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The Naked God Exposed

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Truth, being the essence of that which is, is not difficult to

find: it is in us and we are in it. It is the drop which exists in

the ocean and the ocean which exists in the drop.


Yet it is like Light - and the blinded see it not.


Truth is the same everywhere and falsehood varies according to the

time, place and persons involved.


Being is. This is incontestable and absolute.


The exact idea of Being is Truth;

knowledge of it is Science;

its ideal expression is reason;

its activity is creation and justice.


In Being is Life.

Life manifests itself through movement


The Absolute


is neither Being or a Being. It is Infinitely Unknown and

Unknowable and its essence completely escapes verbal description

except in metaphor.


It is YHWH -

the living fire which does not consume the burning bush


It is Allah

the source of all creation symbolically worshipped in the East -

metaphorically the origin of all creation


It is the truth of Magic -

the irresistable magnetism which the personality's idea

of Self, in its sense of falsehood, thinks it can resist or

control in its expression (which some call Kundalini)


It is Ain Sopf and So Ham -

The meeting point of the Eastern and Western Mystery Schools

of the Qaballah and the Vedas



God Exposed



There can be a cataclismic change in consciousness where one is

faced with the "realisation" which the Biblical Jesus was faced

with when he uttered the words


"My God My God ..

Why hast thou forsaken me"



This realisation brings forward a whole lot of emotional reactions,

far more than any other realisation or process that you are likely

to go through.


It is (to use a Sanskrit terminology) the Kriya to end all Kriyas.



It is the final surrender of the emotional personality

to one's individuality as a living expression of Life Itself -

the "final" realisation of the "Enlightenment Process" -


it is "Jihad" - the Holy War with one's idea of Self


After moving through this "darkness" one finally

becomes the full living embodiment of the "Christ Consciousness"

realises (or makes real) "At-one-ment" (atonement)

embraces Shambalakaya (or enters the first or the Brahmin Bodies)

finds the "Garden of Eden" here on Earth ..

becomes the embodiment of one's "Buddha Nature"



In this consciousness, there are no ties to anyone - or anything.

The past is fully release and everyone who has ever crossed your

path is released from any "Karmic Attachment".



Within, the meaning of the Absolute becomes noetic (Gnostic)

and Atman is finally remembered in the Zen Satori



Here, Light and Darkness meet as the Qabalistic Malkuth finally

merges with Kether - the Union of the Crown and the Firmament


It is where, in terms of the Mystical Tarot,

the Fool becomes one with the World

when one overcomes the shame of being human in separation

to become the embodiment of the Shaman ..

one with the "Dreaming" of the most ancient of cultures.


It is the Fullness of Forgiveness,

the final realisation and understanding of the first Commandment

oneness with the Tao, which by definition is beyond definition ..



It is Yoga (Union) in its purest form beyond the branches

which have separated from the essence

and the Sacred weft and warp of the Weave that is Tantra.



It is the essence of all Religion and Spirituality

which lies beyond the divergence in Doctrine

and Dogma of the Mental Manipulation of the

Priestly Body.



It is the consciousness which is called on when

there is a total collapse of all personal values ..

when there is nowhere left to turn



For most this is the final death bed realisation.

It is the realisation which happens when the veils of Akashia

(or the emotional world) open up.



For me, the mental understanding came from the remembering

of what some would call NDE's -

where I was able to re-access the memory of the purpose

of my original incarnation in this body ...



In the course of my own personal journey,

it was a conscious choice for me to take the path of

"To Die before thou Diest" ..


and this has been the path I have consciously chosen over

the last month or so of silence - using the knowledge and

experience that I have gained over the course of this lifetime -

to make what I knew real in every cell of this physical body ..



The greatest obstacle of all -

and the greatest cause of the conflicts of Separation -

is the memory held onto in the cells of the physical body of the

origins and attachments to the personified "God" being ..

a word derived from the Germanic "Gott" in the 13th century.



The realisation of the statement "I and the Father are one"

is the end of the "Journey Home"


and can only take place incarnate in the physical body

from whence the emotional need based separation evolved when


"Man created God" in his imagination

to take the form of Man's thought projections

hopes and fears - products of his own inadaquecy ..



This is the origin of "the Father in absentia and the basis

of all patriarchal religious beliefs and manipulations


and the reason why the personified being "God"

is such an emotional issue -


the attachment to which stands with its fiery Sword

as Lucifer at the entrance to the Garden.




== Christopher Wynter





This post is also archived for reference on the open archive


along with previous posts in this series.

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