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Re:' Dan' stuff

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who is the real DB?....would he please step out from behind the

endlessly tedious verbal discriminations of 'neti, neti'....

Yes, will the 'real' Dan stand up and introduce himself! Laugh!

And who is this 'white wolf' guy anyhoo? Always banging on about the Beloved!

Thought. Perhaps the love of Beloved, and "Beloved', being vast and

unconditional has space enough for neti, neti , pictures and pomes.

Perhaps neti ,neti is a denial of all that might get in the way of

the immediate presence of Love-perhaps merely an expression of Love.

"Love is an integral embrace of all that is"- except Dan's means of


When I first encountered Dan's posts -I thought ha! parroting

Nisargadatta, etc. Sneer. But, had to look at that one and suck it

up, since I'm a parrot of many colored plumage. When I can own my own

sneering and parroting here, Im less likely to give it away to

another. "Tony' also was great practice. Did I like it, NO! Did it

feel good! argh! Did I feel completely ashamed of myself after this

encounter? Yes! Do I continue to feel sad about it? Yes, but have to

allow sadness as well. Is the Beloved complete openness to everything

without exception, with or without my approval? To me, yes!

So -getting over myself somewhat I began to actually stop resisiting,

judging and actually be open and reflect on what Dan posted. I've

found what he says immensely useful to help cut through crap.

Beyond the content of Dan's posts, he is unfailing kind and constant.

The 'bodhisattva' never turns his back on anyone. Would I like to be

like this? Yes. I know my posts are lengthy and muddled. Dan has

always taken time and patiently managed to sift through it and return

something coherent. Seems like 'heart' in action to me.

For me, this list seems typical sangha, real practice, What am I

accepting, what am I rejecting? Is there the interminable process of

judging present? Is ego delighted when someone likes its productions

and pissed when someone is 'unkind?" laugh. If mind separates from

anything, finding preferences, where is the Beloved then?



i long to hear your heart sing DanSan....for me, the way of spiritual

denial unfolds into affirmation....for me, the way of philosophical

denial collapses nihilism enfolding nihilism into absurdity....i hear

in your words a cry of one lost in a wilderness of mental constructs

mirroring one another...i hear a heart filled with the longing of

unrequited love awaiting to arise into love, endless love...beyond

worship and not worship is love....love is an integral embrace of all

that is....it is not a systematic denial of all creation....nothing

created something to arise into something more glorious...."Lazarus,

come forth.".....the ego must be destroyed so that higher

consciousness can arise....the 'forbidden fruit' of higher

consciousness is compassion, i.e., suffering as a bodhisattva suffers

as the son of man suffered on the cross of golgotha.....DanSan...seek

the face of the beloved!.....^^~~~~~


further up and further in,

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Right on Joyce :-)

Dan has been my favorite Bodhisattva for a number of years now, who

never turns his back on anyone for he has neither front nor back, nor

a place to turn it to...

And by the way... I am the Beloved that White Wolfe is always banging about

.... that is.... I am also not that.... ;-)




