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Greg Goode

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On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 18:50:26 -0000 "COMO KASHA"

<lostnfoundation writes:

> Hi: Greg:

> I guess there are no only solutions. What ever works for one is

> best.

> However, currently the Psychiatrists are catagorizing too many as

> clinically depressed and puting them on anti-depressants. My

> grandson's friends are on it and he wanted to be on them too. So he

> went to a psychiatrist and they diagnosed him as clinically

> depressed. Parkinson like syndromes are appearing in those who were

> on tranquilizers and who can tell what the side effects will be for

> anti-depressants. The dosage has to be increased to keep working,

> from what I have read


Having had a parent with

serious depression *before*

the advent of modern

treatment, I can tell you

that whatever their pitfalls

they are a great improvement

over what little was

available just a couple of

decades ago, which bordered

on the barbaric.


Overprescription of SSRIs is

mostly a problem among non-

specialists -- psychiatrists

tend to look into other ways

of dealing with depression

first, but even they know

that talk therapy has been

very ineffective as a



> When I grew up feeling down was quite natural when things did not

> work out for oneself.


Clinical depression is not

like that -- it comprises

"feeling down" for *no*

discernible reason at all,

even when things are going

well as far as anyone can

tell. The psychiatric

approach assumes there are

hidden "things" that don't

"work out" and attempts to

find those hidden problems.

That almost *never* works,

and SSRIs generally do.


Btw, my experience (not

personal, but people I know)

is that SSRI dosage do not

generally escalate, but does

tend to fluctuate. Perhaps

this is due to periodic

changes in levels of the

relevant natural chemical,

seratonin, which is not

directly measured


> You slept it off for a few weeks and it left.


Most of us don't have the

option of "few weeks" of

sleep. Correctly diagnosed

clinical depression isn't

take easy to get over.

> I am not against standard therapy,


SSRIs are now standard for

clinical depression.

> I just think alternative sfuff

> works better.


I've seen little evidence

about "alternative sfuff,"

and I'd be interested in

testimony about it.


> Love,


> Alton










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Hi Bruce:

I could counter most of your arguments and this could go on an on, so

I will stop by saying that what you have to say has some validity in

some circumstances.




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That's all I was saying --

"some validity in some

circumstances" is about

all one can hope for with

*any* kind of treatment.


On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:35:21 -0000 "COMO KASHA"

<lostnfoundation writes:

> Hi Bruce:

> I could counter most of your arguments and this could go on an on, so

> I will stop by saying that what you have to say has some validity in

> some circumstances.


> Aloha,

> Alton



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At 07:14 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:


>Overprescription of SSRIs is

>mostly a problem among non-

>specialists -- psychiatrists

>tend to look into other ways

>of dealing with depression

>first, but even they know

>that talk therapy has been

>very ineffective as a


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On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:35:13 -0400 Greg Goode <goode writes:



Selective Seratonin Reuptake

Inhibitor, e.g. Prozac and

dozens of newer anti-

depressant drugs. At this

point internists, GPs, and

ob/gyns are the major

prescribers, not shrinks,

and that's apparently

resulting in a lot of

mistaken diagnosis of

ordinary "blues" as clinical

depression worth of the

risks of drug therapy.


> At 07:14 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:


> >

> >Overprescription of SSRIs is

> >mostly a problem among non-

> >specialists -- psychiatrists

> >tend to look into other ways

> >of dealing with depression

> >first, but even they know

> >that talk therapy has been

> >very ineffective as a

> >treatment.









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Thanks Bruce-ji,


How do they work with ordinary ups and downs, the blues, and with actual

clinical depression?


Over-prescription, interesting. Reminds me of a similar case in a

different specialty of medicine. Yeas ago a friend of mine popped

something in her back in her factory job at Kodak. Next day, she went to

the doctor on the job site. He gave her painkillers, and she was on free

Kodak painkillers for the next 10 years as the pain and her immobility got

worse and worse. By the time she looked at different avenues, her spine

was almost fused into permanent mis-aligment. She finally went for spinal

surgery; Kodak was court-ordered to pay for that, and also award her a

permanent disability allowance.




