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Music Poll Results (Part I)

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Dear Lists,


The following note from a friend of mine prompted the music poll.


"I got chatting to [a guy] who was in the army for a while and was a Marine

para-jumping instructor. He began to mention about some strange events whilst

in free fall, kind of odd experiences. This drifted on to others things ...

We got talking about music and he said to me... "I once saw music made of

light, and I became the music" !!!


"I said… 'Emm, so have I' !! he was gobsmacked. I have chatted with people

all over the world and never met one yet who had seen it; ... But what we

both saw was absolutely identical and right down to the little white dots

whilst in ‘nothing’ which turned into the music made of light; and also the

fact that he could choose what part of the music to be. " [see below for

more of this experience]


Twenty-seven people from three lists (, Kundalini-Gatway and

Eheshares) responded to the poll. Following are some excerpts from this

fascinating and incredibly varied group of posts! :)) Many grateful thanks

to all who took part.


Love, Hillary



My most dramatic experience with music was when I was under the

influence of psylocibin. The music I was listening to was the Moody

Blues and the 'Ride my see-=saw and preamble' sent me up into

ecstasies. I had extreme bliss experienes in the heart area of my

chest, it was a great trip.


I wasn't into spirituality at the time, and later trips proved to be

bad. So I'm not recommending the experiment.


I do trace this experience as a step on the spiritual road though.



I'm presently a 47 year old male, USA born and bred, and my

(exceptional-experience) happened while in military, overseas in Korea, back

at 19n years of age ... and I've had more previously and after, as well.


Unbelieveably, I "heard or experienced" angels! Choirs of them, as well as

celsestial music unbeknownst to man on earth. I thought I was being "given"

a miracle, and my acquaintances at the time saw that during the experience I

had been "caught in a rapture!" ... I snapped out of the experience, and by

god, my mind waxs so much better than it had ever been. I was solving

Einstein's Theory, aside of "knowing" the reasons for many of the mysteries

on earth about life, as we know it.... What began as a blissful experience,

became a nightmare that has haunted me all these years. .... I was in the

military at the time, and the captain, chaplains, etc. couldn't quite

understand how anyone can hear angels way over in Korea! I did. The doctors

called these exquisite sounds, "hallucinations," so there you have the

beginning of my life-mare. :) ... My opinion against theirs, eh? ...

Where does music originate? In each of us....out, someplace else, in the

vibrational impulses throughout the universal space all around us? I know my

music, "carried me away"....out of this reality. :) Haven't been the same

since......and I'm glad.



I usually hear an angelic choir and symphonic music prior to the onset of a

kundalini experience. I feel energy descend and then rise up my spine. It

hasn't happened that often, but it's a real pain in the ass, if you ask me.

What's it good for? another religion?



I wake to hear my heartbeat, remembering

the sound of my hand drum in the drum circle.


Someone's loving voice comes in, like a viola solo...


The wind in the leaves turns to angelic choral voices,

while the windchimes turn into more from the percussionist, ...


The sun surges in waves of white noise, ...


Behind an indigo-velveted curtain stage,

you can hear the Angels whispering,

"It's truly a Divine Vibration"...



To answer , many and often throughout my entire life.



When I was about 28 or so, I was living in a two-room suite by myself in

a dormitory, and one evening I was very bored. I had some LSD left over

from my graduate school experience, so I took it. I was listening to

Jimi Hendrix, who was bored as well, ... so I put on Astral Weeks by

Van Morrison. There is a song on there with the chorus "To be born

again...", repeated several times. During this chorus, I was suddenly no

longer bored. I was pushing against a membrane of some sort, which

broke, causing me to be drenched, and I was standing in the midst of a

singing choir of angels, who were cheering for me. I felt as though I

had just been married and it was a huge celebration. Unfortunately, I

mistook one level for another and called a woman on whom I had a crush,

to see if it had happened to her as well. It woke her up at 4:00am, much

to her dismay. Oh well... Up until the foolish telephone call, I

remember it as a very numinous experience, and I do feel the music had a

lot to do with it.



HeHe, you ask that question with Heavy Metal Man on

the list.... LOL...

not sure what a metaphysical experiences

is but if i had one it was listen' to ac/dc


world of music, on can easly train one mind

to reach different metal states to the sound

of music, use different music reach different

altared states i do,



Music has played a very important roll in my transcending this level of

consciousness. I will often meditate wearing headphones, selecting different

types of music to help elevate my vibrational level up to a point that takes

me well beyond this material world.

I mediatate to bring my kundalini up and then the tones of the music seem to

use the kundalini to help me transcend my body. I play many different types

of music from Theta wave Om discs to heavy electronic japanese noise music.

During one session I realized that music (much like any art) is channeled

from a higher source of knowlege . It is knowlege in the form of different

sound vibrations. If used in a meditative manner the notes are in fact a

series of keys that can unlock your consciouness and let you into other

levels of consciousness...in exactly the same way that mantras do ..by simply

changing the vibrational rate of the cells of your body. Depending on the

different combinations of notes your experience will differ. Some people

will probably think that one would only meditate to soft , mellow

music...which I do ..however I would like to suggest trying to mediate to

music that sounds like a war is going on.....find the order in the

chaos...the patterns. I have had events were my entire body has gone into

controlled siezures Ive been vibrating so much..it is wild!!...at other times

I have channeled spirits and have been given knowledge of our

existence.......so give it a try!!




