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Nisaragadatta January 29, 1981

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M; You must give up identity with the body. Abidance in that

knowledge "I AM" which does not identify with the body-mind is the

spiritual light. Self-love and "I" Am" without words are the same.

The sicknesses may come and go, but the Self-love does not go.

Q: The realization of Self does not come.

M: Who says that? Without the knowingness who could say anything?

Q: Knowingness must exist because there is something to be known.

M: You have come here with the idea that you are full of knowledge,

full of wisdom; so what is your idea of knowledge? You are very

seasoned, having roamed about in all corners of the world.

Q: I know that I am not full of knowledge.

M: Why do you tell a lie?

Q: The books speak of that Ultimate joy and fulfillment which is the

result of knowledge.

M: You are not going to meet it because you are it. Would you go

out to meet your self?

Q: No I come here.

M: Before you know you were, did you have knowledge or ignorance? In

the absence of consciousness, who could say "I Am"? (Long Silence}

You have all gone into quietude.

Q: Every thought, every feeling in consciousness, is changing all

the time. I cannot be the changing, I am the changeless

consciousness which enables thoughts to pass. That is how I

understand it. Is it right?

M: How deluded you are?

Q: What I am trying to do is to stop identification with the thought

and feelings and not be possessed by them, as I use them as pointers

to the highest consciousness.

M: The why do you talk? The pointers of your feelings and your

thought are your Self and that is consciousness, so consciousness and

your Self are one.

Q: I want to get away from the pain.

M: The mind is deluding you , is cheating you.

Q: So I am the pain and I should be happy to be the pain?

M: Focus you attention on you-are-happiness, the the pain will

diminish. You assume that you have knowledge, so for testing

yourself you have come here.

Q: I cannot help my pain by repeating that "I am happiness".

Maharaj speaks from his level. I haven't got that highest happiness

to diminish the pain.

M: That is because you are embracing your body as you Self.

Q: Exactly, That is why I am using a trick to escape that.

M: Very good. In the later stages this consciousness is itself the

pain. Until you recognize and completely identify yourself with the

knowledge "I AM" you will identify with the body. That knowledge " I

Am", you do not know her. Some other are claiming all the knowledge

and pride. Now, how many more day are you going to visit this place?

Q Until the 7th.

M: You have been given answers to your question, why should you


Q: Then the others do no have to knowledge, and that's why they can

come back?

M: You speak for yourself! Other people may be more knowledgeable

than you, which do you equate them with you?

You have committed a grave offense by equating these people with the

level of you wisdom. Take care of yourself, don't worry about

others. How dare you bother about others when you do not fully know


Q: There is some link which binds us together.

M: Never criticize others.

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