At 08:53 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:


>On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:35:13 -0400 Greg Goode <goode writes:

>> SSRI?


>Selective Seratonin Reuptake

>Inhibitor, e.g. Prozac and

>dozens of newer anti-

>depressant drugs. At this

>point internists, GPs, and

>ob/gyns are the major

>prescribers, not shrinks,

>and that's apparently

>resulting in a lot of

>mistaken diagnosis of

>ordinary "blues" as clinical

>depression worth of the

>risks of drug therapy.


>> At 07:14 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:


>> >

>> >Overprescription of SSRIs is

>> >mostly a problem among non-

>> >specialists -- psychiatrists

>> >tend to look into other ways

>> >of dealing with depression

>> >first, but even they know

>> >that talk therapy has been

>> >very ineffective as a

>> >treatment.









>Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to





>Your use of is subject to





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On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:06:51 -0400 Greg Goode <goode writes:

> Thanks Bruce-ji,


> How do they work with ordinary ups and downs, the blues, and with

> actual clinical depression?


The mechanism is described in

the name -- they supposedly

prevent (inhibit) seratonin,

one of the major mood-

governing chemicals, from

being absorbed (reuptake).

Iow, they don't directly

alter mood, they keep a

natural substance that

strongly influences mood

from falling to low levels.


The thing is, they probably

are effective in treating

"the blues," but as Alton

mentions such moods go away

on their own given some time

and really don't require

treatment any more than the

momentary pain of a pinched

finger requires aspirin --

it makes no sense to medicate

a short-term condition, be it

a mood or a physical pain.


> Over-prescription, interesting. Reminds me of a similar case in a

> different specialty of medicine. Yeas ago a friend of mine popped

> something in her back in her factory job at Kodak. Next day, she

> went to

> the doctor on the job site. He gave her painkillers, and she was on

> free

> Kodak painkillers for the next 10 years as the pain and her

> immobility got

> worse and worse. By the time she looked at different avenues, her

> spine

> was almost fused into permanent mis-aligment. She finally went for

> spinal

> surgery; Kodak was court-ordered to pay for that, and also award her

> a permanent disability allowance.


Yes, and if there *is* an

underlying psychological or

(dare I say) spiritual

malaise rather than a simple

shortfall in seratonin

levels, then inappropriate

SSRI treatment can prevent

finding and dealing with the

real source of the problem.

> --Greg


> At 08:53 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:

> >

> >On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:35:13 -0400 Greg Goode <goode

> writes:

> >> SSRI?

> >

> >Selective Seratonin Reuptake

> >Inhibitor, e.g. Prozac and

> >dozens of newer anti-

> >depressant drugs. At this

> >point internists, GPs, and

> >ob/gyns are the major

> >prescribers, not shrinks,

> >and that's apparently

> >resulting in a lot of

> >mistaken diagnosis of

> >ordinary "blues" as clinical

> >depression worth of the

> >risks of drug therapy.

> >>

> >> At 07:14 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:

> >>

> >> >

> >> >Overprescription of SSRIs is

> >> >mostly a problem among non-

> >> >specialists -- psychiatrists

> >> >tend to look into other ways

> >> >of dealing with depression

> >> >first, but even they know

> >> >that talk therapy has been

> >> >very ineffective as a

> >> >treatment.

> >

> >

> >http://come.to/realization

> >http://www.atman.net/realization

> >http://www.users.uniserve.com/~samuel/brucemrg.htm

> >http://www.users.uniserve.com/~samuel/brucsong.htm

> ________


> >Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> >Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> >http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> >

> >/join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places,

> sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside

> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than

> the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

> Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

> is

> Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality

> of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge,

> spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to

> a.

> >

> >

> >

> >Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >

> >


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

> the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is

> always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know

> the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

> relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from

> within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




> Your use of is subject to







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I was diagnosed with severe depression 10 years ago.


I was put on Xanax.


I got addicted to it.


I stopped taking it.....cold turkey...tough.


I was told to go on Prozac....I refused.


I have had some tremendous lows and some major pain

in my body.........yet, I survived...and stronger...most of the



Something created the desire in me to not take the prescription drugs,

I am glad I did....because of this decision....I have learned to feel,

not just think that I am feeling....not easy....but well worth the trip.






