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Why does it hurt, when you are rejected? You open yourself and

trust, you take a chance, and love. You throw caution to the wind,

set your fears aside , take a risk. Put yourself vulnerable infront

of the one who claims to love you and you say," I love you" Your

essence, your being, all of your faults. I'll take you as you are.

I'll never ask you to change,I'll always ask you to just be. In the

same room, with me on this plain of existence. Just be. You offer him

everything that you are, and He sais," No, It's not enough." I'm not

enough? Why? No answer.




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You open yourself and trust, you take a chance, and love. You throw

caution to the wind, set your fears aside , take a risk. Put yourself

vulnerable infront of the one who claims to love you and you say," I

love you" Your essence, your being, all of your faults. I'll take you

as you are. I'll never ask you to change,I'll always ask you to just

be. In the same room, with me on this plain of existence. Just be.




Dear Jen,


I am responding to the urgency of your last post.


Here is my suggestion: Take what you just wrote (above) and

imagine you are talking to you! If you can love yourself like you

have loved him, you will find a heart that is big enough for not only

him, whether he loves you back or not, but big enough for the whole


He is blind to not embrace a heart full of love. He is speaking

from his blindness when he says, "It's not enough." The blessed

opportunity here is for you to see the amazing power you have within

you to love him in his blindness without wanting or needing to

receive anything in return.

You wrote, "You offer him everything that you are..."

You see now that that doesn't work. Now offer everything to you.

You will discover an infinity of love to then offer everyone,

including him.


Good luck. I wish you all the best. Love,


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, jenjayl01 wrote:


> Why does it hurt, when you are rejected? You open yourself and

> trust, you take a chance, and love. You throw caution to the wind,

> set your fears aside , take a risk. Put yourself vulnerable infront

> of the one who claims to love you and you say," I love you" Your

> essence, your being, all of your faults. I'll take you as you are.

> I'll never ask you to change,I'll always ask you to just be. In the

> same room, with me on this plain of existence. Just be. You offer


> everything that you are, and He sais," No, It's not enough." I'm


> enough? Why? No answer.



> jen



Jen, I'm gonna come and kick your butt. You said you opened yourself

to trust, to love, to letting go of fears, and now look at you!

You're closed off. You are not trusting. You are not loving, you

are fearing. You are bringing up all kinds of fears and grasping on

to them. No wonder you feel rejected! Forget what he said and

didn't say and let's look at the big picture here for a sec.


You know you love him. You say he loves you - don't start doubting

that now. When you invite love into your life, everything that is

not of love has to come up and out. And guess what? It's all coming

up and out now! Enjoy the process! These all are just fears, and

they are meaningless.


Have faith and trust in what you know, which is the love you

shared. This is what you said you would give him. Can you do this

now when it really counts? (It's sooo much easier to give love,

faith, and trust when the other is acting just like you want!).

Give your trust and faith to your love, not to your fears or to his

fears. Just like you, he is afraid. This is a call for trust; a

call for faith. Surrender your fears - laugh joyously at them as

they come up and out if you can. Keep yourself open to love, and

tell yourself you don't know what anything means. Stay open. Know

nothing. Whenever another fear comes up, let it go. Stay open.

Know nothing.


You are making way for something so big and wonderful to come into

your life. Don't cop out now.


Sending you lots of love,


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Dear Jen,

I am have been touched by the wise words of

yours and those that have been contributing, advice and

poetry to this healing-love thread. Would just like to make a

couple of general observation to this...........

On 10/3/01 at 9:26 PM jenjayl01 wrote:

<ºWhy does it hurt, when you are rejected? [...]

It not only hurts when rejected, it also hurts when a loved

one dies. What is in common, is that the channel for

life-energy to flow, has been cut off and that is always


Yes, anyone who has lost a loved one knows this to be true.

Either through physical death, or the unraveling of the

neediness of projection. The attachments to this identify,

when disrupted by events must always bring pain when


<Why unknowingly divert life-energy? A mind-body is

equipped with a finite amount of it, once spent it can't be

renewed. >>>>>>>>

I am not clear what you mean here. In my view, energy is

total and indivisible, being the flow of spirit. Whilst this

flow resonates at different levels to vibrate on the planes of

consciousness and substance, even so, it can never be finite,

just transformed. The mind-body, simply becomes an other

vibrational reality of spirit. Maybe I am misreading your

meaning here though.

