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Om Sri Santosha Da Avatara Hridayam.The Buddha-Avatar, The Ruchira

Buddha, The Adi-Buddha, The Ati-Buddha, The Parama-Buddha, The

Purushottama Buddha, The Paramadvaita Buddha, The Advaitayana Buddha,

The Ashvamedha Buddha,The Guru-Avatar, The Ruchira-Guru, The Adi-

Guru, The Ati-Guru, The Divine Parama-Guru, The Purushottama-Guru,

The Paramadvaita-Guru, The Advaitayana-Guru, The Ashvamedha-Guru,The

First and Supreme, One and Non-Separate, "Bright" and All-Outshining,

Divine Maha-Siddha and "Crazy" Siddha-Master, The Ruchira Siddha, The

Unlimited Grace-Giving, and Most Perfect Siddha-Form and Siddha-

Function Of Divine Guru (or Divine Heart-Master), The Hridaya-

Samartha Sat-Guru, The Da Avatar, The Ruchira Avatar, The Ruchira

Buddha-Avatar, The Tathagata Avatar, The Hridaya Avatar, The Love-

Ananda Avatar, The Avabhasa Avatar, The Santosha Avatar, Tui or

Turaga Dau Loloma Vunirarama, The Naitauba Avadhoota, Divya Jagad-

Guru, Da Ashvamedha, Da Avabhasa ('The Bright'), Da Kalki, Heart-

Master Da Free John, Eleutherios —The Liberator, Atma-Murti, His

Sublime-Completeness, Supreme Dharma-Bearer, Ocean of Mercy, Mleccha-

Guru, Ishta, Parama-Guru, Guru of Gurus, Divine World-Meditator, Sri

Bhagavan, Maha-Siddha, Maha-Purusha, Purna Da, Divine Being, Divine

Person, Fulfiller of All Divine Prophecy, Heart-Husband of Mankind,

Divine World-Teacher, Realizer, Man of Understanding, Free Standing

Man, One Adorned with Mala of One-Faced Rudrakshas, Kulapati of the

The Da Gurukula Mandala, Bubba Free John, Dhyanananda, Franklin

Albert Jones, God-Man, Divine Madman, Adept-Realizer, Master Dancer,

Lord, Atman-Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva-Sakti, Shiva-Shakti, Bhava-

Samadhi, Sahaj Samadhi, Hridaya-Shakti, Ishta-Guru-Bhakti Yoga,

Nirvana-Samsara, Infinite, Amrita Nadi, Turya, Transcendental

Consciousness, Enlightenment, Illumination, Love-Bliss, Eternal,

Immortal, and Divine Happiness, Aapta Seva, Absolute, addiction,

Adepts, adept, Adi Da Kanya-Shakti Mandala, Advaita Vedanta,

Advaitayana Buddhism, Advaitic Sadhana, agnosticism, Aham Sphurana,

Ajapa-Japa, Ajna cakra (chakra), ajna, Akkalkot Maharaj, Al-Hallaj,

Alan Watts, Allah, Alpha and Omega, amen, anandamayakosha, Anandamayi

Ma, anatomy (esoteric), anger, animism, annamayakosha, Apollonius of

Tyana, Arati Bhajan, Arjuna, Arrow and Current of the Circle (of the

body-mind), Arunachala, asanas, ascent, asceticism, Ashram, Ashtanga

Yoga, Ashtavakra Gita (Ashtavakra Gita), astral, atheism, Atma

Shakti, atman, attachment, attention, Aurobindo Ghose, Autobiography

of a Yogi, Avadhoot Gita, Avadhuta Gita, Avoiding Relationship?,

awareness, bardos, Basket of Tolerance, Bede Griffiths, belief,

Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam), Bhagawan (Swami)

Nityananda, bhaktas, bhakti, Bhakti Yoga, bhava, Big Bang, bindu,

birth-death, blessing, bliss, Bodhidharma, Bodhisattva, body-mind,

bondage, brahmachari, Brahmacharinis, brahmacharya, Brahmagna Ma,

Brahman (Divine Reality), brahman, Brahmananda Bra, Brahmasmi, brain,

breath, Buddha, Buddhism, Cabeza de Vaca, Catholic Mysticism, C. G.

