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HH Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Dallas, Aug 21-27

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Contact: Longchenpa Institute 469-675-7470



His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, the Supreme Head of the Nyingma Lineage of

Tibetan Buddhism is visiting Dallas from August 21-August 27th.

(for more info regarding HH Penor Rinpoche: www.palyul.org)


All teachings and empowerments to be held at:

Vietnamese Community Center

3221 Beltline Road

Garland, TX 75044-6911


August 21st, Tuesday: Arrival and kata presenting at the airport. Please

join us in the airport.


August 23rd, Thursday: Public Address: Compassion & Bodhichitta

7:30 - 10:00 PM  

This event is offered free of charge!

August 24th, Friday: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment

7:30 - 10:00 PM

The Compassionate Deity 

August 25th, Saturday: Medicine Buddha Empowerment

2:00 - 5:00 PM The Buddha of Healing

Vajrakilaya Empowerment

7:30 - 10:00 PM

Clearing of Obstacles

August 26th, Sunday: Amitabha Empowerment

2:00 - 5:00 PM The Infinite Light Buddha

Teaching & Transmissions of the 4 Empowerments

7:30 - 10:00 PM By Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche


A special discount pass of $200 for admission and seating at all event

available only until July 15 ($250 after July 15). Please register early.

Seating is limited and will be assigned on a first come basis.


If you are interested in attending individual events, the cost is $50 per



Interviews with H. H. are available upon request. The program book will be

distributed at check-in. Please mark your calendar and join us for this

auspicious event!


May all beings benefit!


His Holiness Penor Rinpoche's Education and Training

from www.palyul.org


Penor Rinpoche studied with many lamas, benefiting most deeply from the warm

and close relationship he enjoyed with his great master, Choktrul Rinpoche.

At his lay ordination, Choktrul Rinpoche gave him the name Thubten Lekshe

Chökyi Drayang, "Upholder of Buddha's Teaching with the Eloquent Speech of

Melodious Dharma." At Dago retreat monastery, he received and engaged in the

Namchö Dzogchen preliminary practice teachings of Sangye Lakchang, "Buddha in

the Palm of the Hand." He also learned general subjects, including writing,

poetry, astrology and medicine, and went on to study the sutras with Khenpo

Nuden, Khenpo Sonam Dondrup and Khenpo Gondrup.


At the age of twelve, in the water sheep year 1944, Penor Rinpoche began to

receive the most important transmissions and empowerments of the Nyingma

School. From Choktrul Rinpoche he received the Great Empowerment of the Kagyé

and the Rinchen Terdzö empowerments, transmissions and secret sealed

protector empowerments. From Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, he received the Namchö,

the terma revelations of Ratna Lingpa and the major empowerments of the

cycles of Kagye and Lama Gongdu.


At the age of thirteen, he received novice (getsul) ordination and with it

the name Dongak Shedrup Tendzin Chokle Namgyal, "All-Victorious Holder of the

Teachings of Study and Practice of the Sutras and Tantras." At twenty-one he

took full (gelong) ordination with his master at Tarthang Monastery and

received a vast number of teachings covering all the essential instructions

and empowerments of the Nyingma tradition. This lineage of the vinaya is a

very pure one, transmitted to Tibet by Shantarakshita during the time of



At the time of his ordination, Choktrul Rinpoche offered Penor Rinpoche the

yellow robe that had been treasured and handed down by generations of lineage

holders. Despite the tremendous difficulties of escaping from Tibet, Penor

Rinpoche was to carry this robe with him all the way to India while leaving

behind many other precious possessions. As a direct result, between 1959 and

1993 he was able to ordain more than 2,400 monks and nuns, so making a

priceless contribution towards the stability of the vinaya vows and Vajrayana

practice during this age of degeneration.

