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Staying in the clear 2 (was RE: Sat Chit Ananda and suffering)

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Second of three email copies


Hi Mark,


Thank you so much for your reply.


You wrote:

>>> Time has distanced me from the events which inspired the above


post. It is obvious that in rebuffing your unsolicited efforts to provide

me with counselling, I displayed an obvious lack of good judgment and taste


expressing myself as I did. I was formally reprimanded by both Harsha and

Mira and accept the justice of their reprimands. Side-stepping the legal

issues surrounding my right to freedom of speech on the internet and your

sad attempt to intimidate me with the threat of legal action, I would like

to personally apologize for the manner in which I addressed you<<<


You can "side-step" all you want Mark, but that only serves the purpose of

you not being aware of the gravity of your unjust, unfounded and

ill-motivated allegations against me.

>>>... my right to freedom of speech on the internet and your

sad attempt to intimidate me with the threat of legal action, I would like

to personally apologize for the manner in which I addressed you.<<<


Yes, you have the right to freedom of speech, but you do not have the right

to accuse someone of inappropriate or criminal behaviour without any

substantiation, especially when you raise the issue to the wider spectrum of

a public forum.


Freedom of speech, yes!


However, when you take whatever information you gathered, rightly or not

rightly, out of the privacy of your home (into which, by the way, you had

freely invited me to freely come) and when you divulge that information,

whether it be correct or not, to a public forum, as you did in your response

to my *private* email to you, (which private email you also published

without permission, which is poor netiquette), then the need for

substantiation of your allegations increases. It increases as much as your

personal responsibility for such statements in a larger social context

increases, especially when they happen to be false. (Which I assure you that

they are.)


The onus here is not on me to exonerate myself, but the onus is on you.

As you cannot possibly substantiate any of your allegations as they simply

are not based on fact, I urge you strongly to apologize publicly to me and

to the members on the three lists where you posted your comments, members

whose welcome you exceeded and whose trust you offended. Please, see the

terms re: Member Conduct at the bottom of this email.


I also urge you to withdraw your statements regarding this issue fully, as

well as that I urge you to request from the various list owners to purge

your offending email from their archives.


I urge you to do that within two weeks from today. When you do not retract

your statements publicly and when you do not offer sincere and unconditional

apologies to me on the three lists, Perceptions of Life, and

the Thomas Merton list, legal action will ensue.


You wrote:

>>> ...your sad attempt to intimidate me with the threat of legal



Such is not a threat, such is what naturally happens when one slanders

fellow human beings by spreading falsehoods.


I urge you to get this done and over with forthright and forthwith as

failing this, the legal consequences for you do not bode well.

>>> I do, however, stand behind the veracity of the allegations I made

against you.

They are based on your own testimony given in our home and that of one of

your clients made directly to us via e-mail. <<<


I did at your home talk about myself, but only as an illustration of the

wondrous powers of a miraculous healing process which cured me fully of

unwelcome and unwholesome 'tendencies'. Tendencies indeed... but tendencies

only, not acts.

As for testimony, I give testimony to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, who

helped me to NOT be what you are alleging me to be.


The "veracity" of your allegations simply cannot be the true, as what they

are based on simply did not take place. The unfortunate conclusions that you

drew can only come from a mind that did not take in all the information

offered and that was out to deform the meaning of statements expressed in

truth and trust and confidence and love.


The characteristics of a "pedophile and an "abusive sexual predator" are

quite outspoken and glaring and can be well proven and substantiated. I have

however, never ever given in to the urges that certain tendencies in me, may

have prompted me to do. So, it is impossible to substantiate any of your

allegations, as I have never done any acts of the kind.


When I speak of certain tendencies that I may have had, I always indicate

that I was only "this close," showing my index finger and thumb about half

an inch apart.

Indeed, maybe "close" but no harm done, ever, absolutely not.

Through prayer, I was always protected through the help of God and... a

personal vow that I made to God, not to do to others what had been done to

me when I was a young boy and an adolescent young man, being preyed upon and

being molested myself. I have written about that often enough in my postings

to the various lists.

>>> As a non-credentialed

guru/spiritual therapist, your practice and conduct violate the professional

code of ethics d to by licensed and legitimate practitioners of the

psychological sciences.<<<


I have never indicated that I was a therapist, I have a patron / client

relationship with the people who visit me and who invite me. I am known to

them as a visionary, mystic, and intuitive healer. Depending on the

religious or spiritual background of a client, pretty well in every meeting

with any client, I indicate my close relationship to Christ and when any

healing takes place it is through that miraculous work of love and

compassion from and through Christ.