<When used to dissolve all sense of separateness, that is

more fulfilling than any relationship can ever bring.


Yes, I do so agree. Without getting too metaphysical,

I believe that relationships can also be used as contacts for

the discovery of divine union also. It is the miracle of

unconditional love when the anima and animus seek healing

within two, as well as within the one individual. Then (to use

a term from A Course of Miracles), a relationship can be

made Holy.

<So why the effort to continue an unsatisfactory

relationship, the bliss of which, when obtained, is

conditioned and finite after all?>>>>>>>>>>>

Again I agree. When one party, or both are not healed,

there is always projection and imbalance. Unless the one

who is most sustained in the acceptance of their own

perfection in love, can be not hurt emotionally by the other, then it is

just a battleground enacted out of a need of a love that must

be found in ones own heart first.



On 10/3/01 at 9:26 PM jenjayl01 wrote:

ºWhy does it hurt, when you are rejected? [...]

It not only hurts when rejected, it also hurts when a loved one

dies. What is in common, is that the channel for life-energy to flow,

has been cut off and that is always painful.

Why unknowingly divert life-energy? A mind-body is equipped with

a finite amount of it, once spent it can't be renewed. When used to dissolve

all sense of separateness, that is more fulfilling than any relationship

can ever bring. So why the effort to continue an unsatisfactory

relationship, the bliss of which, when obtained, is conditioned and

finite after all?


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In a message dated 10/3/01 3:28:39 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

jenjayl01 writes:


<< No, It's not enough." I'm not

enough? Why? No answer. >>


Because this is about HIM, not you. It is an illusion to think our love can

cure somebody, penetrate somebody, enchant somebody or even make somebody

happy if that somebody is not willing, for whatever reason, conscious or

unconscious. Usually we hold onto the illusion so as not to face the

disappointment and inadequacy (also illusionary, usually based on childhood

wounds) we feel. If you let go of this illusion, you will be free. Love,


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On 10/3/01 at 9:26 PM jenjayl01 wrote:


ºWhy does it hurt, when you are rejected?


It not only hurts when rejected, it also hurts when a loved one

dies. What is in common, is that the channel for life-energy to flow,

has been cut off and that is always painful.


Why unknowingly divert life-energy? A mind-body is equipped with

a finite amount of it, once spent it can't be renewed. When used to dissolve

all sense of separateness, that is more fulfilling than any relationship

can ever bring. So why the effort to continue an unsatisfactory

relationship, the bliss of which, when obtained, is conditioned and finite

after all?



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On 10/4/01 at 10:06 AM ErcAshfrd (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:


<Why unknowingly divert life-energy? A mind-body is equipped with a

finite amount of it, once spent it can't be renewed. >>>>>>>>

am not clear what you mean here. In my view, energy is total and

indivisible, being the flow of spirit. Whilst this flow resonates at

different levels to vibrate on the planes of consciousness and

substance, even so, it can never be finite, just transformed. The

mind-body, simply becomes an other vibrational reality of spirit.

Maybe I am misreading your meaning here though.

The amount of energy at the disposal of a mind-body is finite as

at its death it is zero and inbetween are all cases of disease..

Transformation pertains to the mind-body, the Self

cannot realize the Self. A mind-body is born with a potential for fear,

shame, guilt, embarrassment, envy etc. and this isn't a recipe for unconditional

happiness. The removal of that potential requires energy - life-energy...

After apperception it is possible to become aware of the distribution of this

life-energy. When the energy isn't fully spent, it will find another outlet - one that

eventually dissolves all potential that could generate the least sense of

separateness - literally. The "critical" phase is one, often of seclusion and bliss,

giving rise to many a devotional work - examples of that abound. After that phase,

as no more energy can "leak" through the removed potential(s), happiness is "default",

energy is abundant (but still finite). The Buddha called this "nirvana with substratum

remaining". A kind of "must" for a happy relationship as there is no more potential

for attachment to it.



love eric.

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