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Archetypes and Magic Windows

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Below is a discussion of physics which explains how various waves and

frequencies appear. Depending on our own dedication to meditation,

our own natural body, our daily activity and thoughts, we produce

various brainwaves, delta, theta, alpha, etc.

By being at various levels we allow the waves to intersect with our

own, and as illustrated below, this explains the constant appearance

of certain archetypes. So, by being in different "spaces" by

thought, nonthought, sleep, etc., we draw to us.

Fascinating how we draw our teaching, we are our karma :-)




"Hyperchannels for crosstalk between dimensions are known as "magic windows."

These interdimensional nodal points have a naturally tuned frequency

of a good hyperchannel between orthogonal frames where scalar wave

anenergies crosstalk readily. Crosstalk normally means the transfer

of energy or signal from one channel to another, by cross modulation

or cross coupling between the channels.  In this new approach it

refers to the virtual energy exchange between orthogonal universes or

frames--that is, between different 3- or 4-dimensional slices of an

infinite-dimensional universe.

Magic windows are frequency dependent. Some magic windows are 38-40

kHz, 150-160 kHz, 1.1-1.3 MHz, 1.057 (Lamb shift), and in the near

ultraviolet frequency.  These frequencies represent enhanced channels

between subquantal (virtual) and spatial (observable) states.  A

particularly good magic window exists when the infrared and

ultraviolet bands being utilized are phase-locked so that the

ultraviolet represents a first harmonic of the infrared. Also known

as the Tesla wave, this standing scalar wave can be seen alternately

as a time wave or a gravitational wave.  It is a wave of pure

potential. It is a longitudinal scalar potential wave in massless

charge, in the vacuum charge flux itself, and in pure spacetime. 

Since there are no spinning charged mass particles, it does not form

a vector electromagnetic wave, as conventional theory would predict. 

It breaks into shadowy, virtual vectors which are not integrated.

Rigorously vector fields cannot exist in a vacuum, but can only exist

on an observable mass.  A "shadow" vector field can exist in a

vacuum.  In the absence of observable mass, it exists as small

virtual vectors, each existing as a virtual particle in the vacuum. 

Such a "shadow" vector field may be regarded as two coupled scalar

fields, where the coupling is performed by the virtual particle flux

of which the vacuum itself consists.

If this same holds true for the collective unconscious, it may be a

physical analog for the unintegratable aspects of the archetypes in

human personality.  Resonating standing scalar waves in the brain may

be the physical interface for archetypes.  Since the vectors of vector

equilibrium represent the paths of least resistance, they may

represent preferred pathways in the brain, as suggested by the

chronic reappearance of archetypal patterns.

Classical brainwaves are only the residue or "spillage" waves of the

brain.  The important activity is in the specific patterning of the

vector zero summations of the myriads of ion discharges.  Every

"discharge ion" constitutes a small EM force vector. "

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