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Amhisa for electronic beings... :)

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At 12:17 PM 7/20/01, you wrote:

> Fri, 20 Jul 2001 11:01:21 -0400

> "Gloria Lee" <glee

>Re: Re: Glo / dark-light

>Dear Dan,


>Somewhere in the middle of reading this, you knocked out the power to the

>house and set off the smoke alarm. I haven't wanted to complain before

>this of the many times you have crashed my computer with your power

>surges, because I like them. However,the smoke alarm never has gone off in

>a power failure before, so please watch you don't set the house afire. I

>don't think my insurance covers you.


>Glo-ing in the dark here


Amhisa for electronic beings... :)


Bubble spell for computer protection.

Video transcript of Lesson # 17, Fire Serpent Tantra



Kundalini Shakti and psychic people are notorious for being extremely hard

on electronics.

That might seem like a strange thing to say, but it is true. I've had

enough experience of Kundalini-awakened people blowing out their computers,

to know that the waveforms of energy of electronics, and the waveforms of

energy of Kundalini, and Chi, and Prana are not very compatible.

Now, we don't want you blowing out your computer, because if you did that

you wouldn't be able to finish taking this course. So I'm gonna teach you

how to protect your computer from your own body energy, and from mine too,

because I don't want to blow out anybody's computer either. And I've sent

emails people that [phht!] blew it out, before I realized that Kundalini

creatures have to take steps to protect electronic creatures, so they don't

step on them.


Now there's a few ways to do this. The simplest way is to just ask Goddess

to protect your computer. And if you have the faith to believe that She

will, then that's all you need to do. But if you are taking this course

then you're probably a novice, and we don't expect you to have that much

faith. It takes time to build it up. So instead, what we're gonna do is a

very simple visualization. And as with all of the work that we do, begin by

getting grounded. If you need to, pause this tape for a moment while you

get grounded, and then come back and I'll teach you how to do the spell.


(grounding and realplayer video)


Good. Alright then. Your body energy to a certain extent is polarized. It

comes out one hand, and goes in the other. So if you want to read a crystal

like a psychometrist, and find out what the vibration of it is, you put it

in the receptive hand, which is on the left. But if you want to send

someone energy, you use the other hand, which is on the right. So you can

imagine the energy moving through you, above and below. and you can also

imagine the energy coming from your heart, down this arm [pointing at right

arm], and back up this arm [pointing at left arm].

So, I want you to hold your hands out, just like this [hands up-turned

apart in front of body]. Now I want you to imagine that there's a circuit

going back and forth from here to here [from right hand to left hand],

between your hands and your heart. Energy cycling around that's drawing on

the energy going through you. And I want you to create a bubble of energy.

Just imagine that the energy of this hand [pointing at right hand] is

shaping a bubble between the circuit [between two hands held apart in

front]. I want you to imagine that this bubble has a pink mirror texture on

the outside of it, kind of shiny.

And I want you to encode this bubble with some intentions. The essence of

the intention is to put your computer in a stabilized energy space, so it

will not be affected by external emotions, and other outside effects. So

imagine that your bubble is a shield for that. Alright? Get it clear on

that. The surface of this bubble transmutes energy into a vibration that is

more compatible with electronics than your natural Kundalini energy tends

to be.

Now when you've created this bubble, and you've gotten it very clear, I

want you to clone it. Imagine the bubble is dividing in half, and now

you've got two bubbles. Expand them to the size that you need them to be,

and then place one bubble around your monitor, and place the other bubble

around the main part of your computer, around the box. Now, your bubbles

are in place.

We need to give them their own power source that is not connected to you.

So what I want you to imagine is that each bubble has its own grounding

cord, just like you do. And the bubble is being powered, if you like, by

this energy that's going through it, and around the outside of it on either

side. This is a way of asking God-dess to please maintain your bubble for

you, so that you don't have to think about it all the time. If you have

this conception clear in your mind, or any way that you can feel it or

imagine it, then that's good.

The only other thing that we're gonna do is create some little bubbles to

be filters for the information that's coming in and out of your computer.

So I want you to imagine that your placing a little bubble at the wall

socket, that will be kind of like a surge protector, and a little bubble

where you put your cable or your phone line, wherever your computer

connects to the modem. And I want you to hold the intention that these

little bubbles are gonna do exactly that. There gonna soften any energy

that's going out that might disrupt someone else's computer. And they are

goning to soften the energy coming in, to make sure that somebody else, who

might be awakened who is sending you a flame, doesn't end up disrupting

your computer, like I used to do with people. :)

Now if you like, you can give these bubbles their own grounding cords, or

you can simply run a sheath along the cords, to protect them all the way

along their length, and connect them back to the main bubble.

Now, if you want to, you can put one on your keyboard as well. Clone off a

piece of the original bubble, and stretch it out to keyboard shape, and

place it around your keyboard, to shield. So basically, what we've done

here, is create a mental conception of an energy membrane that will serve

to keep your computer in a stable energy space, so that the stuff you're

doing with the magic that I'm teaching you here isn't going to fry the


Now, a lot of people find that when their Kundalini really starts to go,

that they blow light bulbs. They'll flick on a switch, and a light bulb

will blow. Or some people find that they'll be walking down the street and

looking at the street lights, and the street lights will go out as they

walk under them. So within yourself, just ask for Goddess to modulate your

energy when you're around electronic devices so as not to harm them. But I

want you to make as part of that agreement, to be sure to get regularly

into a space where there is no electronic interference, where there are no

electrical fields, somewhere out in nature, so that anything that is being

limited by your energy being damped down by trying not to hurt electronics,

can have a chance to express itself there.

You can negotiate with your Kundalini to a certain extent. Goddess is wise

and She will listen.

But She's also a dominatrix, so learn to surrender.


Lovingly created and copyright by

Mystress Angelique Serpent. Serpent@ fire-serpent.com

Permission granted to redistribute freely, so long as the authors name and

links are included in the reprint.

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, Mystress Angelique Serpent



> I've had enough experience of Kundalini-awakened people blowing out

> their computers,


Bill Gates must be really K-awakened.



(thinks the waveforms of computers and 'Windows'

are incompatible)

> to know that the waveforms of energy of electronics, and the

waveforms of

> energy of Kundalini, and Chi, and Prana are not very compatible.

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