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Digest Number 1187

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Dear lord I am your imagination.


how do I treat myself? Is this some eternal nightmare I'm living here ....

when all good went to sleep, sorry zizola for inviting you to the

list, in all honesty I could 'never' find out which way we're

hidding here anyway :-)


Greetings and love from the beautiful endless rainbow colored cristal world

that's all around my smallest tinyest not even existing reflection of my



Too bad it turns out to be all black.



All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside


into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the


all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness


not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart


Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being.




Ahem, okey folks, I've been there often enough, I've seen the end many times

now, see you later folks.




A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within


It Self. Welcome all to a.





There are 4 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:



Dharma <deva

2. Re: (unknown)

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere


"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

4. Re: Is Ramana being dismissive?

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere






Message: 1

Sat, 16 Jun 2001 00:22:23 -0700

Dharma <deva




>Traveling off this list for now. I feel disappointed but am well able to

>deal with that. (Someone just poured me a glass of wine-Cheers!) Thank you

>everyone for being patient and thanks for all the laughs and neat posts

>that helped me to sort out a few things.


Sorry to see you go... will you reconsider? I have simply filtered Tony's

posts straight into the trash. How about trying that first before you












Message: 2

Sat, 16 Jun 2001 00:51:15 -0700

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

Re: (unknown)


Dear Tony,


You wrote:

>But then I am only a sadhaka and not a self proclaimed

>realised sage like the person who made the above



Do you have a problem with me or something? :-)

How many times has it now been suggested to you that your reading skills

leave something to be desired? I do use the word "profess", of course I

do, that is something different than "proclaim." The only thing we

humans beings need to do is "recover and reclaim" our "original human

divinity" or, if that expression is a bit much for you, "our original


There is nothing un-toward about that. In fact such self reclamation is

something I'm wishing you would be able to manifest sometime soon. At

least you are asking the right question, "Who am I?"

By the way: "I am only a Sadakha" is not the answer to "Who am I?"

There is no merit in artificial self limitation.

>I find the above statements to be quite surprising, and arrogant.


Surprising statements? Of course, why do you think I wrote them? Do you

think I was not surprised myself when I discovered them?

>In the first place things in the spiritual world haven't

>changed that much since the 1950s and neither

>have the seekers.


Seekers indeed do not change...that is as long as they are seekers...

When they change they instantly become finders... I actually used the

word "audience" Tony, not "seekers", an audience consists of listeners

not compulsive questioners, look up the word... Listening is not

something you excel at...

>In the first place things in the spiritual world haven't

>changed that much since the 1950s


No change since the fifties? To use your own words, you attest that

nothing has actually happened whatsoever... So why is the period since

the 1950s all of a sudden so outstanding that you may want to question


>With regard to Jesus, where does he say it is a mistake, the cross,

>that is. There are only about 13 lines in the new testament that can

>be directly attributed to him. If you say the cross was a mistake then

>you say that his whole mission to demonstrate the non existence of

>death to be wrong?


Do you really want to know? Do you really think that you are ready to

accept an answer to those questions? Do you think that you can at least

listen and read a bit more carefully, not jumping to conclusions that

prevent your understanding?

When "Who am I?" is not figured out by you, can you really know anything

about anybody and anything else?

>Who are these beings of similar clarity now, inferring

>they are somewhat superior to Ramana etc?


The inference is yours, Tony! What do you think "similar clarity" means?

And do you really want to know who these beings are now? Is your

tendency to ridicule not clouding your ability to recognize?

>Is it those that insist that this creation is real and there is no

>other valid argument?


Again, would you actually like to know?

Also, reality has nothing to do with arguments, valid or not. As long as

arguments are important to you, you are not focusing on truth and

reality. You are squarely in the realm of concepts, notions,

assumptions, conditional statements, deductions, the conditionality of

the illusive world of concepts. As long as you argue, truth will elude



And where, all of a sudden, do you get the word "creation" from? Not

from anything I wrote. Or are you perchance again careless with

expressing yourself, as you now so often have admitted?



Give yourself a chance Tony, a fair one, we do, and hope and wish you

the best...

Love, Tony, Wim








Message: 3

Sat, 16 Jun 2001 01:01:55 -0700

"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere



Dear Joyce,


Wherever you are, you are here, same with me.

So good to be with you...


Love, Wim





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