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The Knower of the Self

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Who is Thy Self that thou wouldst know?


If there is a Knower and a Self to be Known,

who is the Self

Who is the Knower




through what filters of perception

or preconceived ideas and beliefs

would the observer observe the observed?



Any belief or idea - no matter where it comes from,

if it is held on to, is a limitation.


A belief or idea - is something generated from some past pattern of

observation, measured against other preconceived judgements which

have been learned and then imprinted into the cells of the mind as

filters of infinite possibilities.


A belief or idea - is a deception of individualisation, of ego.


Even the concept of Self is ego seeking identity in separation.


The Knower is an Imprinted Sub-personality which obeys the rules of a

game defined by some third personality.


The Book of the Human Body -

the awakened awareness of Consciousness

aware of itself as consciousness is slowly finding

expression in the written word.



even that expression can only be found in the language

of a proxy - the language of pre-conceived beliefs and




Wisdom - the marriage of Knowledge and Experience.



Underneath it all is the Innocent.



I could translate the term Innocent into the Biological Term -

Stem Cell -

A cell capable of both indefinite proliferation and


into specialized cells, that serves as a continuous source


of new cells for every organ of the physical body.


A cell which contains all memory and programs

but which has not had any of them activated in such a way

as the cell takes on any identifiable form or function.


The ego-less state of the Innocent.



Who is the Knower that would know this Cell-f from within Self?



Up until just very recently, it has been recognised that the Stem

Cell is the substance of the Human Embryo - and there has been much

ethical debate over the uses of the Human Embryo in Research.



But, it has now been discovered that that very same Stem Cell can be

found in the adult body (and has, in fact, been found in the Brain).



The Innocent - devoid of any thought - but containing all

intelligence - all memory - not yet programmed into any pattern of

limiting belief as to how it will respond or behave (react).



The "God Cell" -

capable itself of either undifferentiated proliferation

yet with the capacity to differentiate into any of the

many different types of cells that makeup

the human body

or the body of every mammal.


The Onecell-f -

the microcosm within you, me, and every human being


containing, in the Species Human, almost the same DNA

as can be found in the Hairy Earthworm or the Chimpanzee ..

or even some of the most virulent strains of virus

which we seek to control with chemical agents ..



What is the potential of the Possible Human?



Every cell in the Human body is renewed

on an average of once every 7 years -

within the environment of the thoughts,

feelings and emotions that are projected on to it -


or the beliefs that are held onto as limitations -


eventually leading to Cell-f annihilation

called death.


Just as the eyes through which you are reading this

started out as those very same Stem Cells -

had their program awakened within the environmental matrix


of the beliefs within your mother's womb.


The same matrix of beliefs which became the foundation for the

archetypes of your personalities and subpersonalities


in the same manner as they became the cells of your arms, legs and

internal organs -


and the imprints for your thinking brain

through which you identify

and filter all of your perceptions -

of your Self and your behaviour.


Cell-f Limiting Beliefs

programmed by past experience into the Stem Cell


which programs into its next stage of evolution -

the "Progenitor" or "Mother Cell" -

which cannot self -replicate

and must differentiate into more mature daughter cells -


each a manifestation of thought

and the substance of the brain which does the thinking -


Who had the thought -

and who's idea are you thinking at this moment?


Now - the thought has you ..

so where is your Cell-f ...




The mind enters the Silence

the consciousness of the Innocent is accessed.

and then made real.


Beyond the language of Belief

and any preconceived ideas of who you are.


The need to Know the Self

is merely an attempt at the self-justification

of an archetype ..


a defense against the self judgement

of some previously held cell-f limiting program from the



Being and Unity

is the return to the undifferentiated consciousness

of the Stem Cell -


the Onecell-f which is the source of Thy Cell-f

before anyone had any ideas as to who you should become.





Now with the remembering,

what is your possibility ..?



-- Christopher Wynter

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, Christopher Wynter <lifestreams@b...>


> Who is Thy Self that thou wouldst know?


> If there is a Knower and a Self to be Known,

> who is the Self

> Who is the Knower


> and


> through what filters of perception

> or preconceived ideas and beliefs

> would the observer observe the observed?



> -- Christopher Wynter


Dear Christopher:

I liked your poetic descriptions. Thanks for the effort to put into

words another pointer for me. The knower and the known is a subject

that is easy just to rush by without considering the implications. I

like the innocent stem cell.

I wonder about the observer because it seems to be unique in the

universe. I think the phrase "world view" and the word "observer"

are taken to be synonymous, as if the way you think IS you. It does

not imply that the observer can do anything though. An observer with

filters sees or witnesses according to its worldview. That is its

nature. It is my assertion that observing is not an act to be

performed by someone. I am not writing this part to disagree with

anything you wrote or even to comment on what you wrote, I just

started thinking about the subject and this is what came up. If the

observer is simply observation with filters it is not necessary in

the equation to have a doer or thinker to meet the requirements of an

observer. The world needs an observer to exist and the observer

needs a world to observe. They have to arise simultaneously. Maybe

this is what is meant by all that stuff about the world not really

existing and the "I" not existing. If their existence is contingent

upon each other there must be a prior reality out of which they

arise. The important part is not the character of the filters of the

observer, that's just part of the world that results from


I think it is the feeling of selfness that is the important part. I

am that. I am this feeling of selfness. I go with the belief that

concentrating on that ( or this) is the key; to observe this feeling

of selfness called "I". Maybe that is not observing. Maybe it is

just being.

Well Adios, happy posting

Bob G.

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