Bruce Morgen wrote:


> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:06:51 -0400 Greg Goode <goode writes:

> > Thanks Bruce-ji,

> >

> > How do they work with ordinary ups and downs, the blues, and with

> > actual clinical depression?


> The mechanism is described in

> the name -- they supposedly

> prevent (inhibit) seratonin,

> one of the major mood-

> governing chemicals, from

> being absorbed (reuptake).

> Iow, they don't directly

> alter mood, they keep a

> natural substance that

> strongly influences mood

> from falling to low levels.


> The thing is, they probably

> are effective in treating

> "the blues," but as Alton

> mentions such moods go away

> on their own given some time

> and really don't require

> treatment any more than the

> momentary pain of a pinched

> finger requires aspirin --

> it makes no sense to medicate

> a short-term condition, be it

> a mood or a physical pain.

> >

> > Over-prescription, interesting. Reminds me of a similar case in a

> > different specialty of medicine. Yeas ago a friend of mine popped

> > something in her back in her factory job at Kodak. Next day, she

> > went to

> > the doctor on the job site. He gave her painkillers, and she was on


> > free

> > Kodak painkillers for the next 10 years as the pain and her

> > immobility got

> > worse and worse. By the time she looked at different avenues, her

> > spine

> > was almost fused into permanent mis-aligment. She finally went for

> > spinal

> > surgery; Kodak was court-ordered to pay for that, and also award her


> > a permanent disability allowance.

> >

> Yes, and if there *is* an

> underlying psychological or

> (dare I say) spiritual

> malaise rather than a simple

> shortfall in seratonin

> levels, then inappropriate

> SSRI treatment can prevent

> finding and dealing with the

> real source of the problem.


> > --Greg

> >

> > At 08:53 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:

> > >

> > >On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:35:13 -0400 Greg Goode <goode

> > writes:

> > >> SSRI?

> > >

> > >Selective Seratonin Reuptake

> > >Inhibitor, e.g. Prozac and

> > >dozens of newer anti-

> > >depressant drugs. At this

> > >point internists, GPs, and

> > >ob/gyns are the major

> > >prescribers, not shrinks,

> > >and that's apparently

> > >resulting in a lot of

> > >mistaken diagnosis of

> > >ordinary "blues" as clinical

> > >depression worth of the

> > >risks of drug therapy.

> > >>

> > >> At 07:14 PM 6/25/01, Bruce Morgen wrote:

> > >>

> > >> >

> > >> >Overprescription of SSRIs is

> > >> >mostly a problem among non-

> > >> >specialists -- psychiatrists

> > >> >tend to look into other ways

> > >> >of dealing with depression

> > >> >first, but even they know

> > >> >that talk therapy has been

> > >> >very ineffective as a

> > >> >treatment.

> > >

> > >

> > >http://come.to/realization

> > >http://www.atman.net/realization

> > >http://www.users.uniserve.com/~samuel/brucemrg.htm

> > >http://www.users.uniserve.com/~samuel/brucsong.htm

> > ________


> > >Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> > >Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> > >http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> > >

> > >/join

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places,

> > sights,

> > perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> > subside

> > back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> > different than

> > the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

> > Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

> > is

> > Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> > Finality

> > of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> > Self-Knowledge,

> > spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to

> > a.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Your use of is subject to

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > /join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,


> > perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> > subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> > different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

> > the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is

> > always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know

> > the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

> > relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from

> > within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ______________


> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


> Sponsor

[Check out great fares at Orbitz!]


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.





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Indightful! Thanks for sharing this, and I'm glad you took the tough step!

Feeling vs thinking one is feeling... Can you say more about how thinking

you were feeling was related to the medication? Is it that under the

medication the feelings weren't available, but people are supposed ot have

feelings, so you thought you had them?






At 04:39 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

>I was diagnosed with severe depression 10 years ago.


>I was put on Xanax.


>I got addicted to it.


>I stopped taking it.....cold turkey...tough.


>I was told to go on Prozac....I refused.