>From the great Khenpo of Kathok monastery, Khenpo Lekshe Jorden, Penor

Rinpoche received many transmissions. One special one was the Kham tradition

of the Anuyoga empowerment of the Do Gongpa Dup through Mokton Dorje

Palzang's famous empowerment ceremony "The River of Honey." Penor Rinpoche

also received the ancient tradition of Kathok monastery and at the same time

the empowerments, transmissions and teachings of Jamgon Kongtrul's "Treasury

of Essential Instruction;" Tertön Dorje Lingpa's "Condensed Utterance of the

Lama;" the Dorje Lingpa terma "Hung Kor Nyingtik;" Ngari's Complete

Condensation of Kagye; and Lerab Lingpa's great terma revelation, the cycle

of Tendrel Nyesel. The transmissions he received from Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

included Nyelpa Delek's Anu Yoga empowerment from the Rinchen Trengwa



Another of his teachers was Khenpo Khyentse Lodrö, also known as Khenpo

Nuden, from Kathok. In a forest above the Dago retreat centre, Khenpo

Khyentse Lodrö performed the Drupchen of the Anuyoga Dupa Do, at the same

time giving the very first transmission of his newly written four volumes on

Anuyoga. Khenpo told the following story. Before the second Drubwang Pema

Norbu had passed away, he had given the Khenpo a small knife. At the time he

had not given it much thought, but now he realized what this had really

meant. The knife represented the sword of wisdom, and when he handed it to

him, it was as if Pema Norbu was granting the Khenpo his blessing to finish

writing these important new treatises, so as to be able to transmit them to

his next incarnation.

>From Khenpo Pema Jigme, a learned Khenpo from the Palyul tradition in Golok,

Penor Rinpoche received the nine volumes of Jigme Lingpa's collected works,

the thirteen chapters of Karma Chagme's "Ah Cho" and the collected works of

So Wangdrak Gyatso. While he was receiving this transmission, Penor Rinpoche

began to make intricately woven knots in blessing cords with his tongue,

something which is done only by the most highly accomplished masters. He

continued to make these special blessing cords until 1958. They were renowned

for affording powerful protection when worn. One such cord is kept and

treasured by one of his attendants today.


Around this same time, Penor Rinpoche happened to write the syllable Ah on a

white conch shell. Once the ink had worn away, the syllable remained embossed

on the shell. This shell is still kept as a object of veneration in Palyul

monastery in Tibet.


Having received all the transmissions of the Kangyur and Tengyur, as well as

completing a Vajrakilaya retreat, Penor Rinpoche entered into retreat with

his master Choktrul Rinpoche. To go into retreat with one's own teacher is a

rare privilege enjoyed by very few. Penor Rinpoche spent four consecutive

years in retreat at Tarthang Monastery in the same room as his master.

Already elderly and with failing eyesight, Choktrul Rinpoche endured great

personal hardship in order to give Penor Rinpoche virtually all the

transmissions practiced in the Palyul tradition emphasizing the empowerments,

transmissions and secret oral instructions of Tertön Migyur Dorje's Namchö

and the terma revelations of Ratna Lingpa.


Beginning with Ngöndro, up to the most profound innermost teachings of

Dzogchen, he stressed every practice until the naked truth was revealed to

his young disciple. He said, "If I am not able to transmit all the

empowerments, transmissions and teachings to the third Pema Norbu Rinpoche

before I leave this world, then this precious human life of mine will have

been wasted." With the constant guidance of his master, Penor Rinpoche

successfully completed all the stages of the practice, accomplishing the root

recitations of the Three Roots (lama, yidam, and khandro), the Namchö

preliminary practices, tummo and tsalung, and the actual foundation practice

of the Dzogchen "Buddha in the Palm of the Hand", including trekchö, clear

light tögal, inner tögal practice, darkness practice, and training in the

dream state, the nature of sound and the pure realms.


HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche once said, "Penor Rinpoche is a saint who has

transcended the boundary of samaya." By this, he meant that Penor Rinpoche

had actualized the experience of inner wisdom, and so realized the state in

which there is nothing to grasp and nothing to release.

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