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Just a little note . Robert Ryder who affectionately is known as

Gator has a daily and because of computer problems he has lost his list for

now. I know some here are on the list get his daily so if you would please

email him at Skyeryder

to let him know your email address, he would like to put everyone back on.

If you do not get his daily well friends you are missing something quite


many hugs and joy



Mira could you please put me back on Perceptions of Life

thanks big hugs to all.




Sunday, November 11, 2001 8:07 AM

Digest Number 1475








All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.





There are 10 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Witness

"jb" <kvy9

2. Closer

Mace Mealer <mmealer

3. Witness


4. RE: Greetings Friends from Wim and Lynette {note for harsha at the


"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

5. Mike/ Last words of the Buddha

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

6. Maharshi- your Self is intimate to you

"viorica weissman" <viorica

7. Jan, speaking of parrots

"Gloria Lee" <glee

8. Ramana Maharshi : Karma - 1

viorica weissman <viorica

9. Re: Jan, speaking of parrots

"diana" <diana

10. Re: Jan, speaking of parrots/Glo

"jb" <kvy9






Message: 1

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 13:23:28 +0000

"jb" <kvy9





kissed compulsiveness

it can't affect the witness

nor can hormone's bliss







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Message: 2

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 09:33:39 -0600

Mace Mealer <mmealer










When a cockroach engenders

the same response as a puppy.


When eating chicken soup

you feel the pain of the chicken.


When you realize that any tree

that shelters all who sit

beneath it,

has a perspective and

and suchness beyond



You are getting closer.






















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Message: 3

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 18:46:06 -0000




hi Everybody:


"Buddhi, as the sum total of the inner organs, in contact with the

reflected consciousness has two aspects. One is called egoity and

the other mind."

Shankara's "Viveka Chudamani"- Sri Ramana Maharshi




The inner organs are the parts of the brain that process stimuli into

an organized world view. Smells, sounds, tastes, sights, and tactile

sensations must be perceived in context with experience. The 'world'

that forms around sensory input is the sum total of the inner

organs. Every experience is catalogued according to this world view.


Logic, intuition, imagination, dreaming, and memory while pure in

themselves must rely on this world view for information to process.


The two aspects of the combination of reflected consciousness and the

sum total of the inner organs as stated above are egoity and mind.

In looking at the patterns made by the relative proportions of the

four different brainwaves one sees mind as the ripples that cross the

otherwise smooth and perfectly reflected consciousness. These

brainwaves can be controlled by the ego. Egoity, while existing as a

reflection, assumes the mantle of the real Self by its command of the



The conclusion is that the physical world is non-existent as an

understandable, independent entity without the mind which arises

simultaneously with the ego. Hence, the disappearance of the world of

thought and form with the disappearance of the ego.


Viveka Chudamani-

...."The contact establishing identity (sameness, [bg]) between the

ego and the reflected consciousness, is of three kinds.


1. The identification of the ego with the reflected Consciousness

is natural or innate.


2. The identification of the ego with the body is due to past



3. The identification of the ego with the witness is due to



....The individual with his reflected light of Consciousness is the

subtle body existing in close proximity with the Self that is the

vyavaharika (The empirical Self). This individual character of the

empirical Self appears in the witness or sakshi also through false

superimpostion. But on the extinction of the veiling power (tamas),

the distinction between witness and the empirical Self becomes clear;

and the superimposition also drops away."



Bobby G.







Message: 4

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 21:28:51 -0500

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

RE: Greetings Friends from Wim and Lynette {note for harsha at the




Lynette [Lynette]

With Love, Lynette


PS...Harsha, Wim and I and my husband Rick hope to come to Denver in June,

but I do need a date if you have one... Can you please email me personally

with this information so I dont "miss" it in the shuffle...


Thank you so much,


and Love to all of you...Lynette


Hi Lynette,


Like others, I enjoyed the warmth, friendship, and the fellowship of the

first retreat at the Providence Zen Center very much. Amazing, when we look

back, is it not?


If we have a retreat in Denver, and there is a very good chance we will,

it will be in the August 9-14 range. Those are the dates for my academy



Hope all is well

Love to all








Message: 5

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 21:31:43 -0500

"Harsha" <harsha-hkl

Mike/ Last words of the Buddha


Thanks for your warm and kind words Mike and thanks for the advice! :-).






MikeSuesserott [MikeSuesserott]

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:15 AM

Last words of the Buddha



Dear Harsha,


thanks for the information about the Buddha's last words. I am so sorry to

hear that you are going through a stressful time in your life. If I may make

a totally immature and irresponsible suggestion, why not get yourself a

video of some old comedy such as The Munster Family or I Love Lucy or the

like, and enjoy some innocent fun for a little while.


I am being serious about the importance of having fun! To quote Thomas

Sydenham, a famous 17th-century medicus, "the arrival of one good clown in a

village has more healing power than the arrival of thirty donkeys laden with

medicines." And in one of his books, Dr. Raymond Moody tells about a cancer

patient who watched light-hearted comedies for many hours a day, with the

result that he was free of that cancer after a few weeks' time.


As regards a contribution to the HS magazine, I feel honored that you should

ask me (or probably you are just desperate!). Let me think about this for a

little while. Is there a deadline?


All the best,










Message: 6

Sun, 11 Nov 2001 05:40:15 +0200

"viorica weissman" <viorica

Maharshi- your Self is intimate to you



Q : Yoga means union , but the union of what with what?