Jung, causal dimension, causation, cause and effect, celibacy,

celibate renunciation, Ch'an, Chaintanya, chakra (cakra), chanting,

chants, children, Chinese wisdom, Chitshakti Vilas (Swami

Muktananda), Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, christos, Christian Mysticism,

Christianity, Chuang Tzu, Circle of the body-mind, Clement of

Alexandria, communion, compassion, conception, conceptual,

conditional, conductivity, conscious exercise, consolation,

contemplation, contraction, conversion, cooperation, cooperative

community, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mandala, cosmology, cosmos,

Crazy Wisdom, Creator God, cult, cultism, cults, culture, dakini,

Dalai Lama, Danavira, Darshan, darshan, Dattatreya, Dawn Horse

Testament, death, Deity, desire, destiny, devotee, devotion,

devotional, dharma, dharmas, dhyan, dhyana, Diamond Sutra, diet,

difference, diksha, dilemma, disciple, disciples, discipline,

disease, Divine Mother, Divine Parousia, Divine Revelation, Divine

Vision, Divine Star, Divine Translation, divine vision, dogen, Dogen,

doubt, dream state, dreaming, dreams, Drukpa Kunley, D. T. Suzuki,

duality, dualism, dying, Ecstasy, ecstasy, education, Eeman screens,

ego, ego death, ego-death, embodiment, energy states, enlightenment,

equanimity, Esoteric Process of God-Realization, esoteric,

esotericism, eternal, etheric, evolution, existence, exoteric,

experience, faith, fasting, fear, feel, feeling, Fifty Verses of Guru-

Devotion (Asvaghosa), Fiji, food, forgetting, forgiveness, freedom,

fundamentalism, Gautama, Gavdevi, geeta, gnosis, gnostic gospels, God-

Communion, God-Realization, Gopi Krishna, gopis, Gorakhnath, Grace,

grief, gross dimension, growth, guilt, guru-devotion, Guru-Gita, Guru-

Vani-Vichara, Gurudev, Hakuin, hamsadanda, Han Shan, happiness,

hatha, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, healing, health, heart, hermitage,

Hinayana, Hinduism, Holy Ghost, Horse-Sacrifice (Ashvamedha), Hsu

Yun, Huai Jang, Huang Po, Hui Hai, Hui Neng, identification,

illusion, immortality, incarnation, India, Indian culture,

initiation, intelligence, intimacy, intoxication, intuition, Islam,

Islamic Mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, Jain, Jainism, Jaya, The Second

Coming of Jesus Christ, Jewish Mysticism, Jiva, jivanmukta, Jnan,

Jnana Yoga, Jnaneshvar, Jnaneshwar Maharaj, Jnani, jogi, Johannine,

Joseph Cambell, joy, Judaism, Kabir, Kali, Karma Yoga, karma, Kashmir

Shaivism, kheyala, kirtan, Knee of Listening, knowledge, koan,

koshas, Krishna, Krishna Jogletkar, Krishnabai, Krishnamurti, Kriya

Yoga, kriyas, Kularnava Tantra, kumbhak, Kundalini Shaktipat,

Kundalini Yoga, kundalini, Ikkyu, Laksmi, Lankavatara Sutra, Laughing

Man Institute, lay renunciate, Laya Yoga, leelas, liberation,

liberation, life, light, lilas, Lin Chi, Logos, logos, loka, Lotus

Sutra, love, love-bliss, luminous void, M-fields, Ma Tsu, the Mahdhi

(the last prophet), Maitreya, Mahamantra, Ma Yogashakti Saraswati,

Maharishi Brahmananda Brahmachari, Mahavakya, Mahayana,

Mahayanavimsaka, Maitreya, mana, mandala, Manjusri, manomayakosha,

Marpa, materialism, maya, meditation, Meher Baba, Method of the

Siddhas, Milarepa, mind, mindfulness, Mohammed, Mother Shakti,

mudras, muladhar, Mummery, murti, mystical, mysticism, mystics, Naama

Japa, Nada Yoga, Nagarjuna, Narada Bhakti Sutra, Narayan Maharaj,

Narcissus, Naropa, Nididhyasana, nirmanakaya, nirvikalpa samadhi,

nondualism, non-dualism, oedipal, Oedipus complex, Padmasambhava,

Padukas, Pai Chang, paradox, Parama-Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda,