** Led Zeppelin's 'Kashmir'. The experience is Self explanatory.



I was raised as an atheist - no mention of religion or God was ever made in

my home while I was growing up. In my young adulthood in the 1970's and

80's, I used to be a confirmed philosophical atheist and egotist. I was a

serious proponent of an amoral, individualistic, irrational selfishness,

and urged everyone else to be as well. At work, I had a colleague who was

a born-again, pentacostal Christian. We had friendly disputes and debates

all the time. One day in Feb. 1986, she invited me to a gospel concert.

There was a song sung by a lady backed by a full orchestra: "For God So

Loved the World," sung in the style of Vanessa Bell Armstrong.


Listening to it, I didn't know what came over me - I felt heat and shivers,

a rushing wind sound, and a metaphysical excitement. Immediately, I

desired to be nice and kind, to stop cursing and lying and sexual

promiscuity, and to listen to more of this same kind of music. The next

morning, I asked my colleague to let me borrow gospel tapes. I started

going to church. Finally I joined a very very traditional Southern black

pentacostal denomination. I attended 5 days a week and became a deacon

after about 3 years. According to the Christian understanding of what

happened that evening, it was that I was "saved, born again."



Does hearing beautiful piano music and singing while in a prayer

session when I was a preteen count? to come out of the room and find that all

was silent, and I'm the only one that heard it?



I didn't hear music but I heard ONE perfect note and it sounded more like

something a chinese gong would make. But it was beautiful. (And I didn't have

any music going at all.) The note was just there.



woke with a distant statement

something like "everyone with in radius of 1500 miles will be

affected when a musical note is played. I heard a tone of some

sort and experienced a terrific explosion and my brain was full

of symbols of various sorts.



I find that some of the electronic and digital music of trance and

techno popular these days on dancefloors in Europe and the US carry

an unexpected purity, a directness of expression going from energy to



One reason may be that the concept of "the void", "the epmtiness" in

Japanese zen practice, called "ma", is an important part of techno

and trance music. When every sound is digitally precise and lasts as

short or as long as the composer wishes down to the millisecond, the

silence between each beat or chord is just as important as the sound

of each beat/chord....



....I have... a snippet of a song that plays over, and

over, and over...and I can't STOP it, because it's not part of my

conscious thought...I can think about other things...

and the music continues to play.... Just WHAT causes this?

Anybody got any ideas?



I think of it as being serenaded by my Divine Beloved.. and often there

are insights in the lyrics of the song. Having music in your head is also a

symptom of being in a light hypnotic trance.. which facilitates

communication with the unconscious.



It [my daughter's halo] also

makes the most wonderful humming sound - not one single

note but a harmony of different notes that sort of come

in and out of focus.



I also have a "note" of many colors that never leaves me.

When I am attentive to the external, sensory perceived

world, I am not aware of it, but anything that reminds me of

it brings it clearly into focus again. It is faithful to me

in any circumstance. It is high fidelity. ;-)



On a daily basis, my body twitches to the "hearing" of most any

music/noise. Most recently:


bagpipes played in my stairwell;

snatches of Erik Satie, Loreena McKennitt, Sting, Tracy Chapman, and

(in particular) tango music on the office CD player;

music played by the street musicians, improvisational jammers, and

drummers on my city sidewalks;

car alarms;


street machinery;

the music that plays in my "head"...


.... I have had extraordinary

experiences as regard identity in connection with music:


dancing in a large (50+ people) drumming circle centered on a bonfire

(after 5 or so hours of drumming and moving in that heat, everything

starts to "melt");

"participating" in a Crash Worship performance (Houston, 1993? Wonder

what happened to those guys)... soot-smeared, soaked with water and

wine, crushed by a mob of undulating people, ears rattled with

fireworks, yodelling and the sound of -bodyblasting- percussion, eyes

blinded by ash and the high-contrast of flames thrown in the dark...

completely disoriented by a crowd of wet painted people dressed in

horrific costume... sensation overload. Lost a contact lens, my

companions and my identity.



.... Schopenhauer said that music moves the Will directly. And, the

last I heard, that's pretty much the definitive statement on it.




...Building and becoming, as it refers to open drumming circles, has an

interesting timeline, a sort of situationist play. The initial

convergence is erratic, bumpy, unsatisfying. It takes time for the

unified rhythm to be found, both in drum and body. Pockets of

individuated thrumming surface and then dissolve into the larger

whole, only to have another pocket resurface elsewhere.


Time diminishes in this space, or rather, time becomes repetition of

a movement, of a cycle of movements, a slow dawning of sound as a

movement and movement as sound. ... Riding this pounding sound current,

skin, fascia, flesh loosen and the body dissolves into atmosphere,

the atmosphere of frenzied fire thunder. Eyes closed, it is a sea of

heated thrumming, an awareness of the pressures of all energy fields

rushing together, registering in the ears as an unending crashing,

beneath which lies a pervasive silence.




Music is like a snake that slips

into the deepest crevices

of my being

and bites!


The result can be melodically delicious

depending on one's frame of mind.



I play the piano, and every time I play a song on the piano, my consciousness

goes somewhere else and I don't know what is going on. ... All I know is

that I am thinking about other things, in fact, I could probably meditate for

a short time while playing the piano. if only that had really really long.

It would be the perfect meditation tool!



Did you know that we human beings are the pipes upon which is played the

universal music of the spheres; and that when we leave here we go back to the

concert hall of the conductor wherein we take part in the song of the choir

invisible? :- ) Thank heavens they do not sing ‘The hills are alive with the

sound of music’ it has been banned by divine judgement you see :- )


End part I

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