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Kundalini and Children

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Dear Friends,


Reading and hearing more about Kundalini awakening and symptoms of

this awakening, I am curious if there are any cases written about

children undergoing this process? I ask this because it just came to

me that many of the symptoms I've been hearing about are the same

ones I experienced at 9-14 years of age. Granted, I was diagnosed

with rhuematoid arthritis, which would explain the fevers and pain,

but that would not be reason enough for the insomnia, visions,

spiritually charged dreams, and growing in compassion and love. That

this all, including the illness, was preceeded by the 'Voice of

Awakening,' further makes me wonder if this was indeed a Kundalini

awakening. It wasn't long after all this that my nickname among the

children became Crazy Mazie. Can anyone give any information about

Kundalini awakening in children?


With Love,


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Hi Mazie,

>Reading and hearing more about Kundalini awakening and symptoms of

>this awakening, I am curious if there are any cases written about

>children undergoing this process?


I don't remember reading about it in books, but on one of the Kundalini

lists at least one person (and it might have been two or three people) said

she had a child with K. symptoms. And I know a teen-ager who says she has

had it all her life - or at least as long as she remembers. She says that

when she's lying down, sometimes this energy moves up her spine, and it

feels verrry good - like a mild full-body orgasm, I gather. She just

thought it happened to everybody, until her father developed active K. and

began to talk about it to her.

>I ask this because it just came to

>me that many of the symptoms I've been hearing about are the same

>ones I experienced at 9-14 years of age. Granted, I was diagnosed

>with rhuematoid arthritis, which would explain the fevers and pain,

>but that would not be reason enough for the insomnia, visions,

>spiritually charged dreams, and growing in compassion and love. That

>this all, including the illness, was preceeded by the 'Voice of

>Awakening,' further makes me wonder if this was indeed a Kundalini



There's a class of symptoms that seem not so physical, maybe more emotional

or mental symptoms, which Sanella does include as K. symptoms. I think

it's an in-between area - they may be symptoms of active K., but are not

_necessarily_ so. A person could have these phenomena without having

physically active Kundalini. So I don't really know what was happening

with your symptoms.


It's like this - everyone has Kundalini. :) And it may become more active

on various levels, or planes. In meditation a person may be aware that

he's raising energy from one chakra to another, or concentrating it in a

certain chakra, _without_ having physically active K. It's simply

operating on other levels.


An example: one time I held an introductory meeting for a new meditation

class, and a young woman came up to me afterward. She said she had a

problem that she needed help with before the first class. She had a job

interview coming up in a few days, and she was afraid she'd botch it. She

said at interviews she always got so nervous that she clutched, just

couldn't talk right and make a good impression. She said, "I get so

emotional it hurts - I feel it right here." And she clapped her hand over

her navel.


Well, that's the solar plexus, the chakra that relates to the emotions or,

as some say, the emotional body or plane. I started talking about thinking

and being mental, instead of emotional. And it turned out that she was

_always_ emotional. She didn't know that anyone could _ever_ be not



So I wondered if we could move the energy to a higher center. I said,

"Okay, try this. Put your hand here [hand over the navel] and think of how

it feels when that happens, the energy there. Now put your hand here [base

of throat] and think of that same energy HERE instead. Practice this at

home - a lot, and then do it again just before you go in for the interview."


The next time I saw her, she said, "It worked! And I got the job!" And

she didn't join my class - she had already gotten what she wanted from it.

:))))) LOL!


So she was able to shift some Kundalini from one chakra to another. But

she didn't have active Kundalini.


The chakras are multi-dimensional... they exist on or span many planes/

levels/ states of consciousness. So you can be moving Kundalini in the

chakras and having various effects, without having physically active

Kundalini - it's simply operating on non-physical levels.


When the chakra at the base of the spine opens or becomes more active, and

the Kundalini from there begins moving up the central channel up the spine,

then the physical symptoms begin to happen, and you have physically active



And it really does feel physical. It isn't just "sensing" energy moving.

It may feel like electricity going up the spine. Or it feels like someone

gave you an injection at the base of the spine and there's an actual

substance moving and pushing its way up your spine. It may cause feelings

of pressure or pain or it may feel absolutely wonderful - it can cause

full-body orgasm or what feels like orgasm centered in the spine.


As the K. moves up the spine, it reaches other chakras and they are

activated in a way they haven't been before. They are multi-dimensional,

and now they are activated in the physical/etheric dimension or plane or

body. So it can produce those "emotional and mental symptoms," along with


>It wasn't long after all this that my nickname among the

>children became Crazy Mazie.


Children can be so cruel! I hope you've gotten past the hurt from those

years. :)




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