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Vintage Harsha

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- Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)

; Advaitin (AT) Onelist (DOT) Com

Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:19 AM

(no subject)

"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" I wonder, if ultimately, what we

are attracted to or repulsed by (evenideas or spiritual teachings, or

our interpretation of those teachings,etc.), might be reminding us

indirectly that we need to in some way becomemore accessible to the

pull of the Absolute, that magnetic attraction to ourown Center. Only

that reminder, that nudge, that thought is enough. Even ata feeling

level, not always amenable to clear expression, it is enough.Perhaps

that is a preface for allowing that powerful force of surrender tothe

Divine to come into play.All attempts at understanding are after all

with the mind. How far can onego with that? Far enough, I suppose.

But if you go far enough, you will cometo an edge and if by Grace you

are pulled into the Heart, that is alwayscalling, you (along with your

attempts to understand) will surely disappear.The terror of total and

complete loss of identity ends in the Knowing that,Self It Self is

the Totality and the Identity, and That is the Clarity andthe Bliss

without any support what so ever, and utterly, eternally

complete.That, the ancient sages and scriptures tell us is the Heart,

which requiresno support, which has no cause, but which supports all

the play ofconsciousness as the background. Indeed, all consciousness

arises from it,as the Heart It Self is That.Here Reality is Known and

Recognized (through It Self and by It Self) asalways shining in Its

Natural Form by Its own Light. This is the Silencewhich is immovable,

and in perpetual communion with It Self. It is theCenter and the

Circumference. Call it God, call it Self, call it No Self,call it

Emptiness, or call it the Void, call it Beyond God and Self and

NoSelf, or call it something else, or even coin a new term perhaps to

suit thetimes. What difference can it make at that point? To Know It,

is to Be It.The mind cannot contain it or completely obscure it, as

the mind sprouts upfrom only That. The essential and diffused "I"

nature of the mind, whenlooked for, disappears and the Heart as

Awareness become apparent. Sageslike Ramana say that, That Is the

Truth, that You are the Truth. Know itwith the finality of your

Being.Harsha--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

----------------------------ONElist: your connection to online


paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is

Radiance of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The

Truth needs no psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no

philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no teacher,

and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence.

Welcome all to a.

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in the form of a poetic dialogue, this poetic dialogue explores this very idea....

Who is the Beloved

(a duet)

“God has hidden the sea and revealed the foam.

How could the foam move without the sea?

But you see the foam and not the sea.”

-Jalal al-Din Rumi

My Beloved....

Confining him to my standards and conditions,as I believe should

prevail in this Universe,keeps me separate from hewho excludes no


yes, my love....

i am that freedom to reject,

the tension that binds

love and hate, marriage and divorce,

salvation and damnation, satiety and


abstinence and reconciliation, birth and death

all dualities between life and resurrection.

i am that bondage,

the freedom that awakens maddest joy.

To embrace him as the Universe,is to undertake an adventurewhich is most destructive in nature.

to embrace me is to leave the known for the unknown


is to melt your arms into plowshares, your plowshares

into holocausts

and allow even your dreams of salvation to rust and


It destroys beliefs, ideas, thoughts, concepts, egos....It is a

surrender to what is,and in that surrender to strive hard for what is

not,and still unconditionally believe in what should be.

i am the archer, i am the bow, i am the string, i am

the arrow

i am sir pellinore and i am the white hart and i am

the quest

in that i require all things, innocent or depraved to

join the quest

that is not a quest, i am that that arises neither as victor nor falls as victim.

Of that Glory I sing.Of that unparalleled wisdom and incomparable madness I write.

of all that is glorious i know nothing.

of that remnant that must remain forever unknown and

enigmatic, i am.

Like the water is he,who is the essence of every formyet effortlessly drowns our villages.

nay, like none of the elements, am i

not even the blue flame at the heart of the

refiner’s holy fire

essence beyond pure form, i am, form beyond pure


Like the air is he,who is the breath of every formyet remorselessly destroys our homes.

nay, not even like virgin space, am i

the seamless womb of all that was or will be

cradling the birth of each exploding messianic star

Like the earth is he,who is the food for every form,yet unsentimentally ruins our crops.

nay, neither like prostitute time, am i

the serpent oroborus devouring itself

that like the phoenix it may arise yet again

Like the fire is he,who is the sustenance for every form,yet uncompassionately scorches our pride.

nay, not even like lifeless eternity, am i

i am not all things in that i am beyond the summation

of all that things that in arising redefine infinity

All is and are the beloved.People are the beloved.

yes, all creatures bright and dull,

insensible and sensible, are beloved

All qualities united,in one single form.

unity within multiplicity

complexity within simplicity

Illusion of harmony...

nightmares of eternal chaos....

Reality of disharmony...

dreams of infinite order...

all created to sustain

in one integral cosmic embrace

the suffering of dualityfor itself,

the bliss of love

loving love,

and arise from the ashesinto the discovery of nondualityof itself.

only to fall again from beyond

into the discovery of what lies beyond

the illumination of nothing.

I sing the glory of the great Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer.

i dance not as one but three, not three but as one i


My beloved,never the sameyetalways the same.

without you i am nothing,

what is that maddest joy,

with you i am something,

who is that holy child

always, still

am i a holy child?

nay, we are that


My beloved, i am you.

”In the name of the father, and the son and the holy spirit

as it was in the beginning and ever shall be

world without end. Amen.”


Mark Christopher Valentine


- Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)

; Advaitin (AT) Onelist (DOT) Com

Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:19 AM

(no subject)

"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" I wonder, if ultimately, what we

are attracted to or repulsed by (evenideas or spiritual teachings, or

our interpretation of those teachings,etc.), might be reminding us

indirectly that we need to in some way becomemore accessible to the

pull of the Absolute, that magnetic attraction to ourown Center. Only

that reminder, that nudge, that thought is enough. Even ata feeling

level, not always amenable to clear expression, it is enough.Perhaps

that is a preface for allowing that powerful force of surrender tothe

Divine to come into play.All attempts at understanding are after all

with the mind. How far can onego with that? Far enough, I suppose.

But if you go far enough, you will cometo an edge and if by Grace you

are pulled into the Heart, that is alwayscalling, you (along with your

attempts to understand) will surely disappear.The terror of total and

complete loss of identity ends in the Knowing that,Self It Self is

the Totality and the Identity, and That is the Clarity andthe Bliss

without any support what so ever, and utterly, eternally

complete.That, the ancient sages and scriptures tell us is the Heart,

which requiresno support, which has no cause, but which supports all

the play ofconsciousness as the background. Indeed, all consciousness

arises from it,as the Heart It Self is That.Here Reality is Known and

Recognized (through It Self and by It Self) asalways shining in Its

Natural Form by Its own Light. This is the Silencewhich is immovable,

and in perpetual communion with It Self. It is theCenter and the

Circumference. Call it God, call it Self, call it No Self,call it

Emptiness, or call it the Void, call it Beyond God and Self and

NoSelf, or call it something else, or even coin a new term perhaps to

suit thetimes. What difference can it make at that point? To Know It,

is to Be It.The mind cannot contain it or completely obscure it, as

the mind sprouts upfrom only That. The essential and diffused "I"

nature of the mind, whenlooked for, disappears and the Heart as

Awareness become apparent. Sageslike Ramana say that, That Is the

Truth, that You are the Truth. Know itwith the finality of your

Being.Harsha--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor

----------------------------ONElist: your connection to online


paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is

Radiance of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The

Truth needs no psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no

philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no teacher,

and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence.

Welcome all to


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

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