Exactly . Yoga implies prior division , and subsequent union

of one thing with another . Who is to be united with whom ?

In yoga , you are the seeker , seeking union with something

that is apart from you. But your Self is intimate to you and you

are aware of it . Seek it and BE it. Then it will expand as Infinity

and there will be no question of yoga etc.

To whom is viyoga ? (separation) Find it.


from = Conscious Immortality =







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Message: 7

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 23:03:55 -0500

"Gloria Lee" <glee

Jan, speaking of parrots




A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. The shop owner points to three

identical looking parrots on a perch and says, "the parrot on the left costs


"Why does the parrot cost so much?" asks the man.

The owner says, "Well the parrot knows how to use a computer." The man then

asks about the next parrot and is told that this one costs $15,000 because

it can do everything the other parrot can do plus it knows how to use the

UNIX operating system.

Naturally, the increasingly startled man asks about the third parrot to be

told that it costs $30,000. Needless to say this begs the question, "What

can it do?"

To which the owner replies, "To be honest I have never seen him do a thing,

but the other two call him boss!"




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Message: 8

Sun, 11 Nov 2001 03:18:09 -0800 (PST)

viorica weissman <viorica

Ramana Maharshi : Karma - 1




The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi


Karma and Destiny


Sri Ramana Maharshi

Edited by David Godman



By David Godman


[source - http://www.hinduism.co.za ]


The theory of Karma is common to many oriental

religions. In its most popular form it states that

there is a universal accounting system in which each

individual must experience the consequences of all his

actions (Karmas); good actions bring good results and

bad actions inevitably result in suffering to the one

who does them. The theory also states that the

consequences of actions (also known as Karmas) need

not necessarily be experienced in the present life,

they can be carried over into future lives. Because of

this, several sub-divisions of Karma have been

postulated. The following classification, which was

used by Sri Ramana Maharshi, is common to many Hindu

schools of thought.


Sanchita Karma.

The store of Karmic debts accumulated from previous



Prarabdha Karma.

That part of one's Sanchita Karma which must be

worked out in the present life. Because the law of

Karma implies determinism in human activities,

Prarabdha is often translated as destiny.


Agami Karma.

New Karma accumulated in the present lifetime which is

carried forward into future lives.

Sri Ramana Maharshi accepted the validity of the laws

of Karma but said that they were only applicable as

long as a person imagined that he was separate from

the Self. At this level (the level of the ajnani or

the ignorant), he said that individuals will pass

through a series of pre-ordained activities and

experiences, all of which are the consequences of

previous acts and thoughts. He occasionally even said

that every act and experience in a person's life is

determined at birth and that the only freedom one has

is to realise that there is no one acting and no one

experiencing. However, once one realises the Self

there is no one left to experience the consequences of

actions and so the whole structure of Karmic laws then

becomes redundant.


Sri Ramana regarded the law of Karma as a

manifestation of God's will. He said that prior to

Self-realisation there is a personal God, Iswara, who

controls each person's destiny. It is Iswara who has

ordained that everyone must suffer the consequences of

his actions and it is Iswara who selects the sequences

of activities that each person must undergo in each

lifetime. One cannot escape from Iswara's jurisdiction

while one still identifies with the activities of the

body. The only way to become free of his authority is

to transcend Karma completely by realising the Self.














Find a job, post your resume.







Message: 9

Sun, 11 Nov 2001 12:41:00 -0000

"diana" <diana

Re: Jan, speaking of parrots


Perfect, Gloria!!!!


Grinning wide :)))




Laughing diana





, "Gloria Lee" <glee@c...> wrote:



> A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. The shop owner points

to three identical looking parrots on a perch and says, "the parrot

on the left costs $5,000.00."

> "Why does the parrot cost so much?" asks the man.

> The owner says, "Well the parrot knows how to use a computer." The

man then asks about the next parrot and is told that this one costs

$15,000 because it can do everything the other parrot can do plus it

knows how to use the UNIX operating system.

> Naturally, the increasingly startled man asks about the third

parrot to be told that it costs $30,000. Needless to say this begs

the question, "What can it do?"

> To which the owner replies, "To be honest I have never seen him do

a thing, but the other two call him boss!"







Message: 10

Sun, 11 Nov 2001 12:58:24 +0000

"jb" <kvy9

Re: Jan, speaking of parrots/Glo


Little Johnny was accompanying his mother, shopping. When they passed the

pet shop, there was a cute cockatoo - and it did cost only $10... Johnny

wanted it but his mother wondered why it was just ten bucks. They entered

the pet shop and asked...

"Why is the cockatoo just $10?". "His former home was with a couple of

ladies of pleasure who taught him a lot of naughtiness". "Then I'll

reeducate him" the mother said.

At home, the cockatoo started to use f... words and neither peanuts nor a


could change its behavior. The mother pointed to the fridge and the cockatoo

said "you bitch!!". That put him into the fridge but just after an hour, he

was freed from it.

And he was changed completely... Asking what did him change his vocabulary,

the cockatoo said "that bald chicken must have been behaving really bad...".

So when Johnny's sister came home, she was greeted with "Hi dear lady,

welcome, you're the second one here, let's have fun". Then Johnny's father

arrived from work: "Hey Mike, what kept you so long?"




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