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The Inexpressible Grief of the New Born ..

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The Inexpressible Grief of the New Born ..



This follows on from "The Naked God Exposed" to look more

deeply at what I wrote .. as it applies to almost every individual

on this planet on a very deep and personal - inner level.




We look around us at the multi-cultural world we live in -

and now, with the advent of the communication ease

of the 21st Century, this world is much closer to home.



But, for many of us it also exists in our own country, our own

state - maybe even in our own neighborhood.


We have created the "up close and personal mirror"

the greatest tool for our own enlightenment.



Through whose eyes ..


In our audacity to think that what we have been taught to believe

is the way it is, do we ever consider that this multi-religious,

multi-cultural, multi-racial mix of victor and vanquished may also

exist within the genes of our own family tree?



Who is it looks through your eyes, hears through your ears

and feels through your heart?


Are you really sure who your parents and grandparents were.


Are you really sure your family tree is as you were told it is -

that the god you were brought up to worship is the god

of your forebears .. ?



Who is it that your thinking conditioned mind tries to repress the

moment it cries out with the memory of the pain of a refugee or

the victim of rape or one of the other atrocities of a war ..

what God or Goddess did this person believe in ?



Throughout the history of human kind there have been many wars which

were fought on the grounds of some religious or spiritual conquest.


The Gods and Goddesses were called on to protect and guide the

soldier and the sailor as he waged war in the Holy Name without due

regard to the Gods and Goddesses of the peoples they were seeking

to overcome in the pursuit of a glory to uphold

the Name of their personal superior being.

the name of Conquest of the hidden worlds of the Tribes



No Religion or Spiritual Cult is immune from this charge -

or the consequences of rape, pillage and plunder -


Not even now - in this age of Enlightened thinking

where the mirror is in front of us in glorious technicolour

at the press of a button.



Whoever we, thinking conditioned mind, is taught to believe we

are, buries the sensory reactions (or re-enactments) to the events

we see and hear

and follows on like so many puppets to the slaughter -

just like our ancestors -

in the pursuit of Sacrifice to a God who might be seen to prevail

to give us some reward in the after life.



Birth ..


As a new born when we first emerged through the tunnel from the

darkness of our mother's womb,


what religion belief, dogma or doctrine was imposed on the

defenseless infant consciousness that was, for a brief instant,

one with all-that-is and who did not have the words?


or, do we as parents, think that the child we gave birth to

was born to be a sacrifice to our beliefs,

a defender of our faith ..?



Who is the Terrorist ..


Do you remember how, as a child, your very survival depended on

the surrender of your enlightened knowing to the superior power of

Mother and Father and their imagined "God" being -

even though you could see through their lies

but didn't have the words to defend yourself

from the superior weapons of their attack?


Do you remember the deep penetration of the words they used

as arrows to anchor their needs and wants into your being -

projected attachments into your psyche which awakened

the genetic memories of all of the ancestors of your family tree

through the environment of repeated patterns


Do you remember the soul that was created for you in addition to

the one that originally incarnated into that infant body. Who is it

that remembers ..


No wonder we are confronted with depression in our daily lives.



Up Close and Personal ..


The words I wrote in "The Naked God Exposed" were not some

definition of altruistic truth that apply to one person and not the

next. They were not a commentary on Religious Differences and

Spiritual Tolerance in the world around us ..


The words are very personal to each and every human being alive

on this planet - and the religious conflict is handed down to us as

our inheritance - as surely as eye or hair colour,


The conflict is alive in each and every one of us - awakened the

moment we separated from our intrinsic beingness by being

baptised into a particular set of limiting beliefs and bonded under

the oath of our parents to follow a particular God Being.


This is the Light of the World we present to our Children - our

feeble excuse for our own behaviour.


We tar them with the same brush with which we were tarred and

feathered. We crucify them in the same manner as the Christ was

Crucified and then expect them to rise up as our Saviours.


But, do we as parents, show by example the fruits of our supposed

superior Spiritual Beliefs,

the Love of the Christ or

the Compassion of the Buddha?



"Suffer the little Children to come unto me" ..


So, we suffer, as our forebears have suffered before, in the

name of some altruistic external being called God

to harness the repressed truth into the emotional energy

of anger and resentment through repetition of some sacred Mantra

to find its outlet once more

in the anger or conquest, pillage and rape?



This is the inexpressible grief of the child who has seen it all

before -

the grief that lies as the final bastion on the return journey

to the oneness of conscious being that was at birth.


This is the search that we embark on during our journey down some

spiritual path as we seek a stronger divine being to protect our

idea of who we are - testing ourselves against some documented

standard of Doctrine or Dogma to see "how we measure up"



Death ..


This is the conflict we experience in an effort to find the peace

within .. until our whole world collapses around us

or we make the conscious choice in the wisdom of the knowledge

and experience reflected in the mirror


to die to all internal intolerance -

once more with the wisdom of the child

and face the inexpressible grief ..



This time, we may have the words to speak what we know.


But, first we have to face the darkness as the personality soul

collapses once more into the Gnosis of Absolute Being



On the death bed, there is one fleeting instance - a timeless

moment of no mind - before the imagination takes over and once

again the soul embarks on the battle cycle of birth and death


unless ..



Truth is forever knocking at the door ..

will you reply ..


"Go away,

I'm too busy searching for truth"



== Christopher Wynter





This post is also archived for reference on the open archive


along with previous posts in this series.

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