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Shankar's Work Completed

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On May 15, 2000, Shankar posted the first of 108 verses from

"Parrot-eyed (narration of the) Life of SrI ramaNA by Saint SrI sADu



Yesterday he submitted the final verse. They are translations from Tamil

of his Guru's work.


The entire 108 verses follow. They will be installed onto the NDS

website. Shankar will be translating more work. He posts on the I Am




The I Am list has been around since May of 1998. It is the Ellis Island

of nonduality lists. We came there huddled together, cold and homeless

from the Kundalini list. It spawned NDS and others. All are welcome to

join. It is strictly moderated with very high quality and a very low

volume of posting, and will be kept that way.


Jerry Katz



1 O, the 'tamil treaure' of 'parrot'! The Divine Life of

SrI ramaNA, will 'taste sweet' to 'narrate'-O,

Parrot!-(by narrating,) 'I am That' will 'come out to be

true' (for the one narrating).


2 O, the parrot of 'music-language'! If you Listen (to the

Life of SrI ramaNA), the 'Light' of the 'Fourth' (State,

beyond and underlying the three states, of 'waking',

'dreaming' and 'deep sleep'), will 'Awake'-O,

Parrot!-Only 'Bliss' will 'endure'.


3 Those taking birth in this 'earth' in 'billions', are

goat(like)-people (moving about blindly)!-O,

Parrot!-(their) Birth is getting wasted.


4 They (the ignorant) say, 'There is no God!' (but, further

manage, only to say) 'the mirage is true!' (Thus,) As the

'Embodiments of Ignorance'-O, Parrot!-will live the human



5 (The ignorant) will say, 'Only gathering and piling up

the great treasure of wealth is the fruit of education'.

O, Parrot! (they) don't see, despite (there) being eye(s)

(for them).


6 (The ignorant) will pile up, all the books they have

read, as mountains and mountains. (They are) the

prisoners of the net of learning-O, Parrot!-the 'time'

(gets) 'destroyed'.


7 (The ignorant) will stand on heels and jump, to

(objectively) know what-what-ever? (But, they) do not

know 'themselves'-O, Parrot!-(they are) individuals of



8 (The ignorant) were born to delude (themselves), in the

drunkenness of (involution into) the

enjoyable-external-object, and die!-O, Parrot!-(and,

they) forgot the 'Existence' (Sat).


9 Amidst the world darkened by these many illusions, rose

the Sun!-O, Parrot!-He is (BagawAn SrI) ramaNA!


10 Only to embrace with His Divine Grace, this world which

is falling in(to) darkness, and destroying (itself),-O,

Parrot!-(the maha) rshi (SrI ramaNA) was born.


11 In (the town) tiruchchuzhi of (the country) pAndy (at

that time, in the present Southern India), in the lofty

clan (the glory of which is 'sky-high') of (Sage)

parAsarA, the Lord descended-O, Parrot!-(You) Will do



12 To azhagammai and sundarEsar, the eminent among the

brahmins, was born our father (SrI ramaNA)-O, Parrot!-He

was the second son.


13 (SrI ramaNA) is the '(Divine) Light' that appeared-O,

Parrot!-in the pure 'pramADI' (Name of the Year according

to Sanskrit Calendar), in the year seventy nine with

(added to) eighteen hundred (1879).


14 Only in the month of 'mArkazhi' (approximatley,

mid-December to mid-January), in the week of 'sOman', in

the star 'punarpUsam', flowered-O, Parrot!-only the

complete golden flower (of BagavAn SrI ramaNA).


15 At the time BagavAn (SrI ramaNA) was born, an old woman

nearby, even without the two eyes,-O, Parrot!-saw a



16 The 'Noble One', born as the 'Rising (beam of) Light',

was called by the name 'vEnkatarAman'-O, Parrot!-by the

people of the household.


17 (vEnkataraman) is the'younger swAmi, at the Centre (of

Attention)', (in relation) to 'nAgasAmi' (the elder one).