Paramatman, Paramesvara, Parvati, Patanjali, perception, philosophy,

physics, Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, pleasure, pneuma,

polarity screens, Prakriti, pranamayakosha (pranic sheath),

pranayama, Prapatti, prapatti, prasad, prayer, prophet, Psycho-

Physics, puja, purification, Purusha, Radiant Transcendental Being,

Radical Intuition, Radical Transcendentalism, Rama, Sri Ramakrishna,

Ramalinga Swami, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramanuja, Ramprasad, Rama

Prasad, Ramayana, Rang Avadhoot, reality, recognition, reincarnation,

rejuvenation, related, relatedness, release, religion, religions,

religious, remembrance, renunciate, renunciation, reproduction,

responsibility, retreat, revelation, Ribhu Gita, righteousness, root-

feeling of relatedness, Rudi (Swami Rudrananda), rudraksha beads,

Sacrament of Universal Sacrifice, sacramental worship, sacred life,

sacrifice, Sadguru, sadguru, sadhana, sages, sahaj, Sahaja-Nirvikalpa

Samadhi, sahasrar, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Shih Te, Shirdi Sai Baba,

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, saints, Salvation and Liberation, samadhi,

Samadhis, Sambhogakaya, Samkhya, samsara, samyama, sanctuary, Sangha,

sangha, sannyas, sannyasa diksha, Sannyasin, sannyasins, Sarasvati,

Sat-Guru Arati Puja, Sat-Guru-Bhakti, Sat-Guru-Darshan, Sat-Guru-

Kripa, Sat-Guru-Moksha-Bhava, Sat-Guru-Seva, Sat-Guru-Tapas,

Satchidananda, satori, satsang, sattvas, sattvic, science, scientific

materialsm, scientism, scripture, scriptures, seahorse, secret,

Secret Gospel According to Mark, secrets, seeing, seeking, Self

(atman), self-consciousness, self-contraction, self-discipline, self-

doubt, self-effort, self-Enquiry, self-enquiry, self-forgetting, self-

fulfillment, self-guruing, self-image, self-improvement, self-

indulgence, self-knot, self-knowledge, self-meditation, self-

negation, self-observation, self-observation, self-possessed, self-

possession, Self-Realization of Noble Wisdom, self-sacrifice, self-

surrender, self-transcendence, self-transformation, self-

understanding, self-watching, sensitivity, separate "I" and

separate "other", separateness, separateness, separation, serpent

power, service, seva, Seven Gifts of Grace, Seven Stages of Eternal

Life, seven stages of life, seventh stage of life, Sex and

Enlightenment, sex, sex-differentiation, sexual polarity, sex-

relationship, sexual communion, sexual economy, sexual practice,

sexual wisdom, sexuality, Shabd Yoga, Shabda Yoga, shakti, Shaktipat,

shaktipat, Shaktipat-diksha, shamanism, Shankara, Sankara,

Shankaracharya of Jyotimandir, sheaths, Shih T'ou, Shih Te, Shin

Buddhism, Shiva, Shiva Sutras, Shiva-Shakti, Shivapuri Baba, Shree

Guru, Siddha, siddha, Siddha-Guru, Siddha-Gurus, Siddha-Peetha,

siddhas, siddhi, siddhis, Sikhism, sila, silence, sin, sinoatrial

node, Siva lingams, Siva-Shakti, skillful means, sky of mind, sleep,

So-Ham Japa, So-Ham Mantra, soma, Song of the Heart of God, Song of

the Self-Supreme, social wisdom, sorrow, soul, source, space-time,

spinal current, spinal line, Spirit, spirit, Spirit-Baptism, spirit-

baptism, Spirit-Blessing, Spirit-Breathing, Spirit-Current, Spirit-

Energy, Spirit-Force, Spirit-Power, Spirit-Presence, spirits,

Spiritual authority, Spiritual Master, Spiritual phenomena, Spiritual

Reality, Spiritual Teaching, Spiritual Transmission, spiritual

experiences, spiritual life, spiritual practice, Spiritual-Awakening,

spirituality, Sri Devikalottara Agama, Srimad Bhagavatam, Shriman

