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Dear Wim,


, "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere@h...> wrote:

> With this medium of and email come electronic behaviours

> that we now might have to apply new words to.

> Under the heading of electronic personality disorders:

> e-sociopathic personality disorder

> e-psychopathic personality disorder


In response to the above, i would only suggest that personality is

not a fixed, immutable thing. In my experience, words like that have

never been helpful in the 'real world' (serving only to "marginalize"

those so labeled) and would probably be even less indicative

of "something real and/or lasting" in a mailing list environment like


> I have asked Harsha and Amanda to remove Tony from the list.


Although i am still a relatively 'new' member here, i would like to

add my 'voice' to yours, Wim: If the moderators do choose a "ban,"

that Tony only be banned for a two-week trial period.


It's a matter of direct experience here that personality/persona is

perhaps the most changeable object within our field of perception --

that it is in fact entirely 'external' to our True Nature, and the

nature of it is ceaseless change/mutability.





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Dear Tim,


You noticed I 'm sure, that I used the sentence "unless there is a

radical turn-around in his notions" in what I wrote about Tony.


I counsel people who, when they have eventually admitted and conceded

that they have traits of disorders that *order* can and will be

reestablished by a radical turn-around, because like you suggest

"personality is not a fixed, immutable thing." Notice that Tony has

professed various times about himself "... that's how I am...." He could

definitely take your suggestion seriously... which I hope he will...

Tony can only heal, once he sees and concedes that the way he has

behaved up to now is disorderly and therefore symptomatic of a disorder.

Nothing wrong with admitting disorders, we all have them or have gone

through them, healing is not possible without starting to be honest to

oneself. It seems that the only person Tony pussy foots around is

himself. Maybe he is ready to break down the facade of his mask,

(per-sona) and confront deep and repressed sorrow.


Love to him and you and all,


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