But, the son 'nAgasundaram'-O, Parrot!-is younger to the

'middle-born' (vEnkatarAman, BagavAn SrI ramaNA).


18 (SrI ramaNA) studied in early age, in tiruchchuzhi and

dindukkal, (then,) focussing attention -O, Parrot!-was

learning in madurai.


19 In the dindigul house, in only the twelvth age, of the

celestial (SrI ramaNA),- O, Parrot!-happened a miracle!


20 Bolting the latch in one room, forgetting the body, the

Lord (SrI ramaNA) abided in Silence-O, Parrot!-He was

beyond words and thought.


21 Striking and breaking (the latch), the members of the

household, entered the room (in which SrI ramaNA was

abiding in Silence), and even after hitting (His) body

hard, (He) did not 'rise up'-O, Parrot!-(He was a)

complete yOgi.


22 (It was) neither 'sleep', nor 'swoon', (but the) true

'samADi'. (It was the) 'unhidden Bliss'-O, Parrot!-(But,)

did the others 'see' it?


23 (Even when He was) still studying, this kind of state,

adjoined (our) father (SrI ramaNA)-O, Parrot!-in the Life

at 'AlavAi' (south madurai).


24 At (SrI ramaNA's) 12th year of age, the child ramaNA's

father, left this earth-O, Parrot!-He (the father) begot

the Lord (SrI ramaNA).


25 With (SrI ramaNA's) mother azhagammai, and also elder and

younger brothers, the younger father (SrI ramaNA's

father's younger brother)-O, Parrot!-(took care and/or)

brought up the king (Sri ramaNA) in madurai.


26 Pushing to one side, the school and the lesson, will jump

and roam about-O, Parrot!-(SrI ramaNA) the son of Light.


27 He (the boy, Sri ramaNA) was a 'genius', grapsing in the

very first time, what he heard. He used only to dance and

run around-O, Parrot-but, not study.


28 When (the boy, SrI ramaNA) read with eagerness, one

'periya purANam',- (a tamil epic poetry, by sekkhizhAr,

describing the 'Lives' of 'Saints' devoted to 'Lord

SivA)-a rare flame of (Divine) Love-O, Parrot!-rose

within Him.


29 Akin to the 63 persons (saivaite Saints), melted by

(Divine) Love, the mind (of the boy, SrI RamaNA), as the

abiding-ground of 'patience'-O, Parrot!-got 'fresh



30 Before AlavAic cokkar' and 'angayark kaNNi'-(Lord SivA

and His Divine Consort and the Mother of the Universe,

the Divine Sakti)-the young boy (SrI ramaNA) will stand

'melting' (inwardly at heart),-O, Parrot!-(he was even

until then) with a mouth, not bereft of (the smell of)



AlavAic cokkar - The male one who 'captivates' the 'snake'

(of ego), or the One who captivates (the heart of His

devotees at 'South madurai', (meaning Lord SivA). angayark

kaNNi - The female one (endowed) with a beautful eye like

that of a fish. (meaning Mother Sakti, the Divine Consort of

Lord SivA).


31 Before the distinctive formulation of intelligence (even

when too young), in the inmost recess of the Lord (SrI

ramaNA), as 'aruNAcalam'-O, Parrot!-the Most Precious

Thing (the Supreme Self) abided.


32 Even during school-time, this young boy (SrI RamaNA) did

not know That (aruNAcalam) as the heart-captivating

Mountain-O, Parrot!-existing in the world.


33 That which is 'aNNAmalai' alone is 'aruNAcalam', to the

Lord (SrI RamaNA), one elderly gentleman-O, Parrot!-told

on that one day.


34 Melting, thinking inwardly of 'aruNAcalam', the One

'Great in Glory' (SrI ramaNA) exclaimed-O, Parrot!-(And,)

A Great Grace adjoined.


35 With the 'fear of death' coming and possessing the heart

one day, the throbbing of Grace arose-O, Parrot!-for the

perception (of the Self) to dawn!


36 'Laying down' the body like a dead corpse, the 'exalted'

one (SrI ramaNA) inquired-O, Parrot!-as to who this 'I

am' is.


