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Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:08 PM

[thomasmerton] Please Join us in Prayers for Peace Today




> ..........................


> The Prayer of Saint Francis


> Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

> Where there is hatred ... let me sow love

> Where there is injury ... pardon

> Where there is doubt ... faith

> Where there is despair ... hope

> Where there is darkness ... light

> Where there is sadness ... joy

> Divine Master,

> grant that I may not so much seek

> To be consoled ... as to console

> To be understood ... as to understand,

> To be loved ... as to love

> For it is in giving ... that we receive,

> It is in pardoning ... that we are pardoned,

> It is in dying ... that we are born to eternal life


> ..........................


> Baha'i Prayer for Peace


> Be generous in prosperity,

> and thankful in adversity.

> Be fair in judgement,

> and guarded in thy speech,

> Be a lamp unto those who walk

> in darkness, and a home

> to the stranger.

> Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light

> unto the feet of the erring

> Be a breath of life to the body of

> humankind, a dew to the soil of

> the human heart,

> and a fruit upon the tree of humility.


> ..........................


> Buddhist Prayer for Peace


> May all beings everywhere plagued

> with sufferings of body and mind

> quickly be freed from their illnesses.

> May those frightened cease to be afraid,

> and may those bound be free.

> May the powerless find power,

> and may people think of befriending

> one another.

> May those who find themselves in trackless,

> fearful wilderness---

> the children, the age, the unprotected--

> be guarded by beneficial celestials,

> and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood


> ..........................


> Hindu Prayer for Peace


> Oh God, lead us from the

> unreal to the Real.

> Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.

> Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.

> Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.

> Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in

> celestial regions.

> May there be peace on Earth.

> May the waters be appeasing.

> May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and

> plants bring peace to all. May all beneficient

> beings bring peace to us.

> May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all

> through the world.

> May all things be a source of peace to us.

> And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all

> and may that peace come to me also.


> ..........................


> Jainist Prayer for peace


> Peace and Universal Love is the essence

> of the Gospel preached by all

> Enlightened Ones.

> The Lord has preached that equanimity

> is the dharma

> Forgive do I creatures all,

> and let all creatures forgive me.

> Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity.

> Know that violence is the root cause of

> all miseries in the world.

> Violence, in fact, is the knot of bondage.

> "Do not injure any living being."

> This is the eternal, perrenial, and unalterable

> way of spiritual life.


> ..........................


> Muslim Prayer for Peace


> In the name of Allah,

> the beneficent, the merciful.

> Praise be to the Lord of the

> Universe who has created us and

> made us into tribes and nations

> That we may know each other, not that

> we may despise each other.

> If the enemy incline towards peace, do

> thou also incline towards peace, and

> trust God, for the Lord is the one that

> heareth and knoweth all things.

> And the servants of God,

> Most gracious are those who walk on

> the Earth in humility, and when we

> address them, we say "PEACE."


> ..........................


> Native American Prayer for Peace


> Almighty God, the Great

> Thumb we cannot evade to

> tie any knot;

> the Roaring Thunder that splits mighty trees:

> the all-seeing Lord up on high who sees

> even the footprints of an antelope on

> a rock mass here on Earth.

> You are the one who does

> not hesitate to respond to our call.

> You are the cornerstone of peace.


> ..........................


> Another Native American Prayer for Peace


> Oh Great Spirit of our

> Ancestors, I raise

> my pipe to you.

> To your messengers the four winds, and

> to Mother Earth who provides

> for your children.

> Give us the wisdom to teach our children

> to love, to respect, and to be kind

> to each other so that they may grow

> with peace of mind

> Let us learn to share all good things that

> you provide for us on this Earth.


> ..........................


> Shinto Prayer for Peace


> Although the people living

> across the ocean

> surrounding us, I believe

> are all our brothers and sisters,

> why are there constant troubles in

> this world?

> Why do winds and waves rise in the

> oceans surrounding us?

> I only earnestly wish that the wind will

> soon puff away all the clouds which are

> hanging over the tops of mountains.


> ..........................


> Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace


> We pray to God to eradicate all the

> misery in the world:

> that understanding triumph

> over ignorance,

> that generosity triumph over indifference,

> that trust triumph over contempt, and

> that truth triumph over falsehood.


> ..........................


> Sikh Prayer for Peace


> God adjudges us according

> to our deeds,

> not the coat that we wear:

> that Truth is above everything,

> but higher still is truthful living.

> Know that we attaineth God when we loveth,

> and only victory

> endures in consequences of which no

> one is defeated.


> ..........................


> Christian Prayer for Peace


> Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS,

> for they shall be known as

> the Children of God.

> But I say to you that hear, love your enemies,

> do good to those who hate you,

> bless those who curse you

> pray for those who abuse you.

> To those that strike you on the cheek,

> offer the other one also,

> and from those who take away your cloak,

> do not withhold your coat as well.

> Give to everyone who begs from you,

> and of those who take away your goods,

> do not ask for them again.

> And as you wish that others would do to you,

> do so to them.


> ..........................


> With Sadness, and Hope,

> Mazie





> "Christ came on earth to form contemplatives" Thomas Merton


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