Tatasviji Maharaj, St. John of the Cross, stress , study,

subconscious mind, subjectivity, submission, subtle body, subtle

dimension, subtle sheath, suffering, Sufism, superconscious mind,

supracausal, Supreme Self, surrender, survival of death, Sutra of Hui

Neng, Sutras, Swami Abhishiktananda, Swami Narayananda, Swami

Paramananda, Swami Prakashananda, Swami Ramdas, Swami Sivananda,

Swami Vivekananda, taboo, taboos, tamas, tamasic, Tantra, tantra,

Tantric Master, Tantrism, Tao, Taoism, tapas, Tattva Jnani,

technology, teddy bear, Testament of Secrets, Thangkas, thangkas, the

search, theism, theology, Theravada Buddhism, thought, Tibetan

Buddhism, Tilopa, Totapuri, Trailanga Swami, transcendence,

Transcendental Condition, Transcendental Divine Self, Transcendental

Self, Transcendental Wisdom, Transfiguration, transfiguration,

Tripura Rahasya, True Religion, Truth, truth, Tukaram, Turiya,

turiyadta, turiyatita, unconscious mind, understanding, unity,

Universal Mother, universe, Upanisads, Upanishads, Upasani Baba

Maharaj, Vaishnava, Vajrayana, vani, vase breathing, Vedanta and

Christian Faith, Vedas, verbal mind, vichara, vijnanamayakosha, Vira-

Siddha, Virgin Mary, Vishnu, vision, visions, vital shock, Void,

void, waking state, Way of the Heart, Way of Devotion, Way of Divine

Communion, Way of Divine Ignorance, Way of Faith, Way of Grace, Way

of Insight, Way of Radical Understanding, Way of Re-cognition,

wisdom, Witness Position, Witness-Consciousness, Word, worship, Wound

of Love, W. Y. Evans-Wentz, yajna, yajnas, Yama, yamas and niyamas,

yang, yantra, Yeshua, yin, Yoga, Yoga Sutras, yoga, Yoga of Light,

Yoga Vasistha, Yogi-Siddha, Yogic siddhi, Zen Buddhism, Zen Masters.


- That should keep one's hopes up, for a while..

In the meantime, life/the world is, what it is..

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Om Sri Santosha Da Avatara Hridayam.The Buddha-Avatar, The Ruchira

Buddha, The Adi-Buddha, The Ati-Buddha, The Parama-Buddha, The

Purushottama Buddha, The Paramadvaita Buddha, The Advaitayana Buddha,

The Ashvamedha Buddha,The Guru-Avatar, The Ruchira-Guru, The Adi-

Guru, The Ati-Guru, The Divine Parama-Guru, The Purushottama-Guru,

The Paramadvaita-Guru, The Advaitayana-Guru, The Ashvamedha-Guru,The

First and Supreme, One and Non-Separate, "Bright" and All-Outshining,

Divine Maha-Siddha and "Crazy" Siddha-Master, The Ruchira Siddha, The

Unlimited Grace-Giving, and Most Perfect Siddha-Form and Siddha-

Function Of Divine Guru (or Divine Heart-Master), The Hridaya-

Samartha Sat-Guru, The Da Avatar, The Ruchira Avatar, The Ruchira

Buddha-Avatar, The Tathagata Avatar, The Hridaya Avatar, The Love-

Ananda Avatar, The Avabhasa Avatar, The Santosha Avatar, Tui or

Turaga Dau Loloma Vunirarama, The Naitauba Avadhoota, Divya Jagad-

Guru, Da Ashvamedha, Da Avabhasa ('The Bright'), Da Kalki, Heart-

Master Da Free John, Eleutherios -The Liberator, Atma-Murti, His

Sublime-Completeness, Supreme Dharma-Bearer, Ocean of Mercy, Mleccha-

Guru, Ishta, Parama-Guru, Guru of Gurus, Divine World-Meditator, Sri

Bhagavan, Maha-Siddha, Maha-Purusha, Purna Da, Divine Being, Divine

Person, Fulfiller of All Divine Prophecy, Heart-Husband of Mankind,

Divine World-Teacher, Realizer, Man of Understanding, Free Standing

Man, One Adorned with Mala of One-Faced Rudrakshas, Kulapati of the

The Da Gurukula Mandala, Bubba Free John, Dhyanananda, Franklin

Albert Jones, God-Man, Divine Madman, Adept-Realizer, Master Dancer,

Lord, Atman-Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva-Sakti, Shiva-Shakti, Bhava-

