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Answser to Gloria's 19161

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Dear Gloria, No I will go up one level: Dearest Gloria:


When you write me to give me some information, my heart opens wide,

because I know that you are loving, sincere and knowledgeable and

always have my best interests in mind.

I have definitely altered my view about mind meds in lots of

instances now, because of the feedback from some people on them here,

and I am open to changing my current view presented next.


Firstly, I am not against going for therapy and repeatedly asked the

daughter to go for therapy with me when we were having conflicts over

the years. She has refused our requests and says she wont go for

therapy with her son.


Next I will address the symptoms of major depressive disorders.


My grandson has not shown any of the symptoms mentioned with possibly

the exception of the suicide one.

Are you saying that anyone who has repeated suicidal thoughts needs

to immediately go on antidepressants even if they show no other


If you answer is yes, then I should have been on them since I was a

kid, and by now none of them would be working because of the

increased doses needed. In the article I referred to, the woman said

that she is already up to the maximum allowed. Of course they will

keep on coming up with new ones.


Are you also saying that he, the psychiatrist should not have

suggested some treatment before they put him on mind medicines? He

wanted to be on them a year ago because him friends were on it and

did not after I talked to him about it. When he got suspened from

college the added failure proded him into seeking help.


I know what he needs to lead a productive life. I have suggested it

to the two ladies here.

One is, since he does not want to do any homework of study by

himself, then lets hire tutors to work with him. He likes to study

with others. He is unusually brilliant and I have told him that with

his brains and my intensity we could own the world, but who wants to;

the self-knowledge is fine for me. If I was more into making money in

my life I would have hired tutors myself, but being that my bank

account usually remains as the pauper level of 2 grand, I can not. He

also needs motivation type courses so he learns the important of

completing cycles.


I have done lots of therapies in my life too.

There are many alternative therapies that work well and one that I do

is processing. I took the course for over 6 months with Jack Horner,

who used to be L Ron Hubbards right hand man. I started with

Scientology but had a conflict with them and even picketed them. They

are a scary organization and tried hard to frighten us. I just hope

that no one here is one of them or I might be in deep kim Chi for

saying something negative about them. I might even be on their enemy


I know how well that system of questions and answers works as I

myself got rid of much unpleasant mental states. It works well with

my wife when she gets into very heavy states but It wont work with my

grandson because you have to be interested in doing it and giving

therapy to one's offspring just does not work for obvious reasons.


I always appreciate feedback or I would not be here.


Ever evolving and loving,











Dear Alton,


1. Wow, you must really have something against meds, if taking them

appears worse than risking death by suicide. Whatever you mean

by "just his mental tendencies" - it sounds like a lousy excuse to

me. Was the son actually willing to consider getting help, and you

vetoed this plan? Do you know a short term treatment may be effective

here, doesn't mean he will need meds all his life or anything, if he

takes some for a while. Why would you think you know better than a

professional what to do here?


2. If you are able to intervene to object to the psychiatrist, why

not object to the mother's continually attacking him? She could use

some counseling how this is impacting her son. No wonder he is always

out, avoiding being around her & the criticism? It' not that I am

blaming her, just saying her reaction to all this is not a

constructive one.


3. Please educate yourself about the real signs and symptoms of

depression. Low marks while brilliant is one of them for sure. Teens

and young people are more likely to act out rather than "appear

sad"... Persistently and openly discussing suicide is like a major

sign to do something here, Alton. Males especially, are more often

likely to actually act impulsively and succeed more often too.

Promises "to call" mean nothing... Alton, do a search and read some

of these web sites, please.




Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

Common to Adults, Children, and Adolescents 14


Persistent sad or irritable mood

Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

Significant change in appetite or body weight

Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping

Psychomotor agitation or retardation

Loss of energy

Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt

Difficulty concentrating

Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Five or more of these symptoms must persist for 2 or more weeks

before a diagnosis of major depression is indicated.


Signs That May Be Associated with Depression in Children and



Frequent vague, non-specific physical complaints such as headaches,

muscle aches, stomachaches or tiredness

Frequent absences from school or poor performance in school

Talk of or efforts to run away from home

Outbursts of shouting, complaining, unexplained irritability, or


Being bored

Lack of interest in playing with friends

Alcohol or substance abuse

Social isolation, poor communication

Fear of death

Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure

Increased irritability, anger, or hostility

Reckless behavior

Difficulty with relationships

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