My work in no way replaces, prevents or hinders any professional help that

clients are taking. The report that clients take home with them, states such


In fact I support any medical, psychological or spiritual treatment that

clients are undergoing from professionals, licensed practitioners or clergy.

It is true that many of my clients get referred to me by licensed

practitioners, physicians and psychologists who ask me specifically to take

care of certain aspects of their patients' healing that they may not feel

able to deal with.

>>> In short, during your visit with us you shared personal information with


about XXXXX that was a blatant violation of her right to confidentiality.<<<


XXXXX is a lady who I know and love for a long time, and I am proud of her.

There is nothing unwholesome in our relationship or of such a nature that

can be called immoral. My wife is fully aware of certain aspects of my

dealing with people to restore unconditional love into their lives. To give

it a name, one could say that the practices are fully in accepted Tantric

tradition, Indian as well as Tibetan.

>>> Further, you have definitely crossed the line defining the


relationship. XXXXX has personally confirmed the fact that you were

sexually intimate with her while she was under your care and treatment.<<<


XXXXX, as she wrote privately to you, was never under my "care or

treatment," what I am asked to do is the restoration of real life and love

in real living situations, not in a clinical environment devoid of, or low

in love, feeling and spirit. I do get personally invited into people's life,

very often by the husband and the wife together. The fact XXXX would divulge

our intimate relationship to you could be seen as proof that no

confidentiality was breached. All I do is above board and above reproach.

>>> Even though as far as I am concerned, you are both ethically and morally

depraved, I am willing to let the matter pass. If, however, you insist on

pursuing the matter, I have no problem defending the allegations in the

public forum of the e-groups to which we mutually .<<<


You can be as concerned as you want, you can judge whatever you want, in any

which way you want; I have no control, (nor do I want control) over how you

deal with moral and ethical issues. However people who keep maligning and

slandering, will not for long remain welcome on public e-forums.

I doubt if Harsha's people will be willing to entertain your

"schermutselingen" (skirmishes), I also doubt if Mira will let this happen.

And definitely the Thomas Merton list is hardly the place for this.


It serves no greater purpose, your scheme would be to no avail

>>> I will gladly

forward all correspondence related to our exchanges to both Harsha and

Father Pat as a means of informing them that you are using the internet and

their e-groups to solicit clients and that you have a predisposition and

history of victimizing vulnerable people in need of serious professional

counseling under the guise of offering spiritual advice. <<<


If you forward any private email, be at least forthright and ask me if you

can. It is bad netiquette to do that without permission and also... look

were it got you...

>>> Based on your conduct in my home, <<<


I recall that in your "thank you" email after my visit with you, >>>hey

wim-san....dinner was loverly....next time it is your treat....<<<

you mentioned no conduct of a sort that could lead towards social banning or

shunning, the way you suggest it in your following paragraph...

And can you really tell what my conduct was, my actions? Are you sure you

are seeing reality? You do not even remember or relate my spoken story about

myself without deforming it or lifting stuff out that you somehow need to

build a case for your righteous judgement of me...

Are you sure that whatever you saw as conduct, is really the way things


>>> I have no problem at all recommending that you be banned

from the lists we mutually to.<<<


You can recommend anything you want, Mark, it does not matter to me. My

sense of being and self value does not depend on it.

I do not need a public forum to get recognition or not. I do my work, (fully

booked as I am) in the full knowledge that it matters to the people who

invite me to restore love in their lives, and that THAT matters to God as

the promise and prayer of "thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as

well in heaven" gets fulfilled. That I may help a little bit, for that I am

grateful, that I serve a greater love for mankind, and... that God does not

judge as you seem to do...

>>> It is my opinion that you are a false guru, i.e,

a charlatan and fakir who's conduct is legally questionable.<<<


Like I said, God does not judge the way you do. God's purpose with me is

more than what you just stated in so many words... Who shall I use as my

counsel, you or my heavenly Father?

>>> In closing, the only satisfaction I can offer you is to

apologize for the poor judgment I exercised when I attempted to expose your

questionable professional background, personal history and conduct.<<<


Well Mark, like I said, you have two weeks to think this over...


Warm Regards and Sincere Love Mark.






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