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To stop the narrow way Now is the blind alley of the last enemy

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This is an urgent broadcasting of a private mail




At Nov the 6th, 4:57 AM, I wrote to you:


"The cellular memories to be discerned and cleansed seems to pop up into me

like pop-corns. It is af they are demanding release in a hurry! On Nov the

4th, another 3 lifetimes with an energy level of 42,000,000,000

loosened. However, I decided to wait a bit til more karmic knots loosens

before using the sword against these energies too."


Tonight at 17:30 PM, the loosened karmic knots reached 32 lifetimes and an

energy level of 932,000,000,000. It will be released soon.


There is a lot of shamanistic incarnations therein. Today I had several

in-trance black-outs, and felt intuitively like walking on a knife-edge

forwards where both sides outside the course was the coming to an dead end,

the coming to a cul-de-sac, the blind alley. Still waters were every life

dies........ A darkened alley where precious pearls are swallowed by

surrounding "pigs-of-resistance".


+ + +


I can only warn as much as possible anyone now to rebirth the ancient

clairvoyance, that is, the pre-Christian shamanistic clairvoyance here in

the North, at least. In the "Prophecy of the Sibyla", "Volven" states:


Geyr nú Garmr mjök Garm howls raging

fyr Gnipahelli, in front of the Gnipar hollow [ of Hel ].

festr mun slitna, The fetters will burst,

en freki renna; the wolf will be on the loose.

fjölð veit ek fræða, She see much,

fram sé ek lengra I see more

um ragna rök of Ragnarok

römm sigtíva and the god's death struggle.


Three times the wolf howls - because there are three wolfs. And it is MORE

than a symbol when Volven said "wolf". Those who rebirth the ancient

pre-Christian Norse clairvoyance, will meet a terrible revenge from these



On the astral planes, the rage of destruction right NOW from the forces of

opposition and LIES are worse than any rage of destruction comprehensible

from animals on the physical nature. And they attack the *Self*, the center

in oneself able to transmute darkness into light.


To stand at such clairvoyant images as the "fenris wolf", to stand there

PARALYSED without proceeding, is the most dangerous thinkable right now.

Just as Loke (Lucifer) killed Balder, the ancient Norse clairvoyance, such

will these monstrous astral rage use every powers available to destroy the

incoming clairvoyance of all humanity.


This is the trap, this is the blind alley of "half-way clairvoyance" I have

felt these latter days, nay for nearly a year. This is the meaning of

Volvens warnings that "She (who possess pre-Christian Norse clairvoyance)

see much, I see more !"


The third wolf is on the loose. "Wooolfe... Wooolfe..." are the cries of

lamentation astrally, cries in an ancient and forgotten Germanic language.

And the horrible norse goddess Hel, the third wolf or DEATH, is the "last



Bræðr munu berjask Brothers shall fight

ok at bönum verðask, and slay each others,

munu systrungar the childs of sisters

sifjum spilla; shall defile the kinship.

hart er í heimi, Evil is the Earth.

hórdómr mikill, Adultery is widespread.


skeggöld, skálmöld, Axe time ! Sword time !

skildir ro klofnir, Shields is climbed.

vindöld, vargöld, Wind age ! Wolf age !

áðr veröld steypisk, before the world wanes,

mun engi matr no man will

öðrum þyrma. another spare.


To awake the "double", such as some shamanistic circles practices it - even

in Norway, these "double" which Castaneda refered to and in America has it's

physical radiation base underground in the areas of Michigan / Wisconsin /

Ontario and in North Dakota / Montana Saskatchewan, easily lead to a blind

alley, a rebirth of clairvoyance without any of those qualities that have

developed in the last two thousand years. "I am the master of forms, and

from me all forms emerges........." was the shouts from these guardian in US

in 1995.


A local clairvoyant here in Norway adviced me tonight to stop my rune

studies due to "several early shamanistic lifes". I think the best is to

break any contacts with shamans subconscously RESISTING the second

opportunity for the whole mankind to manifest the immortal light body.


They are my subconscious pain in the ass.


For - the "wolf" has destroyed the past inspirator of the throat Chakra.

Wodan / Odin - or "Uuooothan" which was his original name, a name used among

the frankish germanic tribes - something long forgotten in the fog of

prehistory, CAN NOT manifest the light body.


In these autumn season stands the migthty image of archangel Michael. He

kills the dragon of lies, the illusion of death, with his sword.


