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2) Cayce on Auras

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Red is the first of the primary colors and in ancient symbolism it

represented the body, the earth, and hell, all three of which meant the

same thing in the old mystery religions. The earth was the irrational world

into which the soul descended from heaven. The body was the earth form

which held the soul captive. Heaven was blue, and the spirit was blue. The

mind was associated with yellow. It is interesting that in some systems of

metaphysics blue is considered to be the true color of the sun; that is, if

we could be outside earth we would see the sun as a blue light - soft,

powerful, and spiritual. The yellow color is supposed to result from the

collision of the sun's rays with the atmosphere of earth. Since the

greatest spiritual weapon of man is his intellect, it is natural that mind

be associated with the sun's color in this world.

As to the meaning of red, it indicates force, vigor and energy.

Its interpretation depends upon the shade, and as with all colors, upon the

relationship of other colors. Dark red indicates high temper, and it is a

symbol of nervous turmoil. A person with dark red in his aura may not be

weak outwardly, but he is suffering in some way, and it is reflected in his

nervous system. Such a person is apt to be domineering and quick to act. If

the shade of red is light it indicates a nervous, impulsive, very active

person, one who is probably self-centered. Scarlet indicates an overdose of

ego. Pink, or coral, is the color of immaturity. It is seen usually in

young people, and if it shows up in the aura of one who is grown it

indicates delayed adolescence, a childish concern with self. In all cases

of red there is a tendency to nervous troubles, and auch peopie ought to

take time to be quiet and to get outside themselves.

Red is the color of the planet Mars, and corresponds to do, the

first note in the musical scale. In early Christianity it signified the

suffering and death of Christ, and was the color of war, strife and





Orange is the color of the sun. It is vital, and a good color

generally, indicating thoughtfulness and consideration of others. Again,

however, it is a matter of shade. Golden orange is vital and indicates

self-control, whereas brownish orange shows a lack of ambition and a

don't-care attitude. Such people may be repressed, but usually they are

just lazy. People with orange in their auras are subject to kidney trouble.

In the early church orange signified glory, virtue, and the fruits

of the earth, all of these being connected naturally with the sun. In the

musical scale the note re corresponds to orange.




Yellow is the second primary color. When it is golden yellow it

indicates health and well-being. Such people take good care of themselves,

don't worry, and learn easily; good mentality is natural in them. They are

happy, friendly, and helpful. If the yellow is ruddy, they are timid. If

they are red-heads they are apt to have an inferiority complex. They are

thus apt often to be indecisive and weak in will, inclined to let others

lead them.

In the musical scale the note mi corresponds to yellow, and Mercury

is the planet of this color.




Pure emerald green, particularly if it has a dash of blue, is

the color of healing. It is helpful, strong, friendly. It is the color of

doctors and nurses, who invariably have a lot of it in their auras.

However, it is seldom a dominating color, usually being over-shadowed by

one of its neighbors. As it tends toward blue it is more helpful and

trustworthy. As it tends toward yellow it is weakened. A lemony green, with

a lot of yellow, is deceitful. As a rule the deep, healing green is seen in

small amounts, but it is good to have a little of it in your aura.

Saturn is the planet of this color, and fa is its musical note.

In the early church it symbolized youthfulness and the fertility of nature,

taking this quite naturally from the sight of the fields in spring.




Blue has always been the color of the spirit, the symbol of

contemplation, prayer, and heaven. The sky is blue because gas molecules in

the air cause light rays from the sun to be scattered. This is the

scientific explanation but, as I have mentioned before, blue is said to be

the true color of the sun, and it is also the color of the planet Jupiter,

which is the ruler of great thoughts and high-mindedness.

Almoat any kind of blue is good, but the deeper shades are the

best. Pale blue indicates little depth, but a struggle toward maturity. The

person may not be talented, but he tries. He will have many heartaches and

many headaches, but he will keep going in the right direction. The middle

blue, or aqua, belongs to a person who will work harder and get more done

than the fellow with light blue, though there may be little difference

between them in talent. Those with the deep blue have found their work and

are immersed in it. They are apt to be moody and are almost always unusual

persons, but they have a mission and they steadfastly go about fulfilling

it. They are spiritual-minded for the most part, and their life is usually

dedicated to an unselfish cause, such as science, art, or social service. I

have seen many Sisters of Mercy with this dark blue, and many writers and

singers also.

The musical note of blue is sol, and in the early church the color

was assigned to the highest attainments of the soul.




Indigo and violet indicate seekers of all types, people who are

searching for a cause or a religious experience. As these people get

settled in their careers and in their beliefs, however, these colors

usually settle back into deep blue. It seems that once the purpose is set

in the right direction, blue is a natural emanation of the soul. Thoae who

have purple are inclined to be overbearing, for here there is an

infiltration of pink. Heart trouble and stomach trouble are rather common

to persons with indigo, violet and purple in their auras.

