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head meds

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Hi Alton:


I would agree that alternatives, especially holistic ones, are the

best route to take with even those who are "chemically imbalanced".

However, often those who are imbalanced are just not stable enough to

commit to a program. Five very long years ago I took my daughter to a

very good herbalist....all of the brain and hormonal imbalances showed

up and a regiment was prescribed. My 17 year old daughter would

simply not take them and now at 23 she is on the chemical ones. She

is finally stablized and appears to be growing and functioning at a

manageable level. Of course, I still have full care of her 5 year

old daughter and have learned to just accept it. What is of interest

is that for years I tried to get doctors to test her hormonal

levels...finally, after a stint in the mental floor of the local

hospital they did the tests...her levels are way out of balance with

the male hormones being much higher than the female.....and the

doctors will not even address that issue...they feel she should just

stay on the program of drugs for mood stabilization, anxiety and

depression. They are helping but she knows that she is most likely

looking at further problems down the road.....now she tells me that

she wishes she had taken the herbs seriously and tried to do it that

way. I can no longer afford to financially or emotionally step

in......she will now have to find her own way to work with other

disciplines and find a program that not only stabilizes her but also

helps to keep her healthy.


Her meds have been prescribed by mental health professionals and

though they are not the first choice they are at least keeping her

from totally destroying her life as well as anyone else's in her

path. What I have noticed though is that Bruce and Greg are both

right too many other doctors are prescribing these drugs to people

who are not organically imbalanced. I have too many clients, friends

and relatives that are on these drugs because boyfriends ended

relationships, jobs were lost, teenagers are causing parents grief

and assorted other situations that are just a matter of life on this

planet. It is becoming a situation whereby no one will allow

themselves to grieve, feel fear or any other "negative" emotion. An

interesting trend is that these same doctors will no longer prescribe

valium or zanex as they are considered addictive....not quite sure how

they view pills that are so powerful that coming off of them without

medical supervision can cause seizures. I wonder what this will all

look like in 20 years.



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Hi Linda:

Thanks for sharing. We have lived with our grandchildren for

almost 21 years. My wife and I have Saturn in the forth house and

Saturn right here in Hawaii on the AstroCart read. We were both from

NY and who would have believed that we would end up in Paradise. We

have had some very difficult times and now I really appreciate



As far as our 22 year old grandson is concerned, I really dont think

he is clinically depressed. He has lots of friends and goes out every

night. He has quite a superior mind but they suspended him from

college because he has stedfastly refused to do any homework. I told

him about the side effects and he forgot about anti-depressants until

his friends convinced him that it would help him in life.

I could go to any psychiatrist and if I tell them a few things they

would say that I too am clinically depressed. Bull.


If someone needs them and is unwilling to do alternative stuff then I

am for them. Our brother-in-law has had 14 operations for

Neurofibromatoma and is generally in increbible pain. After his last

operation the nurse asked him if he wanted any painkiller. He said

that the pain that he is experiencing now after the operation is mild

compared to the pain he usually has. He finally could not take the

pain anymore and refused to get our of bed. His wife said that either

you go on anti-depressants or she will commit him. He now takes them

and I asked him if it helps with the pain.

He said that the pain is still there but that his attitude about it

is improved.





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Hi Alton:


I also have Saturn in the 4th house it's been quite the journey :-).

Two years ago I relocated back to NY after a 9 year stint in Florida

and am aware that I will not stay in NY but have no sense of where

I'll be moving. I suspect that when next year's eclipse aspects

Saturn I'll have a direction.


I encouraged my daughter to check herself into the hospital and am

grateful for the care they gave her. The pills have helped her

greatly despite the imperfections, she now has a chance of living

life with some peace and purpose. It is encouraging to hear that you

are content after raising another set of children into adulthood :).

Thanks for sharing that.




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Hi: Linda;


Did you have an Astrocartology chart done to see where is the best

place for you to live?

Some astrologer I met online was going to do a reading for me and

advised that I get an Astrocart done.


My wife's former husband was killed in his own plane and left her

with four small children. She lost the suit again Piper Aircraft

because the lawyer that represented her was not allowed to place

into evidence, the fact of a design problem with the aircraft. Now

they changed that rule. How's that for Saturn in the forth house?


My wife's family has had lots of cancer and her mother died of it at

58. She is now almost 70 and has made meraculous progress going to a

Chinese herbalist for herbs and acupunture once per week. She has to

cook the herbs and take them 2 time per day.

Her Angina completly left and her energy is fantastic. Right now she

has health problems because of her stress regarding her son's Cancer

and being away from home.


Basically, I only had impute for our grandchildren as when we started

living together she send her kids to Synanon to live. The daughter

living with us had chronic asthma and kidney disease and we were

rushing her to the emergency ward each night. Then years later after

Synanon we brought her to our homestead on another Island and took

her off her drugs cold turkey. We were macrobiotic and that helped

cure her also. Since we lived 75 miles away from a drug store, she

had no access to her drugs and got cure and had two kids. The

Endocrinologist that she went to said that she could never have any

children and that if she went off her medicines she would die.

Synanon really helped her and the other two that went there for a

time. Now all are doing great except for the health problem of her



Aloha with love,



p.s Have you thought of Hawaii? I could not imagine any place on

earth that is nicer than here. When we take our walks, people say

hello to each other and most places are quite safe. The weather is

always georgeous and the air is clean.

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