37 Without body-consciousness, worry, thought, became aware

(of the 'I')-O, Parrot!-existing as 'One', as 'I-I'.


38 Without getting stirred even a little, with satcidAnandA

realised entirely as the Self-O, Parrot!-became the

'Liberated One'.


39 To the one who has severed bondage, will education,

money, position, any (sensual) joy-O, Parrot!-give



40 Will (the boy) ramaNA, swimming in the ocean of the

'Bliss of Self-Abidance', think of taking bath-O,

Parrot!- in the 'marshy stagnant water pool' of school?


41 The (school-)teacher punished, (and) elder brother spoke

hatefully. If (and when) the ocean overflows its banks-O,

Parrot!-will it (the flow of water) stop upon scolding?


42 (There) Arose a punishment (in the school), to write the

English grammar lesson thrice-O, Parrot!-(to) our Great

Lord (SrI ramaNA).


43 After completing the writing of it (the English grammar

lesson) twice, he (the boy, ramaNA) became averse-O,

Parrot!-to the 'faulty' education.


44 (The boy ramaNA) threw away, the (English grammar) book

(he) studied, the 'writing' paper and pen-O, Parrot!-the

'work' ended.


45 Sitting with the body erect, closing the 'red lotus' of

the eyes, (the boy ramaNA) entered into yoga-O,

Parrot!-perceived (the Self) without reciting.


46 nAgaswAmi, the elder brother (of SrI ramaNA), seeing the

action (of sitting with eyes closed) of the younger

brother, lost his calmness-O, Parrot!-listen to the

word/(s) uttered.


47 "What is the work here, for 'this' type of a person (who

casts aside his school textbook, and meditates)?", said

(nAgaswAmi, the elder brother of the boy, SrI ramaNA).

The word uttered thus-O, Parrot!-became the Call of

(Divine) Grace.


48 For oneself (the boy, SrI ramaNA) there is no work, the

word of the elder brother (nAgaswAmi) is not even untrue,

mustered up courage, to reach 'aruNAcalam'-O,

Parrot!-sweetened (by the thought of the prospect of

reaching aruNAchalam).


49 Upon the elder brother's then giving (to boy SrI ramaNA)

five rupees (Indian currency notes) for college (fees),

O, Parrot!-(the said five rupees) became 'wealth' endowed

with 'Grace', (for SrI ramaNA) to go to 'aNNAmalai' (the

city housing the Holy Hill 'aruNAcalam'). (because of its

serving the purpose of, SrI ramaNA reaching

tiruvaNNAmalai, and serving the 'Mission' of His advent

on the earth, of 'silently' shedding spiritual light on

the people of the world for 50-odd years).


50 Taking into hand three rupees (out of the five rupees

given by his elder brother for college fees), (the boy

ramaNA) drafted, one letter of complete wisdom, as the

evidence (of such complete wisdom)-O, Parrot!-hear the

essence (of that letter).


51 "Searching for (my Heavenly) Father, I have started

because of the (Divine) Command, only for this work (of

reaching the town of tiruvaNNAmalai housing the Holy Hill

'aruNAcalam')-O, Parrot!-Noone should worry", only thus

(the young Sage SrI ramaNA, wrote the letter).


52 "Since 'this' (the young Sage SrI ramaNA referred to

Himself thus in third person), sought for good action, do

not beget misery by searching", so said the boy (SrI

ramaNA)-O, Parrot!-there was no name at the bottom (of

the letter)!


53 "Only 'dindivanam' is the railway station (the name, both

of the town, and the railway station thereat), that will

reach myself to tiruvaNNAmalai", O, Parrot!-thus alone

thought the 'king' (Sage ramaNA).


54 Boarding the steam-chariot (the steam-driven train in

India of the olden days), forgetting (the town of AlavAi

or) madurai, (where SrI ramaNA was then living), the

celestial (the young Sage SrI ramaNA) flew away-(and) O,

Parrot!-renounced the world.


