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It is a good start to first come to your senses...

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Some redirected excerpts from a recent private response to do with the

futility of compulsive questioning, to do with senses, time and space

and something quite beautiful at the very endYou can't win, as there

is no game...Nor can you lose, no game being there...No winner,no

loser,no game,no rules,no restrictions,no privileges,no rights,no

duties,no war,

no fight,

no peace required.Only love is... , notice that all the words above

are mind constructs,to do with territorialism, domesticism, class,

ownership, dependency,slavery and the like.Mental constructs about

something that someone seems to have oversomeone else who has been

convinced not to have what he or she issupposed to have.Only love is,

love is the only reality that there is to anything,

loving,*communi-cating*, relating, relating, relating... Not

countering, notanti-acting, not recoiling, not

resisting.*Counter-cating*, that is what 'de-natured' humans

pretendto be able to do, imaginedly, illusively and by way of

mentalconstructs. That is also what humans are allowed to stop, to

dissolve,in order to re-enable and re-veal the 'amrita' (immortal)

condition ofunconditional love.The specialty of de-natured humans, as

they distinguish themselves fromnatural and non special 'divine

humans', is that they 'attempt' toadulterate the nature of things,

through the possessive domestication ofnature, domestic

territorialism.And Jesus said: "Be as the lilies in the field...

etc..."It is with mental constructs - which are given the semblance

of realityunder the force of conditional threat and punishment, the

force ofconditional love and conditional recognition - it is under

illusivecontraptions that humans misplaced their un-conditional

existence,un-conditional love and un-conditional knowledge, sat chit

ananda.As in: "If you would just would stop doing that (...

whatever...), thenit would be easier for me to live with you" or "If

you do that again,then I don't want to see you ever again."In nature

there is no counter-action.No..., there is not, in spite of what you

have been taught.In nature there is no polarity.No..., there is not,

in spite of what you have been taught.In nature there are no

opposites.No..., there is not, in spite of what you have been

taught.All that is strictly conceptual. Whoever taught that knew or

could haveknown and was at the same time, negligent or kept

negligent. And - andthat is worse - ridiculed and questioned you

when you knew and expressedotherwise.You and your teachers, your

peers and humankind in general have beenforced to build a very flawed

human 'reality' on those outdatedconcepts, concepts that are

scientifically proven to be in error and areno longer substantiated

and adhered to.In our western culture it is only (approximately)

since Einstein, whocame up with his relativity discoveries, that we

started to get a handleon how nature works... (Finding out about

gauge fields.)And still we do not help our children to discover

similarly on theirown...In the school yard we still let our children

play out games of winningand losing, the finalities of absolute good

versus absolute bad,acceptance and shunning, gender, race, ancestry,

class and snobberygames.

Gender, race, ancestry and class, such flawed constructs, the cause

ofso many other flaws and errors ad infintum it seems.At home, in the

family we still talk moralistically (oh yes) of good andbad when it

comes to... lo and behold... pooing and peeing and anythingthat is

prior to or follows from that:duality concepts about

process:assimilation /


/elimination-destruction-digestion-mortality.Check out the moral

connotations that you may have with any of thesewords...When one has

learned to rely on answers to questions, either from deepwithin, or

from far out, or from wherever, - answers that need to gothrough some

secondary or third party approval process-, then thesatisfaction of

unconditional knowledge and wisdom will never come...unless one

breaks free from the conditional prerequisites on whichsocial and

peer recognition and acknowledgement depend.

Einstein never asked, he only wondered and that is how hecame to see

(and remained the simple bare footed genius that he was.)Questioning

and questionability has become an easily diagnosable societywide

compulsive / obsessive disorder... In our society the compulsionand

obsession to question has somehow been made to be seen as

clever,intelligent... but it merely proves a stance of self doubt

andignorance, only to be placated with conditional peer approval

andrecognition. The policies of correctness.From the first question

in your life that you were forced to answer(which of course you could

not), from a range of questions like: "Hello,who are you?", "What is

your name?", "Are you hungry?", " Are you happynow?", " Why are you

crying?", " How old are you?", " What do youwant?", "Can I help

you?", "What is the matter?", "How are you?", "Whydon't you like

me?", "Do you love me?," from that first question on, youwere made

dependent on someone with power of approval and disapprovalover you,

because they gave you the impression that they had the answer,or knew

better and you did not, or that your answer would not sufficeanyway,

no matter what.Most of the time, whatever answer you would come up

with, it was almostimmediately called into question with a, "Yes

but...,' or a "Look at itfrom the other side...," or the very clever,

"Not only that butalso...," or "Granted, but..."Most questions are

also indicative of a questioner's strategy toprematurely come up with

answers and solutions that could be found outby the questioned in due

time, on their own, when given a chance, infreedom, without

relinquishing any self value and self confidence.The primary

questions about your existence, your-being-here

andyour-being-who-you-are, threw you off... that is the atmosphere

ofduress under which self doubt, etc. flourishes.That doubt is not

yours, you were 'made' to doubt yourself...Better not giving doubt a

chance, better not giving not-knowing achance, better not believing

that there is something more to know thanwhat you are confronted with

right now, with your beautiful body andbeing in this wonderful realm

of space and time and all formulations andformations of in all

gradations of energy.One will start to understand fully once one

starts accepting what thesenses come up with, a surprisingly full and

comprehensive range ofinformative data in the widest variety of

formats, without one having toquestion the validity of any of them or

to have to check them against aset of templates under peer

pressure.Come to your senses and take it from there... trust yourself

fully...starting with all that what sits there reading this. The

opposite ofthis has already disproved itself... you are now already

realizing thatyou are real.When a child first sees, it sees wonders,

it does not wonder about it.When a child first hears, it hears in

wonderment, it does not wonderabout it,It finds it all so beautiful

that it wants to replicate and recreate it,be it again,re... re...

re-ality ...ality ...ality.Trust me... so it is... I can not help

it... When I resolved myenvironment of questionability, realization

was just there. That is allI can say... Either you know me to be

truthful or you uphold the notknowing which is a lie that you have

been forced to live in... not byyourself but by an environment that

could not stand your being in freein love, wisdom and reality...

ananda chit sat.Good thing, that there is time and space,

'entities-and-things' inall their energetic variations, patience and

loving kindness, love andcompassion and the reality to find out that

only'IS' isand that what isn't this 'IS'illudes, deludes and eludes

us.We are not born a question waiting to be answered, we are not born

an answer begging a question, our being is just IT.


Love, Wim


Let me use the word 'answer' in an appropriate context of reality. The

word is too beautiful to be linked to a futile question about

existence.Each of us is born an answer... not to a question... but to

a prayer...not a prayer for delivery from slavery, ignorance and

suffering, but a prayer for delivery of divine incarnate freedom, joy

and wisdom,divine love and life divine.

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