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A summary of the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of Kundalini Yoga Practice

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A summary of the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of Kundalini Yoga



The body field has a number of centers (called chakras). Each center

involves a group of glands and organs related to a plexus of nerves linked

to the spinal cord.

The central nerve of the body field is the sushumna, which has three parts:


The Silver cord: The spinal cord, beginning at the sacral plexus and coming

up to the brain, then splitting through the passage to the Crown (Sahasrara)

and to the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows.


The Gold cord: The extension between the Ajna and Crown, along which are a

number of other centers (chakras of a higher order). The Gold Cord is to

the Silver cord what the what light is to a shadow.


The Atma nadi: The sushumna extends further from the Crown down to the

Spiritual Heart or Hrdayam, located in the synod or pacemaker of the heart,

in the 1/8th portion of the physical heart to the right of the sternum,

where we point to when we say "I."


The Spiritual Heart, unrelated to the heart (anahata chakra), is the seat of

the Self, where "This Atman is That Brahman," where "I and my Father are

One." From this Self-Effulgent Spiritual Heart, the entire body field, the

Crown, the nerves and all the centers and planes of consciousness are

illumined, like the sun to the moon, with the sense of "I."


Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, founder of

the Healthy Happy Holy Organization (www.3ho.com), the body field emerges

into a mental, physical and spiritual fitness that results in the clear

hearing (atma-sphurana reverberation) and isolation of the sense of "I" as

the substratum of all thoughts, sensations and images. There are hundreds

of such Kundalini Yoga sets.


A Kundalini Yoga Set is made up of postures (asanas), movements (kriyas),

angles, gestures (mudras), mantra / naad / Laya / Shabad (collectively

sound), combined with different types of powerful breathing (pranayamas) and

locks (bhandas), and various meditations. The practice of these Kundalini

Yoga Sets causes a pranic pressure (the saturation of vitalized aerated

blood) on the various centers (chakras) and nerves (nadis). The result of a

regular practice of Kundalini Yoga is that the centers become completely

discharged of all toxins and free of other factors that give one a limited

impression of one's Self, as an identity of a successive collection of

impressions, and shade one's view of the world. With continued practice

over a matter of weeks these centers begin to become bio-electrically

charged. As the charge increases in these centers (batteries of energy

consciousness) the body field comes into a more and more powerful

electro-magnetic balance and the mind becomes clear, bright and etherically



When the body field centers become charged through proper practice, the

application of certain locks, taught as part of the Kundalini Yoga Sets,

assists the downward flowing prana (apana) and upward flowing prana to be

drawn into the Kandal, an area between the navel and 4th spinal vertebra.

This mixing of the apana with the prana triggers the release of energy

(shakti) from the Kandal downward and the sense of deep pervasive Awareness

begins to flow upwards along the spine opening all the charged centers

directly from within. As this Kundalini Energy reaches the brain, the

centers of the brain also begin to secrete, and one experiences beatitude in

the awakening of the Awareness of the undifferentiated Oneness of the body

field with the world as these secretions flow downward through the body



Suddenly, at any time in the transforming practice of Kundalini Yoga, there

is an implosion of the body field, coupled with the clear recollection of

one's True and Primordial "I" in the Heart (Hrdayam), which results in the

dissolution (hrd - "sucking in") of the "I" association with the body

field's identity to a collection of thoughts, images and impressions.

Suddenly, one awakens to one's Self as being all pervasive and not, as

previously thought, an identity of accumulated images projecting veiled

impressions of reality on the undifferentiated world. With the emergence

of the True Man, the True Woman, the body field is transfixed in a pillar of

Light, and one experiences one's Self as pervading space-like

undifferentiated Consciousness, the Ground of Being - the Singularity of the



The Revelation about our True Self is recorded in every Religion and

exemplified in the lives of the Saints and Saviors. It is the basis for the

practice of all the yogas, and yet as we read and listen to the sacred

teachings that, if heard (sravana), bring about entirely the release of the

identity to images and the abidance in the Singularity of our Self

(niddidyanasana / mahamudra), somehow time passes and our minds become dull

to the Word. We practice the various yogas, traditions and rituals, and

instead of hearing and realizing their inherent Truth, many become enmeshed

into the practice, the teachers and the community, as their minds begin to

collect new images as a basis for the mind's fixation on a new identity,

while others conclude or never believe that there is some singular abiding

Truth and miss life's opportunity altogether.


Uniquely, with the ardent practice of Kundalini Yoga, the transforming

effect of the Kundalini Shakti (energy-consciousness) on the body field

comes about so quickly and is so complete, profound, prevailing and

pervasive that, with the slightest reminder of the Truth of one's Self, That

which is True recollects Itself, and we experience pervasive Being and Light

and a True ever deepening and abiding sense of the Creative Intelligence we

are all Grounded in that Illumines all planes of consciousness without

distinction, as their inherent Reality.


For more information look at: http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com or


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