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Consciousness and the Absolute

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Nisargadatta February 8, 1981


Q: Sometimes I have a feeling of mindlessness I feel that only I

exist. There is only one thing in the world. I dont have to do

anything. I simple exist.

M: That state of being is common to all, that is the message "I AM"

without words.

Q: Is it possible to remain stable?

M: Change is only in the mind-flow. All the studies you are doing

are in the realm of the mind-flow. The sense of "I AM" is present

because of your birth, through which you encounter many thoughts and

concepts, always changing, presently the message "I AM" is constant.

Q: How can one be in that no-mind state?

M: Prior to your birth and receiving the message "I AM" what were


QT That is a mystery.

M: It is open, very clear, but still it is a mystery.

Subsequent to that "I AM" and body-mind, and in the realm of the

mind, there occurs what you call spiritual seeking , or spiritual

knowledge. This is nonsense. In due course this message "I AM" will


Q: How can you say that" What about rebirth?

M: The is no rebirth. In the case of a Jnani, the disappearance of

the "I Am" will be termed as Niruta, free from the "I AM". In the

case of an ordinary person. involved in mind, the disappearance of

the message "I AM" will be expressed as "the person is dead and had

taken another birth." You can never undertake studies about that no-

message state; you are making studies in the mind zone.

Q: So the witnessing is only possible when there are modifications of

the mind?

M: Witnessing happens. Remember one thing, I am addressing my talk

to the message " I AM"

Q: How can I communicate with the I AM"" , how can I listen?

M: Listening will come spontaneously--just as you wake up

spontaneously and fall asleep spontaneously. Dont make any effort.

I did not extract my beingness from "there" and insert it

into "here". It is happening spontaneously, and therefore I an

experiencing it. During these talks you have gotten very angry; this

is in the zone of mind modification - it is not a reflection of you

consciousness. The one who understands that anger is the message "I


All you spiritual studies are conducted with you identification with

the body-mind.

Q I think so, yes.

M: Unless you identify correctly who you are, how can you identify

others correctly? Recognize you real Self.

Q How shall I start.

M: Faith in God, is one of the sadhanas. The firm faith in the

Self in not a sadhana, it is abidance.

Q: I believe in God, or I do not believe in God--are these beliefs

the same?

M: Who is saying this? What you say will be correct only when you

have the conviction that you and God are one, then you will recognize

that there cannot be a God without you. To know yourself is the real

knowledge, but you cannot LOOK at yourself, you can only ABIDE in


Give up you attachment to mind modification.

Q: Sometimes it does happen.. How can I transcend the mind?

M: Understand that you have no connection with this mind-flow; you

are apart from it. Be watchful be alert. A century ago, were you

possessed by these mind-modifications?

Q: No.

M: Remain exactly like that.

Q: How can I remain in the I Am"?

M: It is a stupid question. You are ALREADY that. Are you not

already the I Amness?

Q: I can't be free from that?

M: A jnani has transcended the "I Amness and only witnesses it.

Q What kind of rule should a man choose for conducting himself in


M: This question emanates from you concepts. Throw out your

concepts. In the course of your study of spirituality, you have

acquired many concepts which you call that knowledge. Do you want me

to be embroiled in your concepts?

That thought-flow is always there, except in deep sleep. Even

for a jnani, the thought-flow is present but the thought has changed.

Most people are carried away by the thought-flow

but a rare person turns around, goes to the source and departs from

the track of that original thought-flow, saying, " It is not mine,

not my affair. This "I Amness' Is the product of objective

material, it is not me, I am out of it."

The statements which come out of here will stick to you, and

with that sticking, your spiritual job will be done. When you do

anything it is for "Me" but there is a limit to which that can go

isn't there?

Q: The needs are limitless.

M: I meet many people who, in the pursuit of happiness, are always

miserable. Rarely do I encounter someone who says "I am content"

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