" with his pure

ego-centric cynicism and materialism which denies everything spiritual.


By balancing these poles, we makes them harmless. Any balance of these

forces is extreme forcefull, any deviation from these balance is ipso facto

black magic.


Odin can not kill the "Fenris Wolf", the representant of Lies and "Out-there

Lucifer". Odin gave the language. But because it has been misused by lies

and boasting, he is helpless against these wolf. Only a future god - Vidar,

"the silent one", who has collected enough energy not deriving from our

*tic-tac culture*, can destroy the illusion, the lie - and the last and

seventh veil of Isis.


San Divas

Blessings from Norway

Attachment: (image/gif) Eldre Futhark.gif [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Codex Regius.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) figur-andre-de-glejbjerg.jpg [not stored]

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this is the most numinous, mythopoeic stuff i have read in about twenty

years.....takes me back to the first time i read J.R.R. Tolkien and

recognized my feminine soul as my true self in the mirrormere of Galadriel

and the aspect of Arwen Evenstar....don't know why rationally and don't need

to....this is the true goods to me....the spiritual impact/response is the

same.....with this difference....after seeking she who i lost for ages upon

ages i have found her once again and will soon rest in the arms of my

beloved and this time forever......^^~~~~~~


white wolfwe


> In my posting about Vidar, I began with the following:


> Veit ek, at ek hekk I remember that I hang (up-side down)

> vindgameiði á in the wind-whizzled three

> nætr allar níu, in nine nights whole,

> geiri undaðr wounded (nailed) by spears,

> ok gefinn Óðni, sacrified to Odin,

> sjalfur sjalfum mér, my self sacrified to My Self,

> á þeim meiði above me in the Three,

> er manngi veit from where no man knows

> hvers af rótum renn. where it roots sprang


> Við hleifi mik sældu No one gave me bread,

> né við hornigi, neither something to drink,

> nýsta ek niðr, I gazed down in the abyss,

> nam ek upp rúnar, I picked up runes,

> æpandi nam, singing I picked them,

> fell ek aftr þaðan. down again I fell


> Fimbulljóð níu Nine magical songs I received,

> nam ek af inum frægja syni from the wise son of

> Bölþorns, Bestlu föður, Bolthorn, the father of Bestlan,

> ok ek drykk of gat and I drank as a gift,

> ins dýra mjaðar, from the dear drink

> ausin Óðreri. baled up by the Odrers


> Þá nam ek frævask Then I got an refreshment,

> ok fróðr vera and wisdome came,

> ok vaxa ok vel hafask, and I grew and felt well,

> orð mér af orði words were from words born,

> orðs leitaði, from words procreated,

> verk mér af verki deeds were from deeds born,

> verks leitaði. from deeds procreated



> Such does the ancient, but unnamed norse clairvoyant female called


> the Sibyla, explain in ancient norse the origination of the germanic rune

> alphabet.


> +++


> First of all, I accept the premise that not only the physical society and

> culture has changed during the centuries. The consciousness has gone


> a transformation. The ancient ones experienced our world in another state


> consciousness. They were actually BORN clairvoyant in a sense. Their

> assemblage point of consciousness was another place than now; therefore,


> should be very carefull when interpreting their view of the world with our

> present standards, because this can easily lead to spiritual pride.


> Then came a time when more and more people lost these natural ability. In

> southern Europe, these darkening reached it's climax about 300 AD, but up

> here in Norway, Sweden and Iceland, the natural clairvoyance was still


> alive as a part of the culture. "Volven" (the Sibyl) was higly respected.


> How was the ancient norse clairvoyance? It was different than in India, in

> Persia, in Palestina, in Greece etc. It was different from any other

> culture. I accept as a premise that even the clairvoyance was different in

> different cultures and time periods; no direct comparition is neither


> correct nor possible.


> In ancient Greece, they made the myth about Janus - the god with two


> each pointing in each direction. A similar figure is found here in the

> North, and I've attached a picture of it. The ancient Norse population


> in two worlds. They experienced the spiritual secrets of nature, of the

> nature spirits, in another dimension, separated from the awake state we

> experience today. And the awake state - which observes only the outer,

> material expressions of things, was considered "blind".


> The God who symbolized these clairvoyance was called "Balder". Many

> researchers have found similarities bewteen "Balder" and "Jesus", and

> suggested that the myth about "Balder" came from Christianity. But it

> didn't. Balder was the ancient clairvoyance - an imperfect word because it

> means much more than just to "see" in another dimenson. "Balder" had a

> brother (the awake state) who was BLIND - "Hod" was his name. And the

> ancient ones up here pendulated between these two states of consciousness.


> The God who killed Balder was called "Loke". Loke is the same entity as

> Christians knows as Lucifer. He manipulated the blind brother "Hod" to


> "Balder" with a misteltoe - a parasite like Loke himself.


> And the God Odin could not prevent Lucifers destruction of the ancient

> clairvyance, these incident which is very similar in mythical form with


> Christian myth about the death of Christ.


> And why was Odin helpless? Loke - Lucifer, gives the answer in one of the

> songs of "Volven":


> Do you remember, Odin,

> that we, in the beginning of time,

> once mixed blood with each others?

