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Digest Number 1210

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Certainly will pray, what city did he arrive near?

Fortunately, the reports so far are of very light damage

considering the magnitude.



Hiya All,

Thank you for the prayers, all and Glo. I haven't heard yet

if they have electric and water in Lima. Peru is one

of the five poorest countries in the world, so, this is

a very major handicap. But, it does seem that from

what I've been able to glean the damage is to the South,

in Arequipa and Nic is in Lima. Although I have no

email or phone from Carlos (ex-) yet and I'm sure

if he could have called or emailed he would. He would

know that I'm worried.

Intuitional "check-in" with Nicolas seems to indicate

that he's physically healthy, although scared. Carlos

has a cazimi Mercury to his Cancer Sun, and Nicolas

has a trine from Pluto, so, they're both intuitively


Thank you for the prayers, they always are more beneficial

than we think.

Linda, thank you for your ::::twirl:::::: it was cute!

If anyone sees a website that posts the condition of Lima,

I'd love the link, please send it to me privately as

I went to digest mode so that I could get my

work-related emails on graphics.

Just saw Linda's (another Linda) prayer, thank you

very much ... appreciate it greatly.

Linda } As for the "tempests in teapots" it is interesting that for

all of the belief in "oneness", for all  the understanding of

spiritual scriptures and concepts that are claimed,  the positive

effect of peaceful and harmonious words and thoughts on the planetary

vibration does not appear to have been grasped....instead we choose to

add to the turmoil.

Anna } Yes! If I ostracize someone or criticize someone it is just a criticism

of some part of me. And, my opportunity to heal that wounded part of me

in reality is gone. It will be replaced by another person "Z" somewhere

soon down the road at a higher volume with more magnitude. And,

this will continue until I pray and heal this wounded part of myself.

With all the material out there that has been written, and with all the

so-called meditation and enlightenment, it is amazing to me as

well, how very, very few people get this. It is soooooo obvious,

and it is such an easily derived solution. Not to mention the fact

we don't even have to add 2+2 - every major guru has already told

us this.

A really beautiful book on this is

Creating Miracles, by Caroline Miller, Ph.D.

Bruce? } Learning how to deal with the responses here, is a whole sadhana by > itself.

Anna } Yes! *g*

Alton } Wife in L.A. for son with thyroid cancer - I am truly sorry.

I hope both she and he are healing rapidly!

Joyce} Experiencing The Teaching

  Ramesh S. Balsekar

  Chapter 11



Anna } Manuel won't mind and has permission from Ramesh to

post these.

And, yes, as above! *g* a Valley girl "duh!"

On son:

I was very tempted to jump a plane to Peru, but

I'm waiting to see what the damage is and if I'm

better off here.

Glo, miss you. Are you driving into D.C. when

Harsha comes? Are you going to come down

15 or 50 East? Shall we meet somewhere before

we go in?



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Bruce squirted out:

> Why would that matter? The

> suggestion either has merit

> or doesn't, who cares where

> it came from?


It doesn't. It has none. I don't.

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On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 00:14:42 EDT PrairieDoug writes:

> Bruce squirted out:


> > Why would that matter? The

> > suggestion either has merit

> > or doesn't, who cares where

> > it came from?


> It doesn't. It has none. I don't.


Perfect! :-)









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