55 "Alighting at 'vizhuppuram' (a town in tamilnAdu) take

another vehicle (train)", thus a 'moulvi' (a muslim

priest)-O, Parrot!-announced the path (to



56 Getting down thus (at vizhuppuram), the Son of the (Most)

Auspicious (Hill of) aruNAcalam (the young Sage SrI

ramaNA), on account of unparallelled tiresomeness

(springing from) of hunger-O, Parrot!-walked through many



57 In the cave-adorning Temple (of Lord SivA), seeing the

Graceful-Great-Light, My (Heavenly) Father (SrI

ramaNA)-O, Parrot!-wondered at the Grace of the Lord.


58 Upon (the young Sage SrI ramaNA's) begging food for

(satisfying) hunger, because the brahmin (to whom He

begged) did not yield, the one having the 'playing of the

musical flute' as his profession, O, Parrot!-gave (food)

to my Father (the young Sage SrI ramaNA).


59 With the food (given by the one having the 'playing of

the musical flute' as his profession) in the hand, and

the eyes entering into 'samADi', the Father (the young

Sage SrI ramaNA) fell down-O, Parrot!-became possessed by



60 On 'krShNa jayanti' Day (the Birthday of Lord SrI

krShNA), the Lord (the young Sage SrI ramaNA) reached the

house of 'muttukrShNan', O, Parrot!-a brahmin (a person

of high caste) in kIzhUr (a town).


61 That lady, the Mother of the Home (the wife of the

brahmin, SrI muttukrShNan), knew that He (the young Sage

SrI ramaNA) was 'gOpAlA' (the boy SrI krShNA, tending the

cows), without having been told (explicitly)-O,

Parrot!-(and) gave delicious food.


62 Removing the 'ear-ring' (from the Ear), and giving (it)

to the 'BAgavatar', (the one who gives discourses on, and

recounts the excellences and attributes of, the Divine

Incarnations of God on this Earth, accompanied by musical

chanting, recitation, etc.,) the Lord (young Sage SrI

ramaNA) got 4 Rupees (Indian Currency)-O, Parrot!-to go

to the town (of tiruANNAmalai).


63 The Mother (Wife of SrI muttukrShNan) 'packed' and 'gave'

(to the young Sage ramaNA), the 'food-offering' to

'kannan' (Lord krShNA). The One of the Unborn Sky-Region

(Lord SivA, in the form of the young Sage SrI ramaNA),

becoming the resident of the mountain (having become

established firmly 'like a mountain' in the Awareness of

the Self), O, Parrot!-came searching for His Home (the

town of tiruaNNAmalai).


64 The night fading, on a joyous Tuesday, the Lord (the

young Sage SrI ramaNA)- O, Parrot!-reached the abode of



65 Adjoining the Father (Lord SivA) at aNNAmalai, at the

temple, He (the young Sage SrI ramaNA) offered up Himself

completely-O, Parrot!-(and) He became 'cooled' in every

part of His body (i.e, the 'Longing' to reach the abode

of His Father 'subsided').


66 Giving up all (possessions), shaving 'clean' His head, as

an 'excess'-O, Parrot!-He (the young Sage SrI ramaNA),

wore only a 'loin-cloth' for His body.


67 He (the young Sage SrI ramaNA) is the 'paramAtma lingam'

[the Stone-Like (because of His predominating Stillness

of Nature) Living Image of the Supreme Self] who attained

to the 'Underground Lingam' (a Stone Image of Lord SivA,

denoting the 'Formless-Form', within the precincts of the

arunAcalEswarA temple in tiruvaNNAmalai). He Is(!) the

'True Substance' of vedAntA (the Knowledge-Portion of the

vEdAs, constituting the Essence)-O, Parrot!-what else can

I say?


68 (The young Sage SrI ramaNA) forgot the body, died the

thought-substance, In the samADi (the Supreme State of

Abidance in the Unitary Consciousness of Brahman) of

'Oneness'-O, Parrot!-abided forever.


69 Poisonous scorpion, and also ant and bee, to the extent

required (for them), bit the Lord's (SrI ramaNA's)

thigh-O, Parrot!-and blood laid dripped.