>I have had some tremendous lows and some major pain

>in my body.........yet, I survived...and stronger...most of the



>Something created the desire in me to not take the prescription drugs,

>I am glad I did....because of this decision....I have learned to feel,

>not just think that I am feeling....not easy....but well worth the trip.





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Hi Greg:


Actually, the medication only helped to numb my senses when

life started sending me situations which I didn't want to accept.

The Xanax only made things worse since the lessons kept coming

fast and furious...yet I was so numb from the head up that I was

walking around with my head in my ass,,,so to speak..:-).


I realize now that I went through 40 plus years of my life

much like an actor on a stage. You say your part and I respond

with my lines and actions. Funny thing is when I stopped playing

my role...all the other actors in my life.....vanished....kaput.


I now have "real" loving people in my life.

Yes, we still have issues to deal with.

We get angry...we get nervous, we have fear.

But through it all we have grown to love all of who we are.


My biggest challenge lately seems to come from within,

mostly at night, it wakes me up, tight chest, churning stomach,

thoughts playing havic with me when I am asleep,, I call them

psychic attacks...negativity...opposite of love.


My body has gone through a metamorphisis as well.

I use to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day...

gave them up cold turkey 4 years ago...not easy..

glad I did...yet this too contributed to my ability to

feel more because the nicotine and tar was numbing

the signal from my brain to my body. When I stopped,

the brain went nuts and I felt I was insane,,in fact I was

and may still be, :-), but hey who isn't?


I continue to be faced with situations in life which upon

retrospect are blessings in disguise designed to wake

my ass up and stop pretending that I know what the

hell will or should happen next, because I "know" now

that I don't, my ego doesn't like this one damn bit and

rears his ugly head from time to time, thankfully less and

less......yet like I say...he, she, it...plays havic with me at

night and when I am "relaxing".


The more I see that these moments are just thoughts,

the easier it is to deal with them.


Thanks for asking Greg,




Greg Goode wrote:

> Michael,


> Indightful! Thanks for sharing this, and I'm glad you took the tough

> step!

> Feeling vs thinking one is feeling... Can you say more about how

> thinking

> you were feeling was related to the medication? Is it that under the

> medication the feelings weren't available, but people are supposed ot

> have

> feelings, so you thought you had them?


> Thanks!


> --Greg


> At 04:39 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

> >I was diagnosed with severe depression 10 years ago.

> >

> >I was put on Xanax.

> >

> >I got addicted to it.

> >

> >I stopped taking it.....cold turkey...tough.

> >

> >I was told to go on Prozac....I refused.

> >

> >I have had some tremendous lows and some major pain

> >in my body.........yet, I survived...and stronger...most of the

> >time...:-))

> >

> >Something created the desire in me to not take the prescription

> drugs,

> >I am glad I did....because of this decision....I have learned to

> feel,

> >not just think that I am feeling....not easy....but well worth the

> trip.

> >

> >Peace,

> >

> >Michael



> Sponsor

[Check out great fares at Orbitz!]


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.





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Guest guest

Hi Michael,


I admire your courage! It looks like a veil of separation dropped for you.

No more insulation or bubble or automatic pilot, but right there in the

fire and ice. I can see your strength in this. You are probably a help to

the other "real" people in your life! :-)




At 05:06 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

>Hi Greg:


>Actually, the medication only helped to numb my senses when

>life started sending me situations which I didn't want to accept.

>The Xanax only made things worse since the lessons kept coming

>fast and furious...yet I was so numb from the head up that I was

>walking around with my head in my ass,,,so to speak..:-).


>I realize now that I went through 40 plus years of my life

>much like an actor on a stage. You say your part and I respond

>with my lines and actions. Funny thing is when I stopped playing

>my role...all the other actors in my life.....vanished....kaput.


>I now have "real" loving people in my life.

>Yes, we still have issues to deal with.

>We get angry...we get nervous, we have fear.

>But through it all we have grown to love all of who we are.


>My biggest challenge lately seems to come from within,

>mostly at night, it wakes me up, tight chest, churning stomach,

>thoughts playing havic with me when I am asleep,, I call them

>psychic attacks...negativity...opposite of love.