Venus is the planet of indigo, and la is its musical note. The moon

is the planet of violet and ti is its musical note. In the early church

indigo and violet meant humiliation and sorrow.

The perfect color, of course, is white, and this is what we all are

striving for. If our souls were in perfect balance then all our color

vibrations would blend and we would have an aura of pure white. Christ had

this aura, and it is shown in many paintings of Him, particularly those

which depict Him after the resurrection. You recall that He said at the

tomb, "Touch me not for I am newly risen." He meant that as a warning, I

think, for the vibrations of His being must at that time have been so

powerful that anyone putting a hand on Him would have been killed - shocked

as if by live wire.

Color is light, and light is the manifestation of creation. Without

light there would be no life, and no existence. Light, in fact, is the

primary witness of creation. All around us there are colors which we cannot

see, just as there are sounds we cannot hear, and thoughts we cannot

apprehend. Our world of comprehension is very small. We can only see the

few colors between red and violet. Beyond red on one side and violet on the

other are unguessed numbers of colors,

some of them so bright and wonderful, no doubt, we would be stricken blind

if by some chance we could see them.

But in the fact of these colors we cannot see, these sounds we

cannot hear, these thoughts we cannot apprehend, lies the hope of evolution

and the promise of eternity. This is a small and narrow world, and beyond

it are the glories which await our souls. But if we labor to expand our

understanding and our consciousness, we can push back the limits a little

bit even while here, and thus see a little more, understand a little more.

Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, Pythagoras, the

first philosopher, used colors for healing. Today medical science is just

beginning to see the possibilities in this method. If colors are vibrations

of spiritual forces, they should be able to help in healing our deepest and

most subtle maladies. Together with music, which is a kindred spiritual

force, they form a great hope for therapy of the future.

But I do not think that color therapy will become widespread or

practical until we have accepted the truth of auras and become accustomed

to reading them in order to discover what imbalance is disturbing a person.

Of course, we cannot transform all auras into a pure white light, but we

can learn to detect signs of physical, mental and nervous disorders, and

treat them in a proper way.

An aura is an effect, not a cause. Every atom, every molecule,

every group of atoms and molecules, however simple or complex, however

large or small, tells the story of itself, its pattern, its purpose,

through the vibrations which emanate from it. Colors are the perceptions of

these vibrations by the human eye. As the souls of individuals travel

through the realms of being they shift and change their patterns as they

use or abuse the opportunities presented to them. Thus at any time, in any

world, a soul will give off through vibrations the story of itself and the

condition in which it now exists. If another consciousness can apprehend

those vibrations and understand them it will know the state of its fellow

being, the plight he is in, or the progress he has made.

So, when I see an aura, I see the man as he is, though the details

are missing. I believe the details are there, but they are missing from my

perception and understanding. By experience I have learned to tell a good

deal from the intensity of the colors, their distribution, and the

positions they occnpy. The aura emanates from the whole body, but usually

it is most heavy and most easily seen around the shoulders and head,

probably because of the many glandular and nervous centers located in those

parts of the body. The dark shades generally denote more application, more

will power, more spirit. The basic color changes as the person develops or

retards, but the lighter shades and the pastels blend and shift more

rapidly as the temperament expresses itself. The mind, builder of the soul,

is the essential governing factor in the aura; but food, environment, and

other conditions have their effect. Sometimes outside forces bring about a

change. I once met a man in whose aura I saw a shaft of light, coming

downward over his left shoulder. In it there was some white, a great deal

of green, and a great deal of red with blue mixed in it. I read this as a

sign that the man was receiving information inspirationally, which he was

using for constructive purposes. I wondered if he was a writer, for it

struck me that this would be a proper aura for such work. I asked him, and

he told me that although he had been a writer, he was now engaged in

lecturing and teaching, still giving information for the help of others.

The shape of the aura is sometimes helpful. In children, for

instance, it is possible to tell whether a great deal of training by

example will be needed, or whether precept will do as well. If the child is

reasonable and will accept instruction on this basis the aura will be like

a rolling crown. If example is needed, the aura will be a more definite

figure, with sharp points and a variety of colors. If the child intends to

be a law unto himself, the aura will be like a rolling chain, lower than

the position of a crown, going about the shoulders as well as the head. In

the green aura of healers, if the color quivers as it rises, the person is

most sympathetic. Several times I have seen people in whose auras there

were little hooks of light here and there. In each case the man had a job

as overseer of large groups of other men, a director and a leader.

Let me give you a few examples of aura reading. These are not

complete, just some notes that were taken one day at the end of our annual

congress, when I was sitting with some of the members who had attended our

meetings. Since I knew them all I gave them only an indication of the

general condition of their auras.

