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Giving Thanks

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Hi All,


Every moment is a blessing. The longing to celebrate life lurks just beneath

the surface of each breath, straining to break free and shout, Yes! Yes!

Yes! to whatever that moment brings. To say yes to love. To say yes to

freedom. To say yes to joy. To say yes to pain. To say yes to compassion. To

say yes to heartbreak. To say yes to stillness. To say yes to peace. To say

yes to the full spectrum of human experience, even when that yes carries

with it a call to arms. For this isn't a passive yes, it's a passionate one.

But whether this yes means getting involved or taking a breath and stepping

back, in saying yes, a deeper knowing, a deeper wisdom, a deeper life



Every moment invites infinite possibilities. The truth is that we don't know

what this moment will bring. If we honor that truth, by letting go of

expectation, of story, of self, anything can happen. By embracing the

unknown, we are openness itself. We are freedom.


This Thanksgiving was probably the most meaningful I've ever had. On

Wednesday, we found out that my mom had a tumor. Not wanting to leave her

alone for several hours, as she was in a great deal of pain, I decided not

to go to Thanksgiving dinner at my dad's. On Friday, he brought us a

complete Thanksgiving dinner. While my stepmother is a fabulous cook, it was

their thoughtfulness and love that made that meal so special. It was their

giving hearts that I gave thanks for.


Today, we saw the doctor and got devastating news. While I curse the cancer,

life is still a blessing and even more precious than before. There was a

time when I would have tried to use my spirituality as a defense against

pain, when I would have used the idea that "illness is an illusion" as a

shield to lessen the blow. But I don't feel that way anymore. All I want now

is to remain completely open to whatever arises, be it pain, laughter, fear

or joy. I want to loosen my grip on the the story of illness and suffering,

in order to be fully open and present to what each moment holds.


Will the coming weeks and months be difficult? Yes. Will there be suffering?

Yes. Will there be laughter? Yes. Will there be tears? Yes. Will there be

joy? Yes. Will there be heartbreak? Yes. Will every moment be savored and

celebrated, no matter what it may hold? Yes.


Being present has taught me that every moment is sweet. That opening to pain

often opens me to the ever-present ocean of love which is hidden in plain

sight, longing to be found. Life can be absolutely devastating, at times,

but trust in the midst of pain can bring truth.


The truth that every moment is a blessing to be thankful for. EVERY moment.








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God bless you Julie and prayers for your mother's healing. Caring for my mom

at her death was one of the greatest spiritual experiences of my life -- I'm

now a hospice volunteer as a result. The opportunities for healing are

everywhere, even, maybe especially, in the middle of grief and fear. Love,


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Hi Julie,

>Every moment is a blessing. The longing to celebrate life lurks just beneath

the surface of each breath, straining to break free and shout, Yes! Yes!



>This Thanksgiving was probably the most meaningful I've ever had. On

Wednesday, we found out that my mom had a tumor. Not wanting to leave her



>Being present has taught me that every moment is sweet. That opening to pain

often opens me to the ever-present ocean of love which is hidden in plain

sight, longing to be found. Life can be absolutely devastating, at times,

but trust in the midst of pain can bring truth.


>The truth that every moment is a blessing to be thankful for. EVERY moment.


I'll be thinking of you in the months ahead. I was with my Mom in

her last years and at her death, and it was ALL a great blessing.

Memories to cherish always.




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