>My body has gone through a metamorphisis as well.

>I use to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day...

>gave them up cold turkey 4 years ago...not easy..

>glad I did...yet this too contributed to my ability to

>feel more because the nicotine and tar was numbing

>the signal from my brain to my body. When I stopped,

>the brain went nuts and I felt I was insane,,in fact I was

>and may still be, :-), but hey who isn't?


>I continue to be faced with situations in life which upon

>retrospect are blessings in disguise designed to wake

>my ass up and stop pretending that I know what the

>hell will or should happen next, because I "know" now

>that I don't, my ego doesn't like this one damn bit and

>rears his ugly head from time to time, thankfully less and

>less......yet like I say...he, she, it...plays havic with me at

>night and when I am "relaxing".


>The more I see that these moments are just thoughts,

>the easier it is to deal with them.


>Thanks for asking Greg,



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Thanks, but I didn't have courage,

I was scared to death and still am.


Yes, the veil of separation dropped,

but what I saw was not always wonderful,

in fact, I experienced just the opposite.

It was there all the time but I was so blind

that I didn't see it.


Funny that say fire and ice because my

wife is a Leo and I am a Scorpio and

the two signs are like fire and ice...

and this is so true..:-)


What I remember from the experience of

"my" life so far, is that most, if not all,

of what I have worried about or feared

has turned out to be pure imagination.

When I think I have figured something

out......life steps in to show me I havn't.


How a Southern Baptist country boy

from West Tennessee got interested in

Advaita...........is beyond me...:-)).

maybe it was because the Church of Christ

folks didn't like what I had to say....HA HA


Namaste Greg,




Greg Goode wrote:

> Hi Michael,


> I admire your courage! It looks like a veil of separation dropped for

> you.

> No more insulation or bubble or automatic pilot, but right there in

> the

> fire and ice. I can see your strength in this. You are probably a

> help to

> the other "real" people in your life! :-)


> --Greg


> At 05:06 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

> >Hi Greg:

> >

> >Actually, the medication only helped to numb my senses when

> >life started sending me situations which I didn't want to accept.

> >The Xanax only made things worse since the lessons kept coming

> >fast and furious...yet I was so numb from the head up that I was

> >walking around with my head in my ass,,,so to speak..:-).

> >

> >I realize now that I went through 40 plus years of my life

> >much like an actor on a stage. You say your part and I respond

> >with my lines and actions. Funny thing is when I stopped playing

> >my role...all the other actors in my life.....vanished....kaput.

> >

> >I now have "real" loving people in my life.

> >Yes, we still have issues to deal with.

> >We get angry...we get nervous, we have fear.

> >But through it all we have grown to love all of who we are.

> >

> >My biggest challenge lately seems to come from within,

> >mostly at night, it wakes me up, tight chest, churning stomach,

> >thoughts playing havic with me when I am asleep,, I call them

> >psychic attacks...negativity...opposite of love.

> >

> >My body has gone through a metamorphisis as well.

> >I use to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day...

> >gave them up cold turkey 4 years ago...not easy..

> >glad I did...yet this too contributed to my ability to

> >feel more because the nicotine and tar was numbing

> >the signal from my brain to my body. When I stopped,

> >the brain went nuts and I felt I was insane,,in fact I was

> >and may still be, :-), but hey who isn't?

> >

> >I continue to be faced with situations in life which upon

> >retrospect are blessings in disguise designed to wake

> >my ass up and stop pretending that I know what the

> >hell will or should happen next, because I "know" now

> >that I don't, my ego doesn't like this one damn bit and

> >rears his ugly head from time to time, thankfully less and

> >less......yet like I say...he, she, it...plays havic with me at

> >night and when I am "relaxing".

> >

> >The more I see that these moments are just thoughts,

> >the easier it is to deal with them.

> >

> >Thanks for asking Greg,

> >

> >Michael



> Sponsor

[Check out great fares at Orbitz!]


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.





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Guest guest

Ha! Church of Christ? Lordy, Lordy! Former Church of God in Christ

born-again pentacostal here myself!






At 06:49 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:



>Thanks, but I didn't have courage,

>I was scared to death and still am.