70 Purged of (inner) instrument [(s) (of senses)] and mind,

purged also of the thought of body-O, Parrot!-(the young

Sage SrI ramaNA) stood and abided- deeply merging into

'nirvikalpA' (state, without modifications of the



71 Having come to know through sESADri swAmi (a saint, who

then used to wander like a 'madman' in tiruvaNNAmalai)

that the young Sage SrI ramaNA is unconscious of the

outer world, many 'devotee-servants' were 'lovingly

protecting' Him-O, Parrot!- I (Saint SrI sADu Aum)

experience 'horripilation' thinking of It (such loving

protection being extended to Him, without His seeking



72 In 'gurumUrTam', 'sempavaLakkundru', and in the 'King of

Caves', the virUpAkShi', in all these places-O,

Parrot!-the Lotus of His Feet, remained soaked. (i.e. the

young Sage SrI ramaNA stayed for a long time in these



73 For many years, (steeped) in penance, arriving and

showering His Grace, in all the many many deserted

(so-called) places, O, Parrot! my Father (Sage SrI

ramaNA) 'shone' (in tiruvaNNAmalai).


74 With the (physical) Life of the 'Unhidden Mountain of

Wisdom' (Sage SrI ramaNA) being this way, the relatives

came to know-O, Parrot!-(and, they) came eagerly running,



75 'Mother azhagammai', who begot the Lord (SrI ramaNA),

shed tears, adjoining Him (Sage SrI ramaNA). O,

Parrot!-He was a 'Beloved Child', was He not?


76 Distressed and groaning, Love overflowed (and), the

Mother called Him to come (back home from tiruvNNAmalai).

O, Parrot!-(But,) the reply was a 'Silence'.


77 The 'One' (BagavAn SrI ramaNA) who was established in

'sahaja (natural) samADi' as the 'Self', as the

'Teacher-Lord of the Universe'-O, Parrot!-saw the

individual souls.


78 If the tree bears fruits, shouting, '(Please) Come!', who

will 'beg' and 'call' the 'bat' ? -O, Parrot! - the very

'Presence' (of the Sage), will 'Drag' (the devotees to



79 Those of good penance, who got 'hunger' for jnAnA,

gathered 'buzzing' around- O, Parrot!-the Silent Feet of

SrI ramaNA.


80 The essence of all the 'Words of Instruction', humbly

(sought and) obtained (from BagavAn SrI ramaNA) by many

many ripened souls-O, Parrot!-listen briefly.


81 See 'who I am'; body is not the 'I'; ('I am' is) not the

'thought'; You are that which 'shines' as the 'Self'-O,

Parrot!-(You are) satchidAnandA.


82 If the 'delusion' that springs up as " the 'mind-body' am

I ", slips away, the 'sorrow-dream' (of

body-consciousness) will dissipate-O, Parrot!-(then,

there is) 'Knowledge' which is 'Dense-(mass of)Bliss'.


83 The very 'Presence' of the 'Ultimate Teacher' (Bagavan

SrI ramaNA) who stood in the 'Natural State of

Self-Abidance' as 'Everything is the Self alone!'- O,

Parrot!- will 'say without saying'.


84 Abiding as the 'Existence' itself, (BagavAn SrI ramaNA)

appropriately fed the instruction, 'this is the State of

God' into our intelligence-O, Parrot ! - He is of the

Self-Form of 'Knowledge'.


85 He (BagavAn SrI ramaNA) is of the Form of Light, that

shines without the slightest distinction of caste and

religion-O, Parrot!-He is simple for (being approached

by) servant-devotees.


86 hindUs, muslims, christians, budDists, and all (others),

praised Him as their own 'Ultimate Teacher'-O,

Parrot!-and soaked themselves in 'Grace'.


87 The mother and even the younger brother, as 'ones' in the

group of devotees, to the Auspicious Feet of the King

(sage ramaNA)-O, Parrot! came and prostrated.


