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[NDS] Humans Anonymous, New Group

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On 9/1/01 at 11:59 AM Paul wrote:


ºThis group was started a while ago, but never was promoted. If you'd

ºlike to join, below. It might be a good way to

ºexplore freedom. Its new, so we don't know how it will work here on

ºthe net.


ºHumansAnonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their

ºexperience strength and hope with each other that they may solve

ºtheir common problem and help others to recover from ego domination.


ºThe only requirement for membership is a desire to be free from ego



Free from such a desire, i could not possibly join :)

Apart from that, i had a good laugh, wondering what

could be dominated by 'ego'.


In a 'childhood proper' (awakened parents), the child

learns to put unconditional faith in the parents. Doing

that is a risk, a pet also takes, by being vulnerable.

Taking that risk could be called 'basic function' of

Love and knowing that is essential for both growing

up as a harmonious human being AND awakening.

That is what unconditional surrender is about.

>From that perspective, 'chasing the baddy called ego'

is but the proverbial dog chasing its tail. All systems

and methods can only partially repair the damage, done

by 'wrong' (read loveless) upbringing. Combine that with

'suppressive' methods like forced celibacy and the

picture will be clear.



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Dear Jan




Love, Wim


You wrote:

>In a 'childhood proper' (awakened parents), the child

>learns to put unconditional faith in the parents. Doing

>that is a risk, a pet also takes, by being vulnerable.

>Taking that risk could be called 'basic function' of

>Love and knowing that is essential for both growing

>up as a harmonious human being AND awakening.

>That is what unconditional surrender is about.


>From that perspective, 'chasing the baddy called ego'

>is but the proverbial dog chasing its tail. All systems

>and methods can only partially repair the damage, done

>by 'wrong' (read loveless) upbringing. Combine that with

>'suppressive' methods like forced celibacy and the

>picture will be clear.




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Is it a 12-step thing? Years ago, I went to an NA meeting with a friend.

It was so far-reaching and powerful, and looked at so many things that

plague most people (with or without substance addiction), that I thought

something like a "Normals Anonymous" would be very helpful. Something for

"me addiction."






At 11:59 AM 9/1/01 -0000, Paul wrote:

>This group was started a while ago, but never was promoted. If you'd

>like to join, below. It might be a good way to

>explore freedom. Its new, so we don't know how it will work here on

>the net.


>HumansAnonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their

>experience strength and hope with each other that they may solve

>their common problem and help others to recover from ego domination.


>The only requirement for membership is a desire to be free from ego






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Greg, we are just getting started, but hopefully this will answer

your questions on Humans Anonymous. Thanks for the questions!


> Is it a 12-step thing?


Yes it is a 12 step thing, but the steps have been worded slightly

differently, more towards ego (identity) than alcohol.


Greg said:

Years ago, I went to an NA meeting with a friend.

> It was so far-reaching and powerful, and looked at so many things


> plague most people (with or without substance addiction), that I


> something like a "Normals Anonymous" would be very helpful.

Something for

> "me addiction."


Yes thats what it is about. The qualification is you have to not be

in denial that you have the disease (me addiction). You have to be

able to admit you have an ego problem (self-centeredness). I guess

that would be called the first step.



This is pretty powerful stuff. Its funny, going to a meeting, a

parking lot full of cars here in Kansas and the people talking about

God Consciousness (the people who stick with it become God Conscious

as the program is about having and sustaining a spiritual

experience). And then you see people on the internet who are seekers,

but may not be able to get to this simple program because they

weren't lucky enough to be drunks or drug addicts...


Here is a quote from a guy who found himself lucky to be a drunk: In

the AA bigbook pp 449 it says:


"For years I thought the worst thing that could happen to a guy like

me would be that I could turn out to be an alcoholic. Today I find

its the best thing that ever happened to me. This proves I don't

know whats good for me. And if I don't know whats good for me, I

don't know whats good or bad for you or anyone. So, I'm better off

if I don't give advice, don't figure I know what's best, and just

accept life on life's terms, as it is today--especially my own life,

as it actually is. "


Another thing to note is that most program people do believe that God

is "All Powerful" which I believe is "Non-Duality", "No Power But

God"... and in fact the first step is to admit "Powerlessness" over

the problem.



Humans Anonymous is a program in the back of a book called, "The Game

of God" The Game of God : Recovering Your True Identity

by Arthur B. Hancock, Kathleen J. Brugger


Since I got so much from my own 12 step group and recognize that so

many people who are not addicted to alcohol or drugs need God

Consciousness, it makes sense to start this group. Plus, the thing

was already designed in "The Game of God" book so it was easy to copy

and put on a .


here is something I copied out of the book....some excerpts from the

Game of God... how to transcend survival as form


To advance in the play we must give up our most precious possession:

our entrenched idea that who we are is our personality.


Existence as form is intolerable because survival as form is



Humans were evolved to discover that in spite of all their efforts

and all their accomplishments, they are in fact DYING IGNORAMUSES.


Ignoramus is defined as a VAIN PRETENDING TO KNOWLEDGE.