A woman, middle-aged: Your aura has changed more in the Iast three

days than any I have ever seen. Your thoughts, your ideas, have wandered

from the heights to the depths. At times the aura has been very beautiful,

at others it has not been good. I have seen a great deal of the low, dull

colors, about you. Evidently something has been worrying you. It is more

mental than physical.

Young woman, a secretary: There has been a great deal of red about

you lately, which means that you have been rather defiant. Often I have

seen lines running away from your fingers when I can't see the aura about

your face. That is probably because you think with your fingers, writing so

much. In the last few days you have had a great deal of purple, which means

the spiritual has mingled with your defiance; your desire and hope for

better things has influenced your doubts and fears. You are sure, but a

little fearful at times that you will not be able to put it over. You also

have a great deal of coral and pink, meaning activity, but at times you

smear it with more green than white, which indicates your desire to help

others irrespective of themselves. That is not God's way.

Middle-aged woman, a teacher: There is a great deal of leaden gray

in your aura, not only from your physical condition but because you have

been doubting your own beliefs. You have become fearful of the thing to

which you have entrusted your whole inner self. There also rise some smears

of white, coming from your higher intellectual self, and from your

spiritual intents and purposes. Broaden these. You also have a great deal

of indigo, indicating spiritual seeking. There is green, but often fringed

with red, for sometimes you would like to be in the other fellow's place,

and would like him to be in your place, so that he'd know what you go


A middle-aged woman, social service worker: Your aura had been

growing more and more to dark blue, golden, and white, with more and more

white. I hope it won't entirely reach the halo, for then I would be fearful

that you were leaving us. You have white with gold, which shows an ability

to help others to help themselves. You have the ability to magnify the

virtues of an individual, and minimize his faults.

Young woman, a clerk: Your aura is beautiful, yet often you become

very fearful. At times you are easily dissatisfied. There is a great deal

of blue, which is good. You should wear blue more often. You may not like

it, but it will help you to think straight. You will be able to sing or hum

more often as you work, if you wear blue. If you don't wear it outside,

wear it close to your body. There are also some minerals to which you are

susceptible, particularly green stones - not because of their healing

quality for you, but because of the helpful influences they will enable you

to give out to others. You control others a great deal by what you say and

do, more so than you realize, yet there is a great deal of coral in your

aura, which means that you become fearful of your own choices and are

unhappy in your environment.

Young woman, a nurse: In your aura there is a great deal of green,

but you often rub it out with blue, then streak it up with red. I would not

want to be around when you do the streaking, and most people who know you

feel the same way, for when you let go it is quite a display of temper. You

have a good deal of ability, especially in being able to act as a healing

and helpful influence to others. Consequently, the principal color in your

aura is green, but you streak it up when you desire to have your own way.

Young woman, a student: Your aura is changing. There is a great

deal of indigo, indicating the seeker. This indigo is not always in a

regular line, but looks more like tatting all around your head. I believe

this indicates that there will be a change in your relationships with

certain groups of people soon.

I have given these examples to show how colors blend to form an

aura, and how they change from time to time. I do not expect that many of

you will be able to see these colors around others, though I am sure some

of you have the power without realizing it. You can become color-conscious,

and you can learn to read auras from people's clothes and the colors you

see predominant in their surroundings - their homes, their offices, even

the colors of their automobiles, their dogs, and the flowers they have

selected to grow in their gardens.

It can be a fascinating game, noticing how any person with

vitality and vigor will have a little splash of red in a costume, in a

room, or in a garden; noticing how persons who are quiet, dependable, sure

of themselves, and spiritual, never are seen without deep blues - it is

almost as if they turn things blue by being near them. Notice how bright

and sunny people, who like to laugh and play, and who are never tired or

down-hearted, will wear golden yellow and seem to color things yellow, like

a buttercup held under the chin.

Colors reflect the soul and the spirit, the mind and the body,

but remember they indicate lack of perfection, incompleteness. If we were

all we should be, pure white would emanate from us. Strive toward that, and

when you see it in others, follow it as if it were a star. It is. But we

who must take solace from smaller things can draw comfort from blue, get

strength from red and be happy in the laughter and sunshine of golden







Color Note Planet Interpretation Affliction


Red Do Mars Force, Nervousness,

Vigor, Egotism



Orange Re Sun Thoughtfulness, Laziness,

Consideration Repression


Yellow Mi Mercury Health, Timidity,

Well-being, Weakness of

Friendliness Will


Green Fa Saturn Healing, Mixed with Yel-

Helpful low - Deceit


Blue Sol Jupiter Spiritual, Struggle,

Artistic, Melancholy



Indigo La Venus Seeking, Heart & Stom-

Religious ach Trouble


Vioiet Ti Moon Seeking, Heart & Stom-

Religious ach Trouble

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