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Reflections in the looking glass

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I write these words from the space of a silence I have found within

myself. Some may find them controversial, many may disagree (as is

your right) but please read them through and consider ..


Deep within the Psyche of Humanity and Human Consciousness, there is

a deep festering wound. It is a wound of unspoken grief, of unspoken



The memories of this wound exist, ]

not only in the eitherial planes of Higher Consciousness,

but also deep within the unconscious

contained in the cells of your body .. and mine.



The History of Human Kind has been fraught with the sort of incidents

we have witnessed in the media for the last 24 hours. Some of us

carry the direct experience of being involved in War - most of us

carry the experiences of our Ancestor's experiences.


These are the experience of atrocities and unspeakable acts of one

human against another in the name of some ideal.



There is not one Nation, Tribe or Peoples which has not been built on

the foundation of War. The ideals and prayers of Peace have always

been behind this war.



Each us carry within us the memories of more than one of these wars,

more than one racial conflict, more than one religious persecution -

the collapse of more than one people's dreams and visions.




This world is a reflection of what is happening within us. For the

first time in History, we have been presented in our own lounge rooms

with the symbols of our foundations. We have also been presented with

the symbols of the destruction of this foundation, in real time as it

is happening.


Never before has the world been presented with such an opportunity

for the healing of this deep wound. The images, once hidden are now

out in the open for all to see, share, discuss and resolve.




The World Trade Centre could be likened to the Biblical Tower of

Babel - an edifice built to the great Idol of Money and to our dream

of Globalisation - or unification.


The external symbol of our hopes and dreams of a united world built

from our prayers - prayers of the past spoken from a terror based



But, we have sought this liberation outside of our selves. We have

built these towers in the sky. They have been struck down from the

sky and they have collapsed in on themselves just like the Tarot

image of the Tower.


A reflection in the visible mirror of our idea of personal values.


>From all reports, the people who carried this out did so with what


available to every man, woman and child reading this. The total cost

of the operation could be measured in terms of 20 people and 20

knives. You can buy Capsicum spray on the internet - just as you can

download manuals on how to fly an aeroplane. With a $10.00 digital

watch and an airline timetable, it is very easy to co-ordinate events

- as we have all witnessed.



Deep within our own Psyche is the hidden face of the saboteur and

terrorist. These are the images of our own memories and our own



It is in response to these repressed and denied fears that we have

built a plastic society as something to keep us from looking within

our own psyche.


No external God being can save us. The God of money and unification

can collapse as quickly as the WTC did in the images on our

television screen.



That is our anger - an anger at the sabotage of an external symbol

built as the manifestation of our hopes, dreams and prayers.


That is also our grief - the grief at our humanness.



But .. it is also the unspoken, unwritten, unexpressed and unresolved

anger and grief of our ancestors ..


which lies as a spurating pussy cancer -

not only within our own individual bodies -

but within Universal mind.



The memories of this wound cause many once more to pray ..

many pray for the lost souls .. many pray for world peace .. many

pray for the end of the reign of tyranny and terror .. many pray for

the Salvation of some "God being" ..



History comes as a series of patterns that repeat themselves ..

each pattern a little deeper, each reaction a little stronger.



We have seen the evolution of Light from the simple wick floating in

a bowl of oil to a single light globe which has the power of 50

million candles. It is all Light.


As Light evolves, so does darkness - one knife or 20, the

manifestations of Humanity' creations held up in the mirror for those

with eyes to see ..


Can we also see the mirror of the tower within our own bodies, our

individual psyche, our individual soul and spirit?



Will we once again pray from our own memories of terror, our own

deepest fears, our own needs .


and project them as the basis of these prayers out into Universal

Mind to some other individual or group's energy to repeat the

pattern once more ..


How bright will the next flame be -

how much smoke will result

how much dust ..?



Wisdom is learning based on experience.



Peace manifest in this world can only be created within Love and



How can there be Love and Compassion - man for fellow man - where

there is no Love or Compassion to be found within the individual man

for his or her own self.



The molecules of air that you breathe

may well be the same molecules of air that were breathed

by the 20 or so people who were the instruments of enacting

your greatest night mare.


and before these people breathed them,


these same molecules may have been the very ones

that carried the prayers you previously prayed ..

and, the energies behind those prayers.



Love and compassion can only be found within the individual.


When this Peace is found in the past which we recreate every day

within ourselves, then and only then can an external symbol reflect

our own inner peace.


When there is peace within the peoples of our inner community,

there will be peace within the greater community.



There is a Heart (or Creator) Cell within every individual.

There is a Heart (or Creator) seed within every cell


not only of our own bodies, but within all of creation.



When we pray .. who do we pray to ..


is it to some idea that the mind has that these is some

altruistic being called "God" that can somehow magically

clear away the reflections so that we will not have to look

at our own inner pain


or do we pray


to the creator seed of our own physical bodies

that every conflict within our idea of our individuality

may be healed at its source ..


and so change the reflections.



Never before, on such a large scale

has their been the opportunity to change how we view our past


and, therefore .. how we will experience future.



Its your choice - and mine ...



Hatred and darkness cannot exist on their own ..


they are manifest from the separation of Love and Light

from the Creator Cell within.



What do our Leaders reflect to us ..


and what is the reflection we will present to out children?



-- Christopher Wynter,




The material presented in this post is also archived for reference

on the open archive lifestreams

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Christopher thank you for sharing and all of you who read this sleep on it

and let your inner self take a look and see where you go with it.

Love and Light



"Christopher Wynter" <lifestreams

"satsangh" <>

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 6:27 PM

Reflections in the looking glass


> I write these words from the space of a silence I have found within

> myself. Some may find them controversial, many may disagree (as is

> your right) but please read them through and consider ..


