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mind slaves

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from Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now"Being is the eternal,

ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are

subject to birth and death. However, Being is also deep within every

form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This

means it is accessible now as your own deepest self, your true

nature. But don't seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to

understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still. When

you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the

Now, Being can be felt but it can never be understood mentally. To

regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of 'feeling

realization' is enlightenment."Q: What is the greatest obstacle to

experiencing this reality?"Identification with your mind, which

causes thought to become compulsive. Not to be able to stop thinking

is a dreadful affliction, but you don't realize this because almost

eveyone suffers from it. This incessant mental noise prevents you

from finding the realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from

Being. It also creates a false mind-made shadow self which casts a

shadow of fear and suffering.""Identification with your mind creates

an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgements and

definitions that blocks all true relationship. It comes between you

and your true self, between you and your fellow man and woman,

between you and God. It is this screen of thought that creates the

illusion of separateness, that there is you and a totally separate

'other.' You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the

level of physical appearances and separate forms you are one with all

that is. By 'forget,' I mean you can no longer feel this oneness as

self-evident reality. You may believe it to be true, but you may not

know it to be true. A belief may be comforting; only through you own

experience, however, does it become liberating.""You are consciously

identified with the mind, so you don't even know you are its slave.

It's almost as if you were possessed without knowing it, and so you

take the possessing entity to be yourself. The beginning of freedom

is the realization that you are not the possessing entity - the

thinker. Knowing this enables you to observe the entity. The moment

you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness

becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast

realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny

aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things

that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - all

arise from beyond your mind. You begin to awaken."

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Hi Gloria


Great post! Am going to leave it with a joke.. may

my pond always be free of samskaras. :-)


papa swan


--- Gloria Lee <glee wrote:


> from Eckhart Tolle

> The Power of Now


> "Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond

> the myriad forms of life

> that are subject to birth and death. However, Being

> is also deep within

> every form as its innermost invisible and

> indestructible essence. This means

> it is accessible now as your own deepest self, your

> true nature. But don't

> seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to

> understand it. You can know

> it only when the mind is still. When you are

> present, when your attention is

> fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt

> but it can never be

> understood mentally. To regain awareness of Being

> and to abide in that state

> of 'feeling realization' is enlightenment."


> Q: What is the greatest obstacle to experiencing

> this reality?


> "Identification with your mind, which causes thought

> to become compulsive.

> Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful

> affliction, but you don't

> realize this because almost eveyone suffers from it.

> This incessant mental

> noise prevents you from finding the realm of inner

> stillness that is

> inseparable from Being. It also creates a false

> mind-made shadow self which

> casts a shadow of fear and suffering."


> "Identification with your mind creates an opaque

> screen of concepts, labels,

> images, words, judgements and definitions that

> blocks all true relationship.

> It comes between you and your true self, between you

> and your fellow man and

> woman, between you and God. It is this screen of

> thought that creates the

> illusion of separateness, that there is you and a

> totally separate 'other.'

> You then forget the essential fact that, underneath

> the level of physical

> appearances and separate forms you are one with all

> that is. By 'forget,' I

> mean you can no longer feel this oneness as

> self-evident reality. You may

> believe it to be true, but you may not know it to be

> true. A belief may be

> comforting; only through you own experience,

> however, does it become

> liberating."


> "You are consciously identified with the mind, so

> you don't even know you are

> its slave. It's almost as if you were possessed

> without knowing it, and so

> you take the possessing entity to be yourself. The

> beginning of freedom is

> the realization that you are not the possessing

> entity - the thinker.

> Knowing this enables you to observe the entity. The

> moment you start

> watching the thinker, a higher level of

> consciousness becomes activated. You

> then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of

> intelligence beyond

> thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that

> intelligence. You also

> realize that all the things that truly matter -

> beauty, love, creativity,

> joy, inner peace - all arise from beyond your mind.

> You begin to awaken."









Cognosce Te Ipsum




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I thought we are not supposed to talk about slaves on this list?

Hmm... depends who does the talking? LOL!!


Hi, All..

Someone on another list told me my name was being called. I was

informed that somebody was looking for me, but the informant did not

provide an email address to contact the seeker. Most of my emil

addresses have been down for the past week as I have been moving 3

domains to new providers, that is probably why they had trouble

finding me.


Oddly, the forwarded message began with the phrase:



You have been banned from the group . >>


and was ended with


<<<<At this time it is too much positive energy for me to handle, but

please accept my appologies having let my darker side posting to the

Harshas, :-)

touch my wing and light the sky,

erich >>>>


Which intrigued me into wondering what the heck has been going on

here, as I have not been reading this list in many months. So here I

am looking thru the archives.. and amid the rather amusing chaos I



Mind slaves.

, "Gloria Lee" <glee@i...> wrote:


> from Eckhart Tolle

> The Power of Now


> "You are consciously identified with the mind, so you don't even

>know you are its slave.


Thus, it can sometimes be useful to manifest that slavery

externally, by ritual. Invoking thought word deed in roleplay, and

thereby begin to wake from it. In this way, slaves can be set

free.. :) ;P This is not a new idea.. the term "chela" translates

approximately to "slave". You hand your life over to the Guru and do

as you are told, lay your wealth and your sorrows at their feet,

surrender your free will as fully as possible so that through slavery

to the Guru, you can be set free. Whether it is an inner Guru or an

external one, the game is the same. Slavery.

