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Dear TIM

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Tim wrote:

> I was not aware that "arguments" were taking place?"


Try this dictionary definition to see what I was referring to.


Main Entry: ar·gu·ment

Pronunciation: 'är-gy&-m&nt

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin argumentum,

from arguere

14th century

1 obsolete : an outward sign : INDICATION

2 a : a reason given in proof or rebuttal b : discourse intended to


3 a : the act or process of arguing : ARGUMENTATION b : a coherent

series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion c :


> Killing is killing. The "spirit" of killing is what seems

> important. For example, taking two situations:


> (1) A man is starving to death, and the only choice is to kill a



Are you starving? I could send a care package?


> Please do understand that you have created in your mind an

> entity "Tim" and endowed that entity with certain "permanent

> qualities" due to ignorance of the fact that ego and personality


> entirely imaginary and nonexistent.


You sure know your stuff. Are you claiming egolessness?


> >So why even have a dialog with you.


Fini after this one by your request.

> "Love" is only real when unconditional (not based on conditions).

> Since I can find that in close relatives, and in a close pet ('my

> cat' Penelope), don't bother with this false, manipulative nonsense

> you have been calling "love" on this list. I am not fooled in the


You sure demonstrate love here on Harsha.


Me thinks that you have other issues here with me that are causing

you rancor, so why dont you email me and we can discuss them so that

this board does not need to be sullied anymore than It already has.

If I have offened you, I am not opposed to saying I am sorry.


Gloria told me that this board used to be a much more loving

environment. I have also been guilty of denigrating love here. I hope

not to participate in back biting again in the future.




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