>>>who is the real DB?....would he please step out from behind the

endlessly tedious verbal discriminations of 'neti, neti'....Yes, will

the 'real' Dan stand up and introduce himself! Laugh!And who is this

'white wolf' guy anyhoo? Always banging on about the

Beloved!Thought. Perhaps the love of Beloved, and "Beloved', being

vast and unconditional has space enough for neti, neti , pictures and

pomes. Perhaps neti ,neti is a denial of all that might get in the

way of the immediate presence of Love-perhaps merely an expression

of Love. "Love is an integral embrace of all that is"- except Dan's

means of expression?When I first encountered Dan's posts -I thought

ha! parroting Nisargadatta, etc. Sneer. But, had to look at that one

and suck it up, since I'm a parrot of many colored plumage. When I can

own my own sneering and parroting here, Im less likely to give it away

to another. "Tony' also was great practice. Did I like it, NO! Did it

feel good! argh! Did I feel completely ashamed of myself after this

encounter? Yes! Do I continue to feel sad about it? Yes, but have to

allow sadness as well. Is the Beloved complete openness to everything

without exception, with or without my approval? To me, yes!So

-getting over myself somewhat I began to actually stop resisiting,

judging and actually be open and reflect on what Dan posted. I've

found what he says immensely useful to help cut through crap.Beyond

the content of Dan's posts, he is unfailing kind and constant. The

'bodhisattva' never turns his back on anyone. Would I like to be

like this? Yes. I know my posts are lengthy and muddled. Dan has

always taken time and patiently managed to sift through it and return

something coherent. Seems like 'heart' in action to me.For me, this

list seems typical sangha, real practice, What am I accepting, what

am I rejecting? Is there the interminable process of judging

present? Is ego delighted when someone likes its productions and

pissed when someone is 'unkind?" laugh. If mind separates from

anything, finding preferences, where is the Beloved then?Love,Joycei

long to hear your heart sing DanSan....for me, the way of spiritual

denial unfolds into affirmation....for me, the way of philosophical

denial collapses nihilism enfolding nihilism into absurdity....i hear

in your words a cry of one lost in a wilderness of mental constructs

mirroring one another...i hear a heart filled with the longing of

unrequited love awaiting to arise into love, endless love...beyond

worship and not worship is love....love is an integral embrace of all

that is....it is not a systematic denial of all creation....nothing

created something to arise into something more glorious...."Lazarus,

come forth.".....the ego must be destroyed so that higher

consciousness can arise....the 'forbidden fruit' of higher

consciousness is compassion, i.e., suffering as a bodhisattva suffers

as the son of man suffered on the cross of golgotha.....DanSan...seek

the face of the beloved!.....^^~~~~~ further up and further in,

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dear joyce....dansan does not parrot nisargadatta, he parrots

himself....he reminds me of one my favorite TV (which i no longer

watch) commentators of all time, Howard Cosell (HC always reminded me

of me and what a tedious, pompous bore i can be)...always 'banging on

about the beloved" kinda thing....hence i have ceased writing poetry

for the present at least writing anymore poetry...i had reached a

place where i was reaching so hard i was parroting myself....i asked

Mira about dansan....all that she could tell me was that she thinks

he is a professor of what she knows not what and that she thinks he

might be a counselor....so, my question to dansan which i was posted

to him months and months ago stands...but since i did not get it

right the first time....

Dansan.....will you please take your hat off and introduce

yourself.....Mira says you are kind so I accept that....remember when

i asked you if you liked semiotics and all that you could do was

pun....'seem-i-o-tics i think'....i am posting this to the list,

since your fan club has mis-perceived the meaning of my message to

you, but it might be better to dialogue off-list....i mean like gee

whiz, sheez...am i supposed to get out my cybersword and slay you

now...i mean, gosh...everyone is telling me that i have met a

bodhisattva on the road....shall i slay him....naw!...the way is

already littered with road-kill....i would rather engage you in

serious debate.....if i slay you, i slay myself and i am ready to lay

my life down for myself but who would take care of my daughters

then?!?....if bodhisattva's start slaying each other who will save

the world from itself....but, oh of course....despite the fact that i

can smell roses right now 'i am not here'.....to quote a fictional

infamous philosopher king by the name of Scooge, "Bah,

humbug!"....sorry for the sarcasm but it can be a very non-dual way

of saying what cannot be said otherwise....which brings us back to

semiotics....i live in The Netherlands now with my beloved....very

busy learning a new culture and language, etc...