>Yes, the veil of separation dropped,

>but what I saw was not always wonderful,

>in fact, I experienced just the opposite.

>It was there all the time but I was so blind

>that I didn't see it.


>Funny that say fire and ice because my

>wife is a Leo and I am a Scorpio and

>the two signs are like fire and ice...

>and this is so true..:-)


>What I remember from the experience of

>"my" life so far, is that most, if not all,

>of what I have worried about or feared

>has turned out to be pure imagination.

>When I think I have figured something

>out......life steps in to show me I havn't.


>How a Southern Baptist country boy

>from West Tennessee got interested in

>Advaita...........is beyond me...:-)).

>maybe it was because the Church of Christ

>folks didn't like what I had to say....HA HA


>Namaste Greg,




>Greg Goode wrote:


>> Hi Michael,


>> I admire your courage! It looks like a veil of separation dropped for

>> you.

>> No more insulation or bubble or automatic pilot, but right there in

>> the

>> fire and ice. I can see your strength in this. You are probably a

>> help to

>> the other "real" people in your life! :-)


>> --Greg


>> At 05:06 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

>> >Hi Greg:

>> >

>> >Actually, the medication only helped to numb my senses when

>> >life started sending me situations which I didn't want to accept.

>> >The Xanax only made things worse since the lessons kept coming

>> >fast and furious...yet I was so numb from the head up that I was

>> >walking around with my head in my ass,,,so to speak..:-).

>> >

>> >I realize now that I went through 40 plus years of my life

>> >much like an actor on a stage. You say your part and I respond

>> >with my lines and actions. Funny thing is when I stopped playing

>> >my role...all the other actors in my life.....vanished....kaput.

>> >

>> >I now have "real" loving people in my life.

>> >Yes, we still have issues to deal with.

>> >We get angry...we get nervous, we have fear.

>> >But through it all we have grown to love all of who we are.

>> >

>> >My biggest challenge lately seems to come from within,

>> >mostly at night, it wakes me up, tight chest, churning stomach,

>> >thoughts playing havic with me when I am asleep,, I call them

>> >psychic attacks...negativity...opposite of love.

>> >

>> >My body has gone through a metamorphisis as well.

>> >I use to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day...

>> >gave them up cold turkey 4 years ago...not easy..

>> >glad I did...yet this too contributed to my ability to

>> >feel more because the nicotine and tar was numbing

>> >the signal from my brain to my body. When I stopped,

>> >the brain went nuts and I felt I was insane,,in fact I was

>> >and may still be, :-), but hey who isn't?

>> >

>> >I continue to be faced with situations in life which upon

>> >retrospect are blessings in disguise designed to wake

>> >my ass up and stop pretending that I know what the

>> >hell will or should happen next, because I "know" now

>> >that I don't, my ego doesn't like this one damn bit and

>> >rears his ugly head from time to time, thankfully less and

>> >less......yet like I say...he, she, it...plays havic with me at

>> >night and when I am "relaxing".

>> >

>> >The more I see that these moments are just thoughts,

>> >the easier it is to deal with them.

>> >

>> >Thanks for asking Greg,

>> >

>> >Michael



>> Sponsor

> [Check out great fares at Orbitz!]



>> /join






>> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

>> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

>> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

>> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

>> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

>> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

>> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

>> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

>> Self. Welcome all to a.













>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is

Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality

of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,

spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to





>Your use of is subject to





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Guest guest

Yeah Greg:


I stupidly got a Church of Christ internet list.

They all told me I was going to burn in hell

because I comitted adultry. I said what about

repentance and God's love and they said,

not for adultry and proceeded to point out

the letter of the law as spoken by Paul in

the New Testament. This brought much

pain into my life and then and there I decided

that the God of my childhood fantacies was

not the God I wanted to believe in and I

became a miserable seeker and ended up on

the nonduality lists. I have had some suffering

moments as a result of posts here too but

the difference is that these are from my own

making......people here are very nonjudgmental

for the most part.






Greg Goode wrote:

> Ha! Church of Christ? Lordy, Lordy! Former Church of God in Christ

> born-again pentacostal here myself!