Volven predicted that a future god would would overcome death and kill the

last enemy. Michaels sword is stronger than any atavistic images of

clairvoyance. As such, she predicted the coming of the Archangel which have

played such an important role in the daily life here in the North.


Þá kemr inn mikli Now comes the son of the Victory Father,

mögr Sigföður, the mighty Vidar

Víðarr, vega to battle

at valdýri. with the deadly beast.

Lætr hann megi Hveðrungs He will with his hands

mundum standa his sword pierce

hjör til hjarta, the heart of Hvedrungs son,

þá er hefnt föður. thus avenging his father.


But - the future of immortality is NOW, glowing in our fleshly cells!


San Divas


Blessings from Norway


+ + +


For new readers, I repost parts of an earlier posting about the Germanic God





Veit ek, at ek hekk I remember that I hang (up-side down)

vindgameiði á in the wind-whizzled three

nætr allar níu, in nine nights whole,

geiri undaðr wounded (nailed) by spears,

ok gefinn Óðni, sacrified to Odin,

sjalfur sjalfum mér, my self sacrified to My Self,

á þeim meiði above me in the Three,

er manngi veit from where no man knows

hvers af rótum renn. where it roots sprang


Við hleifi mik sældu No one gave me bread,

né við hornigi, neither something to drink,

nýsta ek niðr, I gazed down in the abyss,

nam ek upp rúnar, I picked up runes,

æpandi nam, singing I picked them,

fell ek aftr þaðan. down again I fell


Fimbulljóð níu Nine magical songs I received,

nam ek af inum frægja syni from the wise son of

Bölþorns, Bestlu föður, Bolthorn, the father of Bestlan,

ok ek drykk of gat and I drank as a gift,

ins dýra mjaðar, from the dear drink

ausin Óðreri. baled up by the Odrers


Þá nam ek frævask Then I got an refreshment,

ok fróðr vera and wisdom came,

ok vaxa ok vel hafask, and I grew and felt well,

orð mér af orði words were from words born,

orðs leitaði, from words procreated,

verk mér af verki deeds were from deeds born,

verks leitaði. from deeds procreated


+ + +


Such does the ancient, but unnamed norse clairvoyant female called

"Volven", explain in ancient norse the origination of the germanic rune



Given by Odin - the Archangel of Scandinavia, the runes are remniscents

from the Atlantean language....


Not only the physical society and culture has changed during the centuries.

The consciousness has gone through a transformation. The ancient ones

experienced our world in another state of consciousness. They were actually

BORN clairvoyant in a sense. Their assemblage point of consciousness was

another place than now; therefore, we should be very carefull when

interpreting their view of the world with our present standards...


Then came a time when more and more people lost these natural ability. In

southern Europe, these darkening reached it's climax about 300 AD, but up

here in Norway, Sweden and Iceland, the natural clairvoyance was still very

alive as a part of the culture. "Volven" (the Sibyl) was higly respected.


How was the ancient norse clairvoyance? It was different than in India, in

Persia, in Palestina, in Greece etc. It was different from any other

culture. ... Even the clairvoyance was different in different cultures and

time periods; no direct comparition is neither truly correct nor possible.


In ancient Greece, they made the myth about Janus - the god with two faces,

each pointing in each direction. A similar figure is found here in the North

.... The ancient Norse population lived in two worlds. They experienced the

spiritual secrets of nature, of the nature spirits, in another dimension,

separated from the awake state we experience today. And the awake state -

which observes only the outer, material expressions of things, was

considered "blind".


The God who symbolized these clairvoyance was called "Balder"... Balder was

the ancient clairvoyance - an imperfect word because it means much more than

just to "see" in another dimenson. "Balder" had a brother (the awake state)

who was BLIND - "Hod" was his name. And the ancient ones up here pendulated

between these two states of consciousness.


The God who killed Balder was called "Loke". Loke is the same entity as

Christians knows as Lucifer. He manipulated the blind brother "Hod" to kill

"Balder" with a misteltoe - a parasite like Loke himself.


And the God Odin could not prevent Lucifers destruction of the ancient

clairvyance... And why was Odin helpless? Loke - Lucifer, gives the answer

in one of the songs of "Volven":


Do you remember, Odin,

that we, in the beginning of time,

once mixed blood with each others?

To drink from the cup (The Grale) you rejected,

before we both were invited!


After "Ragnarok" - The Latter Days, Balder and Hod will be reborn as one

person, that is, a new state of consciousness will unite two altering

assemblage points of consciousness.



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