> To drink from the cup (The Grale) you rejected,

> before we both were invited!


> After "Ragnarok" - The Latter Days, Balder and Hod will be reborn as one

> person, that is, a new state of consciousness will unite the two altering

> assemblage points of consciousness.


> Third, I accept Odin and Thor as real spiritual beeings, not symbols or

> personifications. Odin was at the stage which Christian mystics denotes as

> "Archangels". But because he has sacrificed his potensial evolution in


> to give humans the language, he became an "abnormal archangel". He became

> what Christians in their angel hierarchies calls a "dynamis". This


> must not be confuced with the concept of the *fallen* angels. If I am a

> teacher in a school, I sacrifice my further possible development for the

> sake of the pupils. So, Odin sacrificed himself in the sake *of the least


> these*.


> The ancient seers actually SAW Odin as a spiritual entity in "the wind of

> the world", in the mighty storms and winds; they SAW Thor in the Thunder


> the fire-element. Therefore, they were able to live with the seasons, as I

> pointed out in the 4 images following the 4 seasons - Autumn beeing the

> Archangel Michael and the Dragon. They had a closer touch with Nature -


> its spiritual beeings, than present humans.


> Odin gave the language through a 9 nights long initiation where he hanged

> upside-down wounded by spears. Through a death experience, he went through

> the 9 stages which Christians denoted as the 9 angel hierarcies.


> Why the "wind-whizzled three"? In the dawn of time, Odin gave the breath

> (Prana) to the first humans, Ask and Embla, made them into breathing


> with a soul. In order to be able to speak, to have these talent, the


> of air must be formed so it can carry words. These "three" are found in


> breast - the lungs and the bronchus, and have roots everywhere we breaths,

> roots in the boundless "world-wind".


> Sacrificed to him self? For Odin, a wide-spanning beeing, these entrance

> into limited human beeings, feels painfull - as wounds by spears. The


> speech of the gods in the whizzle of the storms and the winds, in the

> thunder and rain, is beeing changed to human words.


> Gazing into the abyss, he search for runes. Another place it's said that

> "the runes exist as a silenced language in every beeing, in everything

> glittering and flaming, in everything waving and surging in the sea, in

> everything which breaks and groans, lives and tempts." In my translation,


> wrote "singing I picked them (the runes)". It should be crying! Crying,


> in lamentation!


> But in order to make the runes understandable to humans, making them a


> experience, he must drink from the drink of wisdom. These drink, "baled up

> by the Odrers", from the "well of Mime", is the drink of wisdom. It is


> that the "well of Mime" mirrored everything which have happened through


> eternity. These corresponds to the socalled "Akashic chronicle", which

> modern occultists calls it. The common recollection of a people, its

> complete past is implanted in the mother tongue.


> The shamanistic power of Odin lies in his power of the Runes, of SOUND.

> Today, words have to a large degree lost their power. They are not any


> true mirrors of what they describe, except some exceptions: "slaps" in

> Norwegian is the mixture of snow and water; "blixt" in swedish gives a


> direct vision of the lighting. We have lost the living factor in the

> language, in our throath chakra. Among the south germanic tribes, "Odin"


> known ad "Wodan", among the ancient frankish germanic tribes as "Uuodan".

> And in these world, doesn't we sense the sound of the wind?


> Odin gives 2 rune songs each night; each rune song containing 8 sounds. As

> the attached picture shows, the "elder futhark" contains only 24 (3x8)

> because the rest is lost. However, 9x8 = 72, as in the 72,000 Nadis in the

> body, and given in pairs - Yin and Yang, it becomes 144 runes.


> All these knowledge is compressed in 27 verses only in a manuscript

> discovered on Iceland in 1643, called "Codex Regius".


> The Norse mythology divided the world into three: "Aasgard" (where the


> lived), "Midgard" (human world) and "Utgard". The last word means

"in the

> middle of nowhere", far away from our word. There lives a "brother" of


> (Lucifer), called "Utgards-Loke". With a sense of humor, we could call him

> "the in the middle of nowhere Lucifer".


> While Lucifer is Love fallen, his "brother" lives "out there" - in the


> of the 5 senses! He represents materialism - the dark entity Ahriman, who

> made attempts to entrap us in materialism.


> So, we have these two poles to avoid by balancing them: Lucifer escaping

> into experiences in other dimensions without responsibility for the *least

> of these* - the antithese of the bodhisattva-concept, as one of those dark

> brothers who excults "I am I", and the "Out-there Loke" with his pure

> ego-centric cynicism and materialism which denies everything spiritual.


> By balancing these poles, we makes them harmless. Any balance of these

> forces is extreme forcefull, any deviation from these balance is ipso


> black magic.


> Odin can not kill the "Fenris Wolf", the representant of Lies and


> Lucifer". Odin gave the language. But because it has been misused by lies

> and boasting, he is helpless against these wolf. Only a future god -


> "the silent one", who has collected enough energy not deriving from our

> *tic-tac culture*, can destroy the illusion, the lie - and the last and

> seventh veil of Isis.


> San Divas

> Blessings from Norway


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




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