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A plain man has learned about Love

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There is an old proverb which says


"Many understand that the drop exists within the ocean

but few can comprehend how the ocean can exist

within the drop .."


This is the essence some call "Love" and others call "God"



In truth,

meditation is the state and the art of doing no-thing

and being every-thing.

Prayer is the inner communion with every-thing

and doing no-thing.


Both are states of "Love" (doing no-thing) in communion with "God"

(being every-thing). There are no words, no thoughts, no feelings, no

emotions. These come later - in retrospect and we view our experience

and our knowing through what we have been taught to believe is right

and proper action.



"Love" and "God" are two of the words many have been accustomed

to using in an attempt to paint a picture of this essence.


Yet, they are the drop which exists within the ocean and the ocean

which exists within the drop. They cannot be separated.



Scholars and scribes down through the ages have sought to find

words for this concept. For every age, for every cultural

spirituality there has been an attempt by the mind of man to put

words around this essence -



The oldest continually surviving civilisation on Earth - the

Australian Aboriginal has kept the concept of the dreaming alive

for over 40,000 years. Their myths and legends bear a remarkable

resemblance to the attempts of the mystics of the common era -

yet, their cave paintings are much older. Their "walkabout" and their

tribal rituals are a moving meditation and prayer - a communion with

the world around them which they practice to this very day.




When we were babies, we had no identity except that given to us by

our parents. Later, this sense of identity was added to by the hopes,

fears and expectations of others.



In our learned behaviour for survival, we learned to develop

attachments to those things which raised our approval rating in the

eyes of our support network - parents, religion - society.

>From this conditioning environment we learned a meaning of love.



Most of us have never been allowed to grow beyond our childhood

dependencies because, being needed felt good. Fulfilling the

expectations of another was rewarded and hell would descend the

moment we spoke out -

unless we were united in a common speaking out.



As we have aged as children, we have translated our infant emotional

motivations into attachments to "how do we fit into the support

network with which we surround ourselves"

in the search for understanding of who we are,

we have sought some sort of acceptable idea of identity.



The person who dies is free of this - unless, we, refusing to

acknowledge our own unfulfilled expectations, project them in the

form of prayers of grief on the soul of the departed.



The essence of the Love that is the embodiment of the Christ

Consciousness can not be equated to the love of a mother for her

daughter, a teenager for his or her first car or your hankering after

a Big Mac.


Love more closely resembles the relationship between two very young

children when they are left together alone in a room without any

adult intervention. A playful innocence that we were born with.



Love had nothing to do with needs, wants, hopes and expectations.

This is an emotional love and grief is the end result of these

emotional energies not being balanced by another person or thing.


To deal with grief and loss, the only thing one has to deal with is

the unfulfilled expectations - the collapse of the symbol of what we

have not been able to realise within our selves.



People say to me "You are Loved". I refuse to accept that.


The moment I am expected to accept that I am loved,

from my realisation of my own wholeness,

there is a duality created and then a trinity ..


the lover - the beloved - the act of loving


This is the separation many impose on their children through need.



In the separation from the intrinsic nature of my own beingness -

I blaspheme against my Self


Through this blasphemy, I then create the unloved

and so another duality is formed.


Then along comes judgement of self on self.



The moment I accept that I am loved, I, ego-mind

becomes separate from the expression of wholeness.



Within Islam, the essence of Jihad is the struggle within the mind

and the body to find this re-union of Self within One's Self.



To hold to be separate is to disregard both the First and Second

commandments of Christianity - where, when we go back to the original

scriptures (not the translations into any language) we find that here

is no God, but the metaphor used is the breath.


YHWH is the present continuing tense of the verb be ..

and translates as I am in the act of being ..

there is no separation.



The Jewish "Star of David" is symbolic of the interpenetration

of all pairs of opposites and evolved from the primary "Sri Yantra"

which is the pictographic representation of the vibration of the

perpetual harmony of the spheres - "OM"



In the Tao, it is written


First there was the eternal Tao

From the Tao came One

From One came Two

From Two came Three

From Three came ten thousand other things.


This is the essential flow of the tides ..

and of the breath ..


From full to empty, from empty to full

neither existing on their own -



For me to accept that I am loved, I become the object

of the lover - thus I develop an expectation.


The moment that expectation (or need) is not met

there is the breeding ground for anger and resentment


and the moment the lover is lost, the empty space

of unfulfilled need and expectation is called grief.



This is the inner battle which leads to tiredness,


and, in projecting love or a need for love onto any other,

we are contributing to the struggle of the other in order

to satisfy our own needs and lack ..


Thus we call ourselves devoutly spiritual.





The greatest gift we can share with another is through allowing the

other to share in the reflection of our essential beingness


to give the other a glimpse of what is their potential ..

to allow them to see that to which their eyes may be closed ..


because the mind cannot grasp that which it cannot

visualise or conceptualise.



Thus, the true teacher can not teach you anything

but can only remind you of what on some level

you already know.



This is the essential meaning of the Greek root of the

term Therapist ..


The Priest-Healer who through his or her being

allows one to see that to which they have been blinded

but which on some level they already know.


Essentially ..


I AM is life itself in the continuing moment of living

dying each moment to a succeeding moment of living ..


this is Love ..


What we call "God" is

To allow the flow of Tao



In Hindu terms, this is the essence and the absorption of Bhakti

the true spirit of the sacred warp and weft of the weave that is

called Tantra and the definition of Yoga.


In Buddhism, this the experience of Brahminakaya

and living it is Shamballah ..


being the essential expression of one's Buddha nature.


This is Heaven in Earth and the focus

of the Lords Prayer.


It is the objective, the experience and end result of ZaZen -

and the "sound of one hand clapping".



Yin and Yang combined to make the whole,

yet Yin exists within Yang and Yang within Yin.



When we journey into deepest Africa or Borneo or the Jungles of South

America, we find symbols and metaphors which convey the same essence.



Does the tree falling in the forest make a sound?



The events of the 11th September could be considered a symbol -

a multifaceted jewel that speaks many languages - beyond words.



Do you think you are separate?


So long as you are separate, "ego I" will always be a sacrifice -

a victim of the God outside of self.


It is man's eternal quest outside of self for the "Promised Land"

that has created the diversity in the species and the concept of lack

which can never be filled unless,


in the Silence beyond all words

the mind is allowed to descend into the Common Heart

which exists within each ..


"The ocean which exists within the drop"




-- Christopher Wynter



This post is also archived for reference on the open archive

lifestreams along

with previous material presented in this series.

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