Being ignorant does not make one an ignoramus: it is PRETENDING to

know when one does not that makes one an ignoramus. A THOUGHT FORM






(a cartoon of a graveyard...


one grave: here lies the remains of a highly successful american


another: here lies a complete bum


another: here lies a jerk






The program


Humans Anonymous:


Half Measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. AA

Big Book..


Give me thy mind and give me thy heart, give me thy offerings and thy

adoration: and thus with thy soul in harmony, and making me thy goal

supreme, thou shalt in truth come to me. Bhagavad Gita


Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with

all your soul and with all your mind" This is the first and greatest

commandment. And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as

yourself" All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two




We have shown that the primary survival identity of human beings is

the ego, and that human beings primarily survive as egos. To survive

as ego means to be perpetually and reflexively obedient to the

flight/fight commands of ego.




We have also show that love is the only alternative to flight/fight

survival, and that as long as we are identifying with ego, the best

we can expect are rare, brief and INVOLUNTARY experiences of love.

Only by willfully renouncing the ego (ceasing to identify with it)

can we ever attain love VOLITIONALLY.


Two questions present themselves:








How do I renounce my ego?


1. We admitted that we were powerless over our egos, that our lives

had always been unmanageable.


(As long as we identify with ego, ego will interpret our attempts to

renounce it as killing "ourselves"). To prevent its "death" ego will

try to convince us that it can "fix itself". Ego can never "fix

itself" to the point of being able to produce love/sanity, because

love does not come from ego. Love must come from a source other than

the body, mind or personality.


2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could lead us

to sanity.




3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of

God as we understood God.


(now we have to figure out what it is we are TURNING OVER)


4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves as ego-

dominated creatures. (facing ourselves)


we are working on attaining humility... a setting aside of our

arrogant lies:


a. that we know what we are doing

b. that we are satisfied with the way we are

c. that we don't need help from anyone.


5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact

nature of our ego-dominated behavior.


6. Were entireley ready for God to replace our egos as the director

of our lives.


This step is the Main Event. If, after taking this step, we do not

have the undeniable experience of the presence of God (the experience

of the liberation from ego-identity), it simply means that we did not

really take the step (we did not take it with true humility, which

means we did not relinquish our egos... we need to go back and tell

more truth.


7. Humbly asked God to assume full control of our lives.


8. Having had a spiritual awakening, we became ready to make amends

for our ego-dominated behavior. Made a list of all persons we had

harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.


9. Made direct amends to such people whenever possible except when to

do so would injure them or others.


10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong,

promptly admitted it.


11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious

contact with God as we understood God, praying only for God's will

for us, and the power to carry that out.


If we are not living in the experience of love, we are not living in

the experience of God, we are living under ego-domination... It is

just that simple!


The responsibility which accompanies our awakening is twofold:


1. to share our awakening with those who still slumber in their pain


2. to never delude ourselves that we are in any way superior to them.


12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps,

we tried to carry this message to ego-dominated human beings, and to

preactice these principles in all our affairs.


We have looked at how to renounce ego-domination. Now let us address

the question: what would life look like without ego-domination..


First, an overview...


The key to escaping ego-domination is very simple:


tell the truth to the point of experiencing humility again and again.

The idea is to INCREASINGLY identify with experience and DECREASINGLY

identify with surviving form.


However, attaining humility consistently happens to be the most

difficult task in all human life.


This is due to ego's ferocious resistance to the truth that is bound

to expose and destroy it.


The present stage of the Game of God is as difficult as all the other

stages of evolution--

the level of difficulty is God-class.


After all, God has spent 18 billion years or so evolving to the point

of "discovering" His own existence, so why hurry things now?


God is not about to "wake up" overnight. God fully intends to savor

every step of the awakening process.


We are at that stage of the Game where the relinquishing of enough

ego to make the initial contact with God is the next significant step

in evolution, in awakening from amnesia, and in the return to God-



Escaping ego-domination, or detaching our identity from ego, is a

PROCESS, like it or not. Therefore to imagine that a fully awakened

merging with God-consciousness is "just around the corner" is both

false and self-defeating.


One of the weapons the ego will use to defeat the process of

awakening and regain dominance is FALSE EXPECTATIONS OF "INSTANT AND

PERMANENT ENLIGHTENMENT" This false hope will soon discourage and

erode the newfound relationship with God.


What God wants to savor after so much time spent in the intolerant

and negative "cage" of form-identiy: is the increasing experience of

the beauty and perfection of life JUST AS IT IS.



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Sounds very powerful, effective, honest! I wish you well with it! Gary

mentioned that you might get some flack. If anyone criticizes it because

there are steps, practices, procedures - just say that their objection is







At 07:19 PM 9/1/01 -0000, Paul wrote:

>Greg, we are just getting started, but hopefully this will answer

>your questions on Humans Anonymous. Thanks for the questions!



>> Is it a 12-step thing?


>Yes it is a 12 step thing, but the steps have been worded slightly

>differently, more towards ego (identity) than alcohol.

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