Samadhi, Sahaj Samadhi, Hridaya-Shakti, Ishta-Guru-Bhakti Yoga,

Nirvana-Samsara, Infinite, Amrita Nadi, Turya, Transcendental

Consciousness, Enlightenment, Illumination, Love-Bliss, Eternal,

Immortal, and Divine Happiness, Aapta Seva, Absolute, addiction,

Adepts, adept, Adi Da Kanya-Shakti Mandala, Advaita Vedanta,

Advaitayana Buddhism, Advaitic Sadhana, agnosticism, Aham Sphurana,

Ajapa-Japa, Ajna cakra (chakra), ajna, Akkalkot Maharaj, Al-Hallaj,

Alan Watts, Allah, Alpha and Omega, amen, anandamayakosha, Anandamayi

Ma, anatomy (esoteric), anger, animism, annamayakosha, Apollonius of

Tyana, Arati Bhajan, Arjuna, Arrow and Current of the Circle (of the

body-mind), Arunachala, asanas, ascent, asceticism, Ashram, Ashtanga

Yoga, Ashtavakra Gita (Ashtavakra Gita), astral, atheism, Atma

Shakti, atman, attachment, attention, Aurobindo Ghose, Autobiography

of a Yogi, Avadhoot Gita, Avadhuta Gita, Avoiding Relationship?,

awareness, bardos, Basket of Tolerance, Bede Griffiths, belief,

Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam), Bhagawan (Swami)

Nityananda, bhaktas, bhakti, Bhakti Yoga, bhava, Big Bang, bindu,

birth-death, blessing, bliss, Bodhidharma, Bodhisattva, body-mind,

bondage, brahmachari, Brahmacharinis, brahmacharya, Brahmagna Ma,

Brahman (Divine Reality), brahman, Brahmananda Bra, Brahmasmi, brain,

breath, Buddha, Buddhism, Cabeza de Vaca, Catholic Mysticism, C. G.

Jung, causal dimension, causation, cause and effect, celibacy,

celibate renunciation, Ch'an, Chaintanya, chakra (cakra), chanting,

chants, children, Chinese wisdom, Chitshakti Vilas (Swami

Muktananda), Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, christos, Christian Mysticism,

Christianity, Chuang Tzu, Circle of the body-mind, Clement of

Alexandria, communion, compassion, conception, conceptual,

conditional, conductivity, conscious exercise, consolation,

contemplation, contraction, conversion, cooperation, cooperative

community, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mandala, cosmology, cosmos,

Crazy Wisdom, Creator God, cult, cultism, cults, culture, dakini,

Dalai Lama, Danavira, Darshan, darshan, Dattatreya, Dawn Horse

Testament, death, Deity, desire, destiny, devotee, devotion,

devotional, dharma, dharmas, dhyan, dhyana, Diamond Sutra, diet,

difference, diksha, dilemma, disciple, disciples, discipline,

disease, Divine Mother, Divine Parousia, Divine Revelation, Divine

Vision, Divine Star, Divine Translation, divine vision, dogen, Dogen,

doubt, dream state, dreaming, dreams, Drukpa Kunley, D. T. Suzuki,

duality, dualism, dying, Ecstasy, ecstasy, education, Eeman screens,

ego, ego death, ego-death, embodiment, energy states, enlightenment,

equanimity, Esoteric Process of God-Realization, esoteric,

esotericism, eternal, etheric, evolution, existence, exoteric,

experience, faith, fasting, fear, feel, feeling, Fifty Verses of Guru-

Devotion (Asvaghosa), Fiji, food, forgetting, forgiveness, freedom,

fundamentalism, Gautama, Gavdevi, geeta, gnosis, gnostic gospels, God-

Communion, God-Realization, Gopi Krishna, gopis, Gorakhnath, Grace,

grief, gross dimension, growth, guilt, guru-devotion, Guru-Gita, Guru-

Vani-Vichara, Gurudev, Hakuin, hamsadanda, Han Shan, happiness,

hatha, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, healing, health, heart, hermitage,