.....coming full circle back to joyce......there are three great

religions in the world today (and Daniel Quinn attacks all three of

them calling for a regression/progression into animism).....hinduism,

buddhism and catholcism....they are equal and complementary in my

view....'worship' seems to be one of the common denominations there

all have in common....effete academics like myself often think that

their mental concepts have elevated them above the need to rollick in

the mud, ie.a, worship with the commoners....one of the many things my

beloved Mira is teaching me is the need for humility....i send you all

what i send myself....the noble sword of the bodhisatva Manjusri to

slay all false mental conceptualization as Arjuna slayed his

brothers....with a spirit of devoted to truth and beauty....with

compassion and love....Namaste.....^^~~~~~

further up and further in,

white wolfe


Joyce Short

Tuesday, July 03, 2001 5:16 PM

Re:' Dan' stuff

who is the real DB?....would he please step out from behind the

endlessly tedious verbal discriminations of 'neti, neti'....Yes, will

the 'real' Dan stand up and introduce himself! Laugh!And who is this

'white wolf' guy anyhoo? Always banging on about the

Beloved!Thought. Perhaps the love of Beloved, and "Beloved', being

vast and unconditional has space enough for neti, neti , pictures and

pomes. Perhaps neti ,neti is a denial of all that might get in the

way of the immediate presence of Love-perhaps merely an expression

of Love. "Love is an integral embrace of all that is"- except Dan's

means of expression?When I first encountered Dan's posts -I thought

ha! parroting Nisargadatta, etc. Sneer. But, had to look at that one

and suck it up, since I'm a parrot of many colored plumage. When I can

own my own sneering and parroting here, Im less likely to give it away

to another. "Tony' also was great practice. Did I like it, NO! Did it

feel good! argh! Did I feel completely ashamed of myself after this

encounter? Yes! Do I continue to feel sad about it? Yes, but have to

allow sadness as well. Is the Beloved complete openness to everything

without exception, with or without my approval? To me, yes!So

-getting over myself somewhat I began to actually stop resisiting,

judging and actually be open and reflect on what Dan posted. I've

found what he says immensely useful to help cut through crap.Beyond

the content of Dan's posts, he is unfailing kind and constant. The

'bodhisattva' never turns his back on anyone. Would I like to be

like this? Yes. I know my posts are lengthy and muddled. Dan has

always taken time and patiently managed to sift through it and return

something coherent. Seems like 'heart' in action to me.For me, this

list seems typical sangha, real practice, What am I accepting, what

am I rejecting? Is there the interminable process of judging

present? Is ego delighted when someone likes its productions and

pissed when someone is 'unkind?" laugh. If mind separates from

anything, finding preferences, where is the Beloved then?Love,Joycei

long to hear your heart sing DanSan....for me, the way of spiritual

denial unfolds into affirmation....for me, the way of philosophical

denial collapses nihilism enfolding nihilism into absurdity....i hear

in your words a cry of one lost in a wilderness of mental constructs

mirroring one another...i hear a heart filled with the longing of

unrequited love awaiting to arise into love, endless love...beyond

worship and not worship is love....love is an integral embrace of all

that is....it is not a systematic denial of all creation....nothing

created something to arise into something more glorious...."Lazarus,

come forth.".....the ego must be destroyed so that higher

consciousness can arise....the 'forbidden fruit' of higher

consciousness is compassion, i.e., suffering as a bodhisattva suffers

as the son of man suffered on the cross of golgotha.....DanSan...seek

the face of the beloved!.....^^~~~~~ further up and further in,


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

to the

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Dear White Wolfe,


Forgive the indulgence in opinion, but 'from here' what you could use most

is a sense of humor. As perceived 'here' you tend to take words and

discussions very, very seriously... maybe you will get over this tendency



Maybe it has something to do with your view of 'suffering' as an integral

part of a 'path'. "A man will give up whatever pleasures you like, but he

will not give up his suffering" -- G.I. Gurdjieff.


There are those who have transcended suffering, and in fact who consider

suffering only a failure to realize the 'obvious' -- that suffering leads

nowhere but to further suffering.





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, Tim Gerchmez <coresite@h...> wrote:


> Dear White Wolfe,


> Forgive the indulgence in opinion, but 'from here' what you could

use most

> is a sense of humor. As perceived 'here' you tend to take words and

> discussions very, very seriously... maybe you will get over this


> sometime.


> Maybe it has something to do with your view of 'suffering' as an


> part of a 'path'. "A man will give up whatever pleasures you like,

but he

> will not give up his suffering" -- G.I. Gurdjieff.


> There are those who have transcended suffering, and in fact who


> suffering only a failure to realize the 'obvious' -- that suffering


> nowhere but to further suffering.


> Love,


> Tim


Hey there,


Why worry at all about percetion get to the vibrations man....Hu

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--- Dear White Wolf,

hope you and mira are both happy and well. It is none of my

business, and i make no comment on anything i have seen here. i can

answer some of your questions, and if it will comfort you in any

way, here are the answers i do have. Dan is a professor, of

psychology. He does teach a few classes in the subject. He is also

a counselor. Having met him, i can say that he has been nothing

but nice in my experience. Speaking in general, of him as a

person, he has met with my approval. Not that it matters, for i am

of no great importance, but i find conceit and arrogance,

condesention of any kind, to be distasteful. i didnt feel this

from Dr. Berkow (Dan), he seems quiet, private, and always very

professional. Just an observation, hope it was helpful to you.


In , "White Wolfe" <valemar.1@h...> wrote:

> Re:' Dan' stuffdear joyce....dansan does not parrot nisargadatta,

he parrots himself....he reminds me of one my favorite TV (which i no

longer watch) commentators of all time, Howard Cosell (HC always

reminded me of me and what a tedious, pompous bore i can

be)...always 'banging on about the beloved" kinda thing....hence i

have ceased writing poetry for the present at least writing anymore

poetry...i had reached a place where i was reaching so hard i was

parroting myself....i asked Mira about dansan....all that she could

tell me was that she thinks he is a professor of what she knows not

what and that she thinks he might be a counselor....so, my question

to dansan which i was posted to him months and months ago

stands...but since i did not get it right the first time....


