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24 Gurus of Dattatreys (some corrections)

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Dear Papa swan, thank you... (second version some minor

corrections)Perfect list, as expected...So again, let's consider

Bhagavan (I love that word) Ramana:> He [guru] need not be in a human

form.> Dattatreya had twenty-four gurus:> the five elements, earth,

water, etc.> Which means that every object> in this world was his

guru.Looking at that list (below), is it not remarkable how

unquestionablyall inclusive it attempts to be? (More on that a little

later.)In the western paradigm we would use different words, we would

look fromdifferent angles, more physical, structural, more

statistical, etc. Itdoes not matter as specifics and detail are a

matter of (a) perception,(b) analysis, © conception and (d)

classification (e) speculation.

Items (b) through (e) are part of guru 21 in the list below, "Mind

whichcooperates with the senses in building up perceptions, images,

andconcepts". This is as I have written before, from my angle, in

previousposts.The idea behind the "twenty-four gurus" list is the

completeness of therange in "energy formulation / formation:" from

the grossest to thesubtlest... as Hamsa Yogini suggested: "The

magnetic energy (Odic)."Notice * what is not included in the "24

gurus" list below:

anything to do with what we call "vice and virtue," merit and

demerit".That should be obvious, as that belongs to the

conceptionalizing andspeculative part (c and e), but in the negative

sense: when manas / mindthrough social subordination or control is

not able to help the human tobe, what the human is in freedom,

moksha, emancipation. Emancipation: being be free from any

controlling power structure, which through influence of mores and

beliefs, prescribes directlyor indirectly behaviour, using

exhortations, enforcements and conditionalstimuli to enable the

subordinated being to act within rules of a "top down" (bully) or

"bottom up" (peer group) structured "society".A quote from "the New

Yorker " of July 23, the article titled"Rethinking the Brain" by

Michael Specter:"[Professor Elizabeth] Gould demonstrated the adverse

affects thatsocial subordination or fear can have: expose a rodent to

the scent of apredator (in this case a fox) and it will become so

anxious that itsproduction of new neurons [in the brain] will quickly

fall away."It appears that she is on her way to finding the physical

mechanism (thewestern paradigm) in humans for fear to cause brain

dysfunction. Whenfear is manipulatively used on humans for control

and subordinativepurposes it may well have the same effect physically

on humans as on herodent.

Physically, we are still to find out, but psychologically wealready

know that threatened people have a hard time to "rethink" thereality

of their situation as even perception of the physicalenvironment is

affected... There is the expectation though that thosebrain cells can

re-grow as apparently they do in animals...Lest we are to be a lesser

animal...No way!Love, Wim------------------------------- Five Gross

Elements (Bhutas): 1) Earth (Prithivi)2) Water (Apas)3) Fire (Teja)4)

Wind (Vayu)5)Ether (Akasha) Five Subtle Elements (Tanmatras): 6) Odor

as such (Gandha-tanmatra) Earth arises from this.7) Flavor as such

(Rasa-tanmatra) Water arises from this.8) Color as such

(Rupa-tanmatra) Fire arises from his9) Touch as such

(Sparsha-tanmatra) Wind arises from this10) Sound as such

(Shabda-tanmatra) Ether arises from thisFive Karmandriyas (powers of

action)11) sexual action and restfulness (upasthendriya)12) Excreting

(payvindriya)13) Locomotion (padendriya)14) Handling (hastendriya)15)

speaking (vagindriya)Five Jnanendriyas or Buddhindriyas (powers of

sense perception)16) Hearing (shravanendriya)17) Feeling by touch

(sparshanendriya)18) Seeing (cakshurindriya)19) Tasting

(rasanendriya)20) smelling (ghranenderiya) Tattvas of Mental

Operation21) Manas--mind which cooperates with the senses in building

upperceptions, images, and concepts. This is a product of Ahamkara.22)

Ahamkara--The ego or limited 'I' sense. This is a product of

Buddhi.23) Buddhi--The ascertaining intellect; intuition. Reflects on

objectsexternal and internal.24) Prakriti/Purusha--Prakriti is the

root matrix of objectivity;Purusha is the limitation of the divine

perfection which gives birth tothe limited subject. Both Prakriti and

Purusha come about by Maya Shaktiof Shiva which veils the divine

Perfection; the All becomes limitlesssubject/object.

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