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Attack of the Zoloft Zombies


By Al Goldstein - 04/19/01

I was watching this report on the news recently about how all these

doctors and school nurses are prescribing all manner of anti-

depressants to children they've deemed hyperactive or suffering from

A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder). I've also been following

American Medical Journal reports stating that A.D.D. is the most

misdiagnosed and over diagnosed illness in the country. Of course,

the second most over diagnosed child disease is hyperactivity.


In effect then, what's happening is that various incompetents who

work with children are diagnosing perfectly healthy and normal kids

with various mental disorders so they can simply string them out on

dope and not have to worry about looking after them...it's apathy

toward their jobs plain and simple. Moreover, it's evil and immoral!

Current figures show that three million children under the age of 12

are on Ritalin alone!!! I have friends working in pharmaceutical

research who tell me that the drugs prescribed to these kids: Zoloft,

Ritalin, Paxil etc., are generally useless in doing anything but

turning someone into a doped-up zombie who is too zonked out of their

skull to misbehave or do anything else for that matter. Nice.

Babysitting with drugs!


There is promise that the next generation of anti-depressants will

actually help cure some of these disorders, but if there is no

disorder to begin with...and apparently, there's usually not, then

there's nothing to be cured. When you give somebody drugs they don't

need, you're essentially creating a junkie (see: Elvis). And with all

these idiotic parents and childcare people jumping on the anti-

depressant bandwagon and doling out the drugs so they don't have to

put up with screaming kids, kids who are just being kids, they're

creating a generation of pill-popping junkies the likes of which this

country has never seen. Furthermore, prolonged use of these drugs has

actually been proven to cause mental illness where none existed



Sadly, we're all going to reap the effects of this sin in terms of

both the violent acts these kids will commit as they grow up and

become more crazed and craven, and in terms of feeding, housing,

incarcerating and executing those who can't be saved. Our creation of

these future monsters through chemistry is probably the biggest

single powderkeg issue this country is sitting on right now, but

we're hearing very little about it. The drug manufacturers aren't

going to direct doctors to get people off of their drugs, so it's up

to the individual to take control of his or her life and really

examine whether they need to be a strung-out Zoloft zombie, or just

work a little harder at trying to make the best of things. Nobody

ever promised anyone that life was going to be easy, so why look for

a magic pill that makes it seem that way?


Email Al: al

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