Hinayana, Hinduism, Holy Ghost, Horse-Sacrifice (Ashvamedha), Hsu

Yun, Huai Jang, Huang Po, Hui Hai, Hui Neng, identification,

illusion, immortality, incarnation, India, Indian culture,

initiation, intelligence, intimacy, intoxication, intuition, Islam,

Islamic Mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, Jain, Jainism, Jaya, The Second

Coming of Jesus Christ, Jewish Mysticism, Jiva, jivanmukta, Jnan,

Jnana Yoga, Jnaneshvar, Jnaneshwar Maharaj, Jnani, jogi, Johannine,

Joseph Cambell, joy, Judaism, Kabir, Kali, Karma Yoga, karma, Kashmir

Shaivism, kheyala, kirtan, Knee of Listening, knowledge, koan,

koshas, Krishna, Krishna Jogletkar, Krishnabai, Krishnamurti, Kriya

Yoga, kriyas, Kularnava Tantra, kumbhak, Kundalini Shaktipat,

Kundalini Yoga, kundalini, Ikkyu, Laksmi, Lankavatara Sutra, Laughing

Man Institute, lay renunciate, Laya Yoga, leelas, liberation,

liberation, life, light, lilas, Lin Chi, Logos, logos, loka, Lotus

Sutra, love, love-bliss, luminous void, M-fields, Ma Tsu, the Mahdhi

(the last prophet), Maitreya, Mahamantra, Ma Yogashakti Saraswati,

Maharishi Brahmananda Brahmachari, Mahavakya, Mahayana,

Mahayanavimsaka, Maitreya, mana, mandala, Manjusri, manomayakosha,

Marpa, materialism, maya, meditation, Meher Baba, Method of the

Siddhas, Milarepa, mind, mindfulness, Mohammed, Mother Shakti,

mudras, muladhar, Mummery, murti, mystical, mysticism, mystics, Naama

Japa, Nada Yoga, Nagarjuna, Narada Bhakti Sutra, Narayan Maharaj,

Narcissus, Naropa, Nididhyasana, nirmanakaya, nirvikalpa samadhi,

nondualism, non-dualism, oedipal, Oedipus complex, Padmasambhava,

Padukas, Pai Chang, paradox, Parama-Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda,

Paramatman, Paramesvara, Parvati, Patanjali, perception, philosophy,

physics, Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, pleasure, pneuma,

polarity screens, Prakriti, pranamayakosha (pranic sheath),

pranayama, Prapatti, prapatti, prasad, prayer, prophet, Psycho-

Physics, puja, purification, Purusha, Radiant Transcendental Being,

Radical Intuition, Radical Transcendentalism, Rama, Sri Ramakrishna,

Ramalinga Swami, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramanuja, Ramprasad, Rama

Prasad, Ramayana, Rang Avadhoot, reality, recognition, reincarnation,

rejuvenation, related, relatedness, release, religion, religions,

religious, remembrance, renunciate, renunciation, reproduction,

responsibility, retreat, revelation, Ribhu Gita, righteousness, root-

feeling of relatedness, Rudi (Swami Rudrananda), rudraksha beads,

Sacrament of Universal Sacrifice, sacramental worship, sacred life,

sacrifice, Sadguru, sadguru, sadhana, sages, sahaj, Sahaja-Nirvikalpa

Samadhi, sahasrar, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Shih Te, Shirdi Sai Baba,