> It's almost as if you were possessed without knowing it, and so

> you take the possessing entity to be yourself. The beginning of

freedom is

> the realization that you are not the possessing entity - the


> Knowing this enables you to observe the entity.


Yes, how very funny and ironic that these two concepts would go


Last time I posted here, I was possessed of an entity that I had

taken to be part of myself. It was a hurt little girl who I had

accidentally picked up, without realizing it while doing healing work

on an MPD person. It was a 4 year old girl who had been sexually

abused. If she had been a voice or a blockage I would have noticed

her sooner, but she was just a little bundle of hurt emotions looking

for love, acceptance and a friendly ear. Resonant with my own past

emotional state.. so I assumed it was my own old (cleared) issues

somehow resurfacing.


After I resolved to Lurk, Teegee wrote to ask me why I did not seem

to be my usual Self... I had abeen wondering the same thing, but had

not come to any satisfyiong conclusions. With her incredibly patient

help, and the help of a few others on the K-list, I identified the

possessing entity and gave her love. I sought to return her to the

light. This did not work effectively, so I called in the archangels,

who called in the higher self of her Dad and gave him a good talking

to. Then she was free to ascend, and did. The whole thing only took a

few minutes, once the entity/blockage was finally identified.


The result of this, was a miracle. Within hours of my meditation, a

man who had been abusing children and denying it for 40 years,

spontaneously confessed to his crimes in front of 30+ of his

relatives at the 25th anniversary party of him and his second wife.

As those relatives had previously been believing his denials, and

allowing him contact with their children, to say that it caused quite

a stir is an understatement.


I had been carrying this entity unknowingly for 8 months, unable

to identify the source of my mysterious discomfort. I was not able to

identify it, because the time was not yet right for it to be cleared.

Goddess's timing of my discovery, work, and of his resulting remorse

and confession was perfect. Had he confessed at a different time,

before fewer people, the information would have been hushed up.


This man's predations had been part of the cause of the MPD of the

woman I was working on, and he had gone on to also abuse her

daughters, who took him to court and got a conviction. Despite the

conviction, the relatives of his second wife did not believe, until

they had heard it from his own mouth. They had not even believed

their own children. They do now, and all the children are getting



My MPD friend is now completely healed. She is now realizing her

own realization, and also discovering her own powerful ability as a


The path was not an easy road.. what you saw was only a small part

of the chaos. Just as I did with the entity, she also took on a brain

tumor from one of her children and forgot that it was not her own. It

was a painful experience all round.. was it worth it? Depends on how

you measure the results.


Two women are healed of a life threatening brain tumor, one of the

women is also healed of MPD. A few dozen children are saved from a

sexual predator, and the predator is now getting help.. counselling,

and facing up to what he has done. His healing will come, in time. I

have also had a valuable experience of knowing what it is like to be

MPD.. certainly not a pleasant experience, but it will serve me well,

in my work.


How does one measure the value of all that?


Along the process of healing, there was a lot of acting out.

Carl Jung said "There is no coming to consciousness, without pain."

Other spiritual teachers have said the same thing, in different

words. People who are in pain sometimes act out. You can love them or

you can repress them..


Your list, your choice.. these are my thoughts on it. I'll go back

to being invisible.. right after I say, Hello to Teegee, Janpa,

Jerry, Maureen, Harsha and all. You are loved.



Shaman, Psychic, Empath, Healer www.fire-serpent.org/healing/

Fire Serpent Tantra www.fire-serpent.com

Kundalini Gateway www.Kundalini-gateway.org

Personal website www.domin8rex.com

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mystress [mystress]

Friday, July 20, 2001 3:42 AM

Re: mind slaves


Your list, your choice.. these are my thoughts on it. I'll go back

to being invisible.. right after I say, Hello to Teegee, Janpa,

Jerry, Maureen, Harsha and all. You are loved.



Thanks Angelique! Nice to hear from you again and glad to hear that all is





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mystress wrote [[.. the term "chela" translates approximately

to "slave". You hand your life over to the Guru and do as you are

told, lay your wealth and your sorrows at their feet, surrender your

free will as fully as possible so that through slavery to the Guru,

you can be set free. Whether it is an inner Guru or an external one,

the game is the same. Slavery.]]

** This is an interesting definition / interpretation of, "chela".


Chela is a Hindi word meaning, "disciple"; which is indeed a disciple

to a guru. Further, it is the the synonym for, "sishya" - a pupil or

disciple who has proven themselves & been formally accepted by a guru.


The guru-disciple relationship is entered into by choice. You give

wealthy to the guru or tradition in accord with your choice. Your

free will is a matter choice. A slave is someone who has no choice.


Om Santi ...

Yogini Sakti

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, hamsayogini@a... wrote:

> mystress wrote [[.. the term "chela" translates approximately

> to "slave".


Approximations can swing into generalities which might then be used

to put forth a personal bent of philosophy. If one is to teach

anything...as being thus or so...one might be wise to stick with less

approximation and more knowledge of truth....'slave' is an emotion-

packed word that defines your experience to you...your opinion and

your perception. The word then would define you more

than 'chela'...imho...




> free will is a matter choice. A slave is someone who has no choice.


> Om Santi ...

> Yogini Sakti


Perfect Shakti....there is a big difference...a slave cannot walk

away by definition and is bound and chained under penalty of death

and without free will... I don't see the comparison either....



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