> Dansan.....will you please take your hat off and introduce

yourself.....Mira says you are kind so I accept that....remember when

i asked you if you liked semiotics and all that you could do was

pun....'seem-i-o-tics i think'....i am posting this to the list,

since your fan club has mis-perceived the meaning of my message to

you, but it might be better to dialogue off-list....i mean like gee

whiz, sheez...am i supposed to get out my cybersword and slay you

now...i mean, gosh...everyone is telling me that i have met a

bodhisattva on the road....shall i slay him....naw!...the way is

already littered with road-kill....i would rather engage you in

serious debate.....if i slay you, i slay myself and i am ready to lay

my life down for myself but who would take care of my daughters

then?!?....if bodhisattva's start slaying each other who will save

the world from itself....but, oh of course....despite the fact that i

can smell roses right now 'i am not here'.....to quote a fictional

infamous philosopher king by the name of Scooge, "Bah,

humbug!"....sorry for the sarcasm but it can be a very non-dual way

of saying what cannot be said otherwise....which brings us back to

semiotics....i live in The Netherlands now with my beloved....very

busy learning a new culture and language, etc...


> ....coming full circle back to joyce......there are three great

religions in the world today (and Daniel Quinn attacks all three of

them calling for a regression/progression into animism).....hinduism,

buddhism and catholcism....they are equal and complementary in my

view....'worship' seems to be one of the common denominations there

all have in common....effete academics like myself often think that

their mental concepts have elevated them above the need to rollick in

the mud, ie.a, worship with the commoners....one of the many things

my beloved Mira is teaching me is the need for humility....i send you

all what i send myself....the noble sword of the bodhisatva Manjusri

to slay all false mental conceptualization as Arjuna slayed his

brothers....with a spirit of devoted to truth and beauty....with

compassion and love....Namaste.....^^~~~~~


> further up and further in,


> white wolfe

> -

> Joyce Short


> Tuesday, July 03, 2001 5:16 PM

> Re:' Dan' stuff





> who is the real DB?....would he please step out from behind the

endlessly tedious verbal discriminations of 'neti, neti'....


> Yes, will the 'real' Dan stand up and introduce himself! Laugh!


> And who is this 'white wolf' guy anyhoo? Always banging on

about the Beloved!


> Thought. Perhaps the love of Beloved, and "Beloved', being

vast and unconditional has space enough for neti, neti , pictures and

pomes. Perhaps neti ,neti is a denial of all that might get in the

way of the immediate presence of Love-perhaps merely an expression

of Love. "Love is an integral embrace of all that is"- except Dan's

means of expression?


> When I first encountered Dan's posts -I thought ha! parroting

Nisargadatta, etc. Sneer. But, had to look at that one and suck it

up, since I'm a parrot of many colored plumage. When I can own my own

sneering and parroting here, Im less likely to give it away to

another. "Tony' also was great practice. Did I like it, NO! Did it

feel good! argh! Did I feel completely ashamed of myself after this

encounter? Yes! Do I continue to feel sad about it? Yes, but have to

allow sadness as well. Is the Beloved complete openness to everything

without exception, with or without my approval? To me, yes!


> So -getting over myself somewhat I began to actually stop

resisiting, judging and actually be open and reflect on what Dan

posted. I've found what he says immensely useful to help cut through



> Beyond the content of Dan's posts, he is unfailing kind and

constant. The 'bodhisattva' never turns his back on anyone. Would I

like to be like this? Yes. I know my posts are lengthy and muddled.

Dan has always taken time and patiently managed to sift through it

and return something coherent. Seems like 'heart' in action to me.


> For me, this list seems typical sangha, real practice, What am

I accepting, what am I rejecting? Is there the interminable process

of judging present? Is ego delighted when someone likes its

productions and pissed when someone is 'unkind?" laugh. If mind

separates from anything, finding preferences, where is the Beloved



> Love,


> Joyce



> i long to hear your heart sing DanSan....for me, the way of

spiritual denial unfolds into affirmation....for me, the way of

philosophical denial collapses nihilism enfolding nihilism into

absurdity....i hear in your words a cry of one lost in a wilderness

of mental constructs mirroring one another...i hear a heart filled

with the longing of unrequited love awaiting to arise into love,

endless love...beyond worship and not worship is love....love is an

integral embrace of all that is....it is not a systematic denial of

all creation....nothing created something to arise into something

more glorious...."Lazarus, come forth.".....the ego must be destroyed

so that higher consciousness can arise....the 'forbidden fruit' of

higher consciousness is compassion, i.e., suffering as a bodhisattva

suffers as the son of man suffered on the cross of

golgotha.....DanSan...seek the face of the beloved!.....^^~~~~~


> further up and further in,




> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places,

sights, perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist

in and subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising

are not different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness

are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is

always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know

the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from

within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




> Terms of


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