> Love,


> --Greg


> At 06:49 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

> >Greg:

> >

> >Thanks, but I didn't have courage,

> >I was scared to death and still am.

> >

> >Yes, the veil of separation dropped,

> >but what I saw was not always wonderful,

> >in fact, I experienced just the opposite.

> >It was there all the time but I was so blind

> >that I didn't see it.

> >

> >Funny that say fire and ice because my

> >wife is a Leo and I am a Scorpio and

> >the two signs are like fire and ice...

> >and this is so true..:-)

> >

> >What I remember from the experience of

> >"my" life so far, is that most, if not all,

> >of what I have worried about or feared

> >has turned out to be pure imagination.

> >When I think I have figured something

> >out......life steps in to show me I havn't.

> >

> >How a Southern Baptist country boy

> >from West Tennessee got interested in

> >Advaita...........is beyond me...:-)).

> >maybe it was because the Church of Christ

> >folks didn't like what I had to say....HA HA

> >

> >Namaste Greg,

> >

> >Michael

> >

> >Greg Goode wrote:

> >

> >> Hi Michael,

> >>

> >> I admire your courage! It looks like a veil of separation dropped

> for

> >> you.

> >> No more insulation or bubble or automatic pilot, but right there in


> >> the

> >> fire and ice. I can see your strength in this. You are probably a


> >> help to

> >> the other "real" people in your life! :-)

> >>

> >> --Greg

> >>

> >> At 05:06 PM 6/25/01 -0500, Michael wrote:

> >> >Hi Greg:

> >> >

> >> >Actually, the medication only helped to numb my senses when

> >> >life started sending me situations which I didn't want to accept.

> >> >The Xanax only made things worse since the lessons kept coming

> >> >fast and furious...yet I was so numb from the head up that I was

> >> >walking around with my head in my ass,,,so to speak..:-).

> >> >

> >> >I realize now that I went through 40 plus years of my life

> >> >much like an actor on a stage. You say your part and I respond

> >> >with my lines and actions. Funny thing is when I stopped playing

> >> >my role...all the other actors in my life.....vanished....kaput.

> >> >

> >> >I now have "real" loving people in my life.

> >> >Yes, we still have issues to deal with.

> >> >We get angry...we get nervous, we have fear.

> >> >But through it all we have grown to love all of who we are.

> >> >

> >> >My biggest challenge lately seems to come from within,

> >> >mostly at night, it wakes me up, tight chest, churning stomach,

> >> >thoughts playing havic with me when I am asleep,, I call them

> >> >psychic attacks...negativity...opposite of love.

> >> >

> >> >My body has gone through a metamorphisis as well.

> >> >I use to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day...

> >> >gave them up cold turkey 4 years ago...not easy..

> >> >glad I did...yet this too contributed to my ability to

> >> >feel more because the nicotine and tar was numbing

> >> >the signal from my brain to my body. When I stopped,

> >> >the brain went nuts and I felt I was insane,,in fact I was

> >> >and may still be, :-), but hey who isn't?

> >> >

> >> >I continue to be faced with situations in life which upon

> >> >retrospect are blessings in disguise designed to wake

> >> >my ass up and stop pretending that I know what the

> >> >hell will or should happen next, because I "know" now

> >> >that I don't, my ego doesn't like this one damn bit and

> >> >rears his ugly head from time to time, thankfully less and

> >> >less......yet like I say...he, she, it...plays havic with me at

> >> >night and when I am "relaxing".

> >> >

> >> >The more I see that these moments are just thoughts,

> >> >the easier it is to deal with them.

> >> >

> >> >Thanks for asking Greg,

> >> >

> >> >Michael

> >>

> >>

> >> Sponsor

> > [Check out great fares at Orbitz!]

> >

> >>

> >> /join

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places,

> sights,

> >> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and


> >> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not


> >> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

> the

> >> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> >> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the

> Heart

> >> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the


> >> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> >> Self. Welcome all to a.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >/join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside

> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different

> than

> the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

> Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is


> Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality

> of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge,

> spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to

> a.

> >

> >

> >

> >Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >

> >


> Sponsor

[Check out great fares at Orbitz!]


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.





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