> Deep within the Psyche of Humanity and Human Consciousness, there is

> a deep festering wound. It is a wound of unspoken grief, of unspoken

> terror.


> The memories of this wound exist, ]

> not only in the eitherial planes of Higher Consciousness,

> but also deep within the unconscious

> contained in the cells of your body .. and mine.



> The History of Human Kind has been fraught with the sort of incidents

> we have witnessed in the media for the last 24 hours. Some of us

> carry the direct experience of being involved in War - most of us

> carry the experiences of our Ancestor's experiences.


> These are the experience of atrocities and unspeakable acts of one

> human against another in the name of some ideal.



> There is not one Nation, Tribe or Peoples which has not been built on

> the foundation of War. The ideals and prayers of Peace have always

> been behind this war.



> Each us carry within us the memories of more than one of these wars,

> more than one racial conflict, more than one religious persecution -

> the collapse of more than one people's dreams and visions.




> This world is a reflection of what is happening within us. For the

> first time in History, we have been presented in our own lounge rooms

> with the symbols of our foundations. We have also been presented with

> the symbols of the destruction of this foundation, in real time as it

> is happening.


> Never before has the world been presented with such an opportunity

> for the healing of this deep wound. The images, once hidden are now

> out in the open for all to see, share, discuss and resolve.




> The World Trade Centre could be likened to the Biblical Tower of

> Babel - an edifice built to the great Idol of Money and to our dream

> of Globalisation - or unification.


> The external symbol of our hopes and dreams of a united world built

> from our prayers - prayers of the past spoken from a terror based

> experience.


> But, we have sought this liberation outside of our selves. We have

> built these towers in the sky. They have been struck down from the

> sky and they have collapsed in on themselves just like the Tarot

> image of the Tower.


> A reflection in the visible mirror of our idea of personal values.



> >From all reports, the people who carried this out did so with what

> is

> available to every man, woman and child reading this. The total cost

> of the operation could be measured in terms of 20 people and 20

> knives. You can buy Capsicum spray on the internet - just as you can

> download manuals on how to fly an aeroplane. With a $10.00 digital

> watch and an airline timetable, it is very easy to co-ordinate events

> - as we have all witnessed.



> Deep within our own Psyche is the hidden face of the saboteur and

> terrorist. These are the images of our own memories and our own

> fears.


> It is in response to these repressed and denied fears that we have

> built a plastic society as something to keep us from looking within

> our own psyche.


> No external God being can save us. The God of money and unification

> can collapse as quickly as the WTC did in the images on our

> television screen.



> That is our anger - an anger at the sabotage of an external symbol

> built as the manifestation of our hopes, dreams and prayers.


> That is also our grief - the grief at our humanness.



> But .. it is also the unspoken, unwritten, unexpressed and unresolved

> anger and grief of our ancestors ..


> which lies as a spurating pussy cancer -

> not only within our own individual bodies -

> but within Universal mind.



> The memories of this wound cause many once more to pray ..

> many pray for the lost souls .. many pray for world peace .. many

> pray for the end of the reign of tyranny and terror .. many pray for

> the Salvation of some "God being" ..



> History comes as a series of patterns that repeat themselves ..

> each pattern a little deeper, each reaction a little stronger.



> We have seen the evolution of Light from the simple wick floating in

> a bowl of oil to a single light globe which has the power of 50

> million candles. It is all Light.


> As Light evolves, so does darkness - one knife or 20, the

> manifestations of Humanity' creations held up in the mirror for those

> with eyes to see ..


> Can we also see the mirror of the tower within our own bodies, our

> individual psyche, our individual soul and spirit?



> Will we once again pray from our own memories of terror, our own

> deepest fears, our own needs .


> and project them as the basis of these prayers out into Universal

> Mind to some other individual or group's energy to repeat the

> pattern once more ..


> How bright will the next flame be -

> how much smoke will result

> how much dust ..?



> Wisdom is learning based on experience.



> Peace manifest in this world can only be created within Love and

> Compassion.


> How can there be Love and Compassion - man for fellow man - where

> there is no Love or Compassion to be found within the individual man

> for his or her own self.



> The molecules of air that you breathe

> may well be the same molecules of air that were breathed

> by the 20 or so people who were the instruments of enacting

> your greatest night mare.


> and before these people breathed them,


> these same molecules may have been the very ones

> that carried the prayers you previously prayed ..

> and, the energies behind those prayers.



> Love and compassion can only be found within the individual.


> When this Peace is found in the past which we recreate every day

> within ourselves, then and only then can an external symbol reflect

> our own inner peace.


> When there is peace within the peoples of our inner community,

> there will be peace within the greater community.



> There is a Heart (or Creator) Cell within every individual.

> There is a Heart (or Creator) seed within every cell


> not only of our own bodies, but within all of creation.



> When we pray .. who do we pray to ..


> is it to some idea that the mind has that these is some

> altruistic being called "God" that can somehow magically

> clear away the reflections so that we will not have to look

> at our own inner pain


> or do we pray


> to the creator seed of our own physical bodies

> that every conflict within our idea of our individuality

> may be healed at its source ..


> and so change the reflections.



> Never before, on such a large scale

> has their been the opportunity to change how we view our past


> and, therefore .. how we will experience future.



> Its your choice - and mine ...



> Hatred and darkness cannot exist on their own ..


> they are manifest from the separation of Love and Light

> from the Creator Cell within.



> What do our Leaders reflect to us ..


> and what is the reflection we will present to out children?



> -- Christopher Wynter,

> lifestreams

> http://www.anunda.com


> The material presented in this post is also archived for reference

> on the open archive lifestreams







> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




> Your use of is subject to



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