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The Heart of Mind

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To Die before thou Diest - part 2




"For within you is the light of the world - the only light that can

be shed upon the Path. If you are unable to perceive it within you,

it is useless to look for it elsewhere. It is beyond you; because

when you reach it you have lost yourself. It is unattainable,

because it forever recedes. You will enter the light, but you will

never touch the flame."

12th Aphorism from "Light on the Path"

written down by Mabel Collins, 1888:



You can be brain dead and your body can still maintain life to the

cells. When the heart stops beating the physical entity known as the

body, for most, begins to crumble from the conditioned denial of




But, even before this, when the Monitor shows a "Flat Line" because

the physical pump has stopped, there is Heart action - still

maintaining Life itself - still circulating blood - from the centre

of your LifeForce.


The Yogis have known about this for centuries -

Life, in what seems to the casual observer, suspension.



In the early development of the human embryo,

the group of cells that is to become the physical Heart

separates from what is later to become the frontal brain mass.


This is Primal Heart

that provides circulation for the embryo

before the formation of the Physical Pump around it

and before the cellular differentiation of the Frontal Lobe

of thinking and analyzing Mind.


It tries to live inside each of us - even now -

in spite of Mind's attempt to deny its existence.



Heart is Autogenic.


This means it does not require ANY external stimulus

or signal from the brain to beat.


The Pump's impulse to contraction is not dependent on external

nervous stimuli, but arises in the heart muscle itself as a response

to the magnetic spirals created by the spinning vortexes of blood

through the four chambers - a circulation maintained by Primal Heart.


A small bit of specialized tissue called the sinoauricular node,

embedded in the wall of the right auricle, is responsible for

initiating the heartbeat.


No other part of the physical body controls this function.




The Mind in the Heart


Within Primal Heart is a separate "little brain" and nervous system

connected directly to the Neocortex. (new brain within the brain).


Investigation of Heart wall tissue shows that it contains

identical cells as those found in the brain -


The cells within this node contain the Primal Memory

of the Union of Male and Female.


They are the direct descendants of the first Nucleus of Conception.


They contain all undifferentiated memory

of Life in the moment of Living.



Further investigation shows that it is this Primal Heart

that controls most reflex and motor functions

by a direct connection to the right hemisphere of the brain

(the intuitive brain).


The Immune System, Hormonal Balance and the aging process are all

directed by a peptide (a small chain of amino acids) called ANF, an

emotion bearing information molecule, produced in the upper chambers

of the heart.


This hormone helps rid and balance the body from the harmful

hormones created under stressful, fear based emotional states

projected on it by Thinking Mind.



What we think of as Mind actually lags behind the right hemisphere in

its response or reaction time by approximately half a second.


The Frontal Lobe censors the thinking process according to programs

stored in the back brain. The response of the Brain (conscious or

thinking Mind) is also of opposite electromagnetic (vector) polarity

to the response of the Right Brain which corresponds to and resonates

with to the "Heart Brain response".


However, by the time Mind becomes aware of any thought, feeling

or emotion, the energy behind this impulse has been carried

to every cell of the body in the bloodstream.




So - you think you have Heart.


When the conscious or thinking mind tries to access the Heart,

what it initially confronts is the emptiness of the space -

the memory from where the Heart Mass

descended into the physical body.



In other words, you cannot open your Heart with your mind.

It is energetically, biochemically and physiologically impossible.



The Opening of the Heart Consciousness to Mind awareness

takes place when the core energy of the cells

(which we call Kundalini, Holy Spirit)

symbolically rises through the emotions

(or stored cellular imprints) to silence reactive Mind

by changing the switch network

or de-programming the Hypothalamus (back brain)


so that there is a harmony restored between

the Frontal Lobe, Left Brain, Right Brain

and the Primal Heart Brain.



This is what is referred to in Eastern Mysticism by

"The Mind descending to the Heart".



Of course, it is impossible to even think you have a Heart

unless you first recognise and accept you have a Body.





the moment one dies to the concept of control,

all of the images of long held beliefs

will be released to consciousness ..


to again be judged by the frontal lobe

as it has been taught to do

by learned behaviour conditioning ..




Frontal Lobe can accept the possibility

there is intelligence

beyond what it has been taught to believe.



Here one enters the Light

but cannot touch the Flame



But ..


you already know this on some level ..

which is why you reincarnated ..


because the source of all you are

lies within the Flame of Primal Heart


>> to be continued.





*** Some of the Scientific Material briefly paraphrased here was made

available to me from (as yet) unpublished research from several Heart

Research Institutes in Australia.


*** This material is not to be interpreted as a Scientific Document -

but is my conscious Mind's humble attempt to cross the Great Divide

between Science and Mysticism - as Mind sought to gain understanding

in retrospect of my own personal experience of Living in the Primal

Heart - beyond the language of preconception and previously learned






-- Christopher Wynter,




The material presented in this post is also archived for reference

on the open archive lifestreams

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