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Digest Number 1286

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At 03:43 PM 7/23/01, you wrote:

> Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:50:43 -0400

> Daniel Berkow <berkowd

>Re: Digest Number 1280



> > >However, crack-addicted babies born to

> > > mothers who stuff them into dumpsters

> > > to die with cries unheard, are not serving

> > > a higher purpose, nor did they choose

> > > that experience to further the growth

> > > of an individual soul.

> >

> > How can you know that? How can you know that some experiences do not

> >serve a higher purpose? How can you believe it, and be a non-dualist?

> > Just because we cannot know the purpose, doesn't mean that there is no

> >purpose.



>"Purpose" equals "belief".


Hmm.. I don't think so. My computer has a purpose, I write emails and

design websites with it. It may be that the emails and websites have no

purpose.. but they amuse me.

>I know "being" by being *that*,

> not by trying to make it have

> a "higher purpose" for me.

>I am *this* -- without

> any purpose imposed by thought.


Sure.. higher and lower is illusion. Purpose is your word, your belief

that crack babies have none.. unless I'm getting you confused with someone

else again? :)

>I have no interest in being a nondualist or a dualist.

>Is being a nondualist a concern of yours?

>Is having a higher purpose a concern of yours?

>If so -- good luck with it.


No, not particularly.. I assumed the statements made were open for

discussion, so I discussed them, on the level that they were expressed.

If you want to skip to a higher chakra perspective to respond, OK.. so

this list and everyone on it are illusion and do not truly exist, and have

no purpose.. where does that leave us? Why write at all?

>I find no purpose to having a purpose or to being

> a nondualist -- whatever that is ;-)


You are on the NDS list, aren't you? "Non-duality salon"? Why for if you

are not interested in non duality? Just hanging out?

To what purpose? LOL!!

> > The question would have no importance, if we did not have free will, to

> >choose to love or to not love. The crack baby is born to give its mother,

> >and you, and anyone.. that sacred choice.


>Good luck with this belief system.

>The belief system looks quite

> limited from here.


Fortunately, I am not limited by it.

> > It is also said that when we die, we experience a "life review" where we

> >re-experience not only our own lives and feelings, but we also feel how

> >every one of our actions felt, to everyone we interacted with. How will it

> >affect the Mother, to experience the pain of the child who died? How will

> >it shape her soul's growth?


>Who is reviewing the "reviewer", who is

> having the life review?


:) Ask the person having the NDE.. :)

>This is your life review -- right now!


Kundalini tends to have that effect..

>Blessings, blessings, blessings!


To what purpose? LOL!! Love you...

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At 03:43 PM 7/23/01, you wrote:

> Mon, 23 Jul 2001 15:00:31 -0000

> mumblecat

>Re: Digest Number 1280 / purpose



>, Mystress Angelique Serpent

><mystress@f...> wrote:


> > Just because we cannot know the purpose, doesn't mean that

> >there is no purpose.



>"Purpose"... that's interesting...


>Purpose most often equals believed intention, suspected will from

>something or someone.


If you like.. I tend to think of it in more practical terms. Usefulness.

>Looking for purpose is tiresome and is a long walk in the desert

>under the searing sun, many ppl can attest to this.


Sure.. so what was your purpose in writing this, and will it be a long

walk in the desert to figger it out? :)


I spent 5 hours today with an "organization angel" that I hired for

$30. an hour to help me sort out my filing going back several years. Over

and over, a bit of paper.. identify it, see if it has purpose and what the

purpose of it is, file it, recycle it, put it into the burning barrel or

trash it. Felt like I had taken a long walk in the sun after!! So now a lot

of old junk mail has found new purpose as fire starters, or will find new

purpose when the recyclers are done with it.

> One usually ends

>up at a place close to where one started, "purpose" having lost its

>hold on the individual events that take place, interpretation of

>meaning inactive at all levels of observation. However that is not to

>say the long walk wasn't.


Well, eventually all those filed papers will be dirt, again.. to grow

into new trees. So goes the wheel.. :) In the meantime, I'm glad the filing

is done! :)





Love to you, Amanda.

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At 03:43 PM 7/23/01, you wrote:

> Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:51:00 EDT

> nierika

>Re: soul's purpose


>Angelique wrote:



> > >> Those who have had near death experiences have come back to tell us,

> > that when we die there is only one question that is asked.. only one thing

> > in all of life that has any importance. That question is "How well did you

> > Love?" <<

> >


>Hi Angelique and welcome. I believe you joined the list when I was on a long

>trip this summer looking for a new place to plant myself (am moving to

>southern NM in the fall). When I came back there were some missles being

>lobbed, and so I didn't keep up with the digests, though I recall your name

>being mentioned or perhaps someone responding to a post you sent.


Well, thank you for the welcome, Linda! Actually, I have been on the

list forever.. but I am on a lot of lists and moderate a pack of them too..

cannot keep up with them all. So I collect the HS digests and read a few

dozen of them at a time, and rarely post... or post belatedly, as I am

doing now.


>appreciate all that you said in this post. I was born into a family where I

>went through severe abuse. I don't believe anyone deserves this, or any other

>terrible things that may happen, and I am very careful never to tell anyone

>else who is suffering that they created it or chose it in some way.


Oh, I tell them. Not that they deserve it, because that goes down a

road of judgments and what-not... illusions of punishment and blame..

But that they chose it on some level, certainly. A thought experiment. I

was born into an abusive family too, and deciding that I had chosen it was

very empowering, it gave me room for creativity, to look carefully for the

hidden gifts. We grow through adversity, and discover our strength through

having something to push against. Even the Buddha could not grow into

enlightenment without facing some of the harshness of the world. What if

Prince Siddharta never left his castle?

Choice is pro-active. Gets you out of victim wallowing and into

looking for perfection. Even if the reasons or gifts are illusion,

storytelling BS of belief it matters not. It is the perceptual shift that


> However,

>I do believe that I chose it, and though, for the life of me, I can't imagine



: )

>I also believe that there is a reason. I know that, perhaps because of

>this, I am empathetic toward others and that, for much of my working life, I

>devoted myself to organizations that had a purpose of reducing violence.


Beautiful.. that is reason enough, is it not, if reasons are to be had?

Your experiences shaped you into a compassionate, empathetic and generous

being. What better purpose could there be? Glad to know you!


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