88 Becoming 'niranjanAnandA', giving up home and name, near

sage ramaNA, even the younger brother, O, Parrot! did

'service-deeds' of 'Grace'.


89 Because of having 'clearly' offered her life and body,

for the 'graceful service' of Bagavan SrI ramaNA-O,

Parrot!-the mother attained to 'greatness'.


90 In the 'last moments' of the mother's 'casting' her body,

lending His Gracious Hand, (Bagavan SrI ramaNA)-O,

Parrot!-granted (her) 'absorption' into the Self.


91 'mAtruBUtEsar' (Lord of the Form of the Body of the

Mother) is the 'samADi' (tomb) of the mother (of SrI

ramaNA). With the Lord (ramaNA) sitting there (near His

mother's samADi)-O, Parrot!-it became 'ramaNASramam' (the

abode of Sri ramaNA).


92 Offering the auspicious tamil bead garland, of fragrant

alphabets, to (Lord) aruNAcala SivA-O, Parrot!-SrI ramaNA

adjoined (aruNAcala SivA).


93 Together with 'Existence Forty' (40 '4-line' verses on

Existence), also 'Spiritual Instruction undiyAr' (30

'3-line' verses on Spiritual Instruction, ending with the

word 'undIpara', 15 each of Lord SivA and Himself), in

clear tamil language-O, Parrot!-He (SrI ramaNA) gifted to

the world.


94 To the thieves who came one night desiring to 'covet'

(the wealth which they expected to find in SrI

ramaNAsramam) He (SrI ramaNA) said 'Have (for yourself)

what is (here with us)'!-O, Parrot!-He (SrI ramaNA) is an

'incomparable grantor'


95 To the thieves who hit the body, explaining the help

(they needed), 'Hit also in the other thigh', the one who

thus said-O, Parrot!-was the indescribably calm one (SrI



96 Even to the sinners with evil, He (SrI ramaNA) will grant

'Divine Grace'; if you need anything as evidence-O,

Parrot!-look at me (saint SrI sADu Aum).


97 The Grace of the Great Lord aruNAcalA alone is the

'avatAr' (descent) of (SrI) ramaNA in tamilnAdu-O,

Parrot!-He (SrI ramaNA) is God alone!


98 Only to prove the resounding statment 'The Self is(!)

different from the body'- O, Parrot!-SrI ramaNA lived.


99 Even the form of the rare killer disease (cancer) which

arose in the left hand (of SrI ramaNA) giving

incomparable suffering-O, Parrot!-is an explanation for

that (the statement that the Self is different from the



100 Even the inexplicable pain and suffering, 'This(!) is not

for me, only for the body'- O, Parrot!-thus He (Sri

ramaNA) showed.


101 When (SrI ramaNA) cast aside the (physical) body at the

age of 70, (there) appeared a 'light' in the sky-O,

Parrot!-(the light) shone and disappeared.


102 He is the Lord creating 'light' at the time of, taking up

and leaving behind the (physical) body-O, Parrot! (He is)

BagavAn (SrI) ramaNA.


103 (SrI ramaNA) Abides forever, never has death. Even today,

in our hearts,- O, Parrot! the One who abides, is (SrI)



104 Those possessing the manliness of the lack of

identification with the body and possessions-O, Parrot!

are the rightful offspring for satguru (SrI) ramaNA.


105 We are the intelligent children, whom the 'High' SrI

ramaNA begot. We won't fear anyone-O, Parrot! We will win

over by 'Love'.


106 In the bow of 'namO ramaNAya', setting the arrow of 'Who

am I?', all the illusion of the mind of inertia-O,

Parrot! we will destroy.


107 There is 'ramaNA' in the 'tongue'. The 'attention' is on

the 'inner' (being). Where is the 'fear' for 'death'?-O,

Parrot! We will 'Live' becoming 'Peace'.


108 Say only 'ramaNA'. Abide in the Path of Knowledge. Even

the god of death is not there-O, Parrot! Eveything is



(Saint SrI sADu Aum attained mahAsamADi on

4-4-1985. These verses were published in a book form on


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