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Messianic Truth ..

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Aberrations of the Heart of Man


There has been a deviation from Truth and rectitude within the

doctrines of Western Religion and Spirituality which has had far

reaching implications in the psyche of the Human Species.


This distortion of the ancient "rite" of circumcision of the male by

the translations of the recordings of texts used as Scriptural

authority has seen a genetic mutation most particularly applicable to

the male of the species following the belief in a Patriarchal

supernatural deity since the time of the biblical Abraham.



The manifestation is the separation of man from the eternal Oneness

of the Breath of Life .. a genetic code which has placed a huge

boulder over the entrance to the cave trapping the martyred male

within the cave .. awaiting the resurrection.


What was once a widespread practice of individualised tribes and

civilisations as diverse as the Aboriginal tribes of Australia and

the peoples of ancient Oceania to Ancient Egypt, from the Early

Phoenicians to the Aztec and Mayan Races, the practice we know as

circumcision is recorded long before the times of Christian Bible or

the Sacred Texts of Judaism and Mohommadanism.



The origins of the practice have been lost in antiquity. In some

areas it is the symbol of phallus worship, in others it is a puberty

rite of passage. Within some groups it is recorded as a mark of

status and within others, including some areas of pagan practice, the

mark of the priesthood. Yet, contained in all contextual references

is a cleanliness born of rite of passage.



Yet, Western Spirituality has seen to interpret this process in terms

most are familiar with in our Western Bible recorded in Genesis 17 ..

most popularly translated as a covenant with a "God" rather than the

original text YHWH or the unpronounceable name of the Universal



Like the law of the clean and the unclean, both in food and daily

life, circumcision was a practice from antiquity that was adapted to

imbue a significance never previously expressed.



Maybe, within the metaphor of this story, there is a deeper meaning

no less significant than Moses's meeting with this same YHWH and his

Covenant of the Commandments.


Does the Bible have to follow a linear sequence of the evolution of

Mankind .. as we have been led to believe on pain of death? Or could

it possibly be an anthology .. a lateral matrix of metaphors much

like we are creating in the mind now, as we try to assimilate the

teachings of different authors, cultures, times and places.



Yet, this ritualised branding of infants was destined to be handed

down through the male line, generation after generation as a covenant

in perpetuity.


Would El Shaddai really cast out one of the tribe whose foreskin was

not cut?


What impression does this image of a vengeful god leave in the heart

of man bound by pain to a covenant of purity .. especially when the

ancient Hebrew translated in this manner and given so much authority,

occurs in the language of only one Semitic tribe?



The clue lies in the verse where Jeremiah took over the usage of this

metaphor: “Circumcise (make a covenant) yourselves for YHWH and apply

circumcision to your hearts, ye men of Judah … , because of the evil

of your doings” (Jer. 4:4). Deuteronomy also (metaphorically) used

the verb “to circumcise”: “Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do

not be stiff-necked any longer” (Deut. 10:16 ..


The separation of the head from the body at the neck ..


In other words, take away the masks, role away the stones and

re-align yourselves with the Breath of the Universal Self .. for in

Jer 4:18 "Your own behaviour and actions have brought this on

yourself. Your wickedness, how bitter, has stabbed you in the heart."



Thus it is that the Heart can only be opened from within by a release

of the flow of the Universal breath or LifeForce (which some call

Kundalini) from where it has been trapped, behind the flaming sword

of self judgement which bars the mind access to the earth of the




The final confrontation is the Dark Night of the Soul where the mind

suddenly realises that all it has vainly sought outside in the realms

of altruistic vision and higher mind lies within and that the mind

itself is the stone and the fall from grace is the blasphemy of

looking to another for what lies within, below the surface of the




The "vision splendid" in the inverted external mirror of Salem or

Shamballah is a panacea to repress the fear of facing the truth of

one's Self .. that the utterance of "The Word" was the first

separation from the Universal Breath ..


The Earth will quake and the hemi-Spheres will once again sing the

Tao of the Planetary Logos .. the Book of the Revelations of the

rising Kundalini ..




-- Christopher Wynter,



The material presented in this post is also archived for reference

on the open archive lifestreams

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