Saint Seraphim of Sarov, saints, Salvation and Liberation, samadhi,

Samadhis, Sambhogakaya, Samkhya, samsara, samyama, sanctuary, Sangha,

sangha, sannyas, sannyasa diksha, Sannyasin, sannyasins, Sarasvati,

Sat-Guru Arati Puja, Sat-Guru-Bhakti, Sat-Guru-Darshan, Sat-Guru-

Kripa, Sat-Guru-Moksha-Bhava, Sat-Guru-Seva, Sat-Guru-Tapas,

Satchidananda, satori, satsang, sattvas, sattvic, science, scientific

materialsm, scientism, scripture, scriptures, seahorse, secret,

Secret Gospel According to Mark, secrets, seeing, seeking, Self

(atman), self-consciousness, self-contraction, self-discipline, self-

doubt, self-effort, self-Enquiry, self-enquiry, self-forgetting, self-

fulfillment, self-guruing, self-image, self-improvement, self-

indulgence, self-knot, self-knowledge, self-meditation, self-

negation, self-observation, self-observation, self-possessed, self-

possession, Self-Realization of Noble Wisdom, self-sacrifice, self-

surrender, self-transcendence, self-transformation, self-

understanding, self-watching, sensitivity, separate "I" and

separate "other", separateness, separateness, separation, serpent

power, service, seva, Seven Gifts of Grace, Seven Stages of Eternal

Life, seven stages of life, seventh stage of life, Sex and

Enlightenment, sex, sex-differentiation, sexual polarity, sex-

relationship, sexual communion, sexual economy, sexual practice,

sexual wisdom, sexuality, Shabd Yoga, Shabda Yoga, shakti, Shaktipat,

shaktipat, Shaktipat-diksha, shamanism, Shankara, Sankara,

Shankaracharya of Jyotimandir, sheaths, Shih T'ou, Shih Te, Shin

Buddhism, Shiva, Shiva Sutras, Shiva-Shakti, Shivapuri Baba, Shree

Guru, Siddha, siddha, Siddha-Guru, Siddha-Gurus, Siddha-Peetha,

siddhas, siddhi, siddhis, Sikhism, sila, silence, sin, sinoatrial

node, Siva lingams, Siva-Shakti, skillful means, sky of mind, sleep,

So-Ham Japa, So-Ham Mantra, soma, Song of the Heart of God, Song of

the Self-Supreme, social wisdom, sorrow, soul, source, space-time,

spinal current, spinal line, Spirit, spirit, Spirit-Baptism, spirit-

baptism, Spirit-Blessing, Spirit-Breathing, Spirit-Current, Spirit-

Energy, Spirit-Force, Spirit-Power, Spirit-Presence, spirits,

Spiritual authority, Spiritual Master, Spiritual phenomena, Spiritual

Reality, Spiritual Teaching, Spiritual Transmission, spiritual

experiences, spiritual life, spiritual practice, Spiritual-Awakening,

spirituality, Sri Devikalottara Agama, Srimad Bhagavatam, Shriman

Tatasviji Maharaj, St. John of the Cross, stress , study,

subconscious mind, subjectivity, submission, subtle body, subtle

dimension, subtle sheath, suffering, Sufism, superconscious mind,

supracausal, Supreme Self, surrender, survival of death, Sutra of Hui

Neng, Sutras, Swami Abhishiktananda, Swami Narayananda, Swami

Paramananda, Swami Prakashananda, Swami Ramdas, Swami Sivananda,

Swami Vivekananda, taboo, taboos, tamas, tamasic, Tantra, tantra,

Tantric Master, Tantrism, Tao, Taoism, tapas, Tattva Jnani,

technology, teddy bear, Testament of Secrets, Thangkas, thangkas, the

search, theism, theology, Theravada Buddhism, thought, Tibetan

Buddhism, Tilopa, Totapuri, Trailanga Swami, transcendence,

Transcendental Condition, Transcendental Divine Self, Transcendental

Self, Transcendental Wisdom, Transfiguration, transfiguration,

Tripura Rahasya, True Religion, Truth, truth, Tukaram, Turiya,

turiyadta, turiyatita, unconscious mind, understanding, unity,

Universal Mother, universe, Upanisads, Upanishads, Upasani Baba

Maharaj, Vaishnava, Vajrayana, vani, vase breathing, Vedanta and

Christian Faith, Vedas, verbal mind, vichara, vijnanamayakosha, Vira-

Siddha, Virgin Mary, Vishnu, vision, visions, vital shock, Void,

void, waking state, Way of the Heart, Way of Devotion, Way of Divine

Communion, Way of Divine Ignorance, Way of Faith, Way of Grace, Way

of Insight, Way of Radical Understanding, Way of Re-cognition,

wisdom, Witness Position, Witness-Consciousness, Word, worship, Wound

of Love, W. Y. Evans-Wentz, yajna, yajnas, Yama, yamas and niyamas,

yang, yantra, Yeshua, yin, Yoga, Yoga Sutras, yoga, Yoga of Light,

Yoga Vasistha, Yogi-Siddha, Yogic siddhi, Zen Buddhism, Zen Masters.


- That should keep one's hopes up, for a while..